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Everything posted by ghostmaster

  1. I would assume then that the boosted signal provided enough signal quality to get the full bandwidth. Easy fix. I wish they were all that easy.
  2. What wireless protocol are you using? N or G?
  3. My assumtion would be a fault on the FIOS TV box. Is it leased? If so, it shouldnt be an issue getting them to swap it out.
  4. http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?t=981647&page=155 Ask the folks on this thread. I used to havbe this TV, but the contrast issues drove me nuts. These folks might be able to help. Did you have an HDTV before? If could be an HDMI issue on the FIOS TV box. I would try replacing that first.
  5. You are aware of FAP right? http://go.gethughesnet.com/faq/fair-access-policy.cfm Latency will be around 600ms at the minimum, which is perfectly normal for Hughesnet. Signal has a long way to travel, nothing can be done about it. FPS games are out of the question. Unless you play online chess, gameing is going to be very difficult.
  6. Hughes has footprints in Baja, but if you only have 2 months left there, I wouldn't sign up for Hughes, as they require a 2 year contract regardless of if you buy the equipment. I don't think Wildblue services Baja, but I could be wrong.
  7. try http://www.superantispyware.com Make sure to run the updates on it first...
  8. Unless you are using a DW4000 (not likely), there are no cablenut settings that will help you. The modem acts as a proxy/router for your internet connection, so any tweaks you make, will only affect the connection between your computer and the modem. And that won't do anything. The best thing to do is make sure your keep your dish clean, and check your signals often. Other than that, you are at the mercy of Hughes....
  9. Could just be a generic position description, with Raleigh added in at the end.
  10. http://www.vmware.com/products/server/ VMWare server is free. They just don't plaster it all over their website. They'd rather you download the trial versions of their enterprise solutions in the hopes that you'll buy it. It's actually pretty robust for something free. They'll both get the job done though....
  11. Thats why I don't bother overwriting serveral times. One is enough....
  12. I like eraser. http://sourceforge.net/projects/eraser/ Assuming you use windows that is....
  13. As far as tweaks are concerned, there pretty much aren't any. Wildblue and Hughesnet modems are self hosted, meaning any tweak you make on your end, only affects the connection between your computer/router, and the modem, not your connection to the internet. Making sure that your hardware is setup correctly, is the best way to get the most out of it. This would include dish-pointing, connector quality, and stuff like that. If you want more details on how to check your setup, visit http://www.dslreports.com/forum/sat~also=wildblue+starband
  14. I prefer Opera...
  15. Im just glad that apple annouced there were dropping all DRM by April. I hope that means they'll release an update that removes it from all of your current downloads...
  16. I have had to use superantispyware 3 times today on client machines, all of which had numerous rogue malware issues. Works like a charm. It has a lot of secondary features as well, which can be used to "repair" a lot of things malware leave behind, like fake proxys, and stuff like that. I wish it could be installed in pure safe mode though. I have to go in and enable windows installer through msconfig to get it install, then switch back to safemode to run definition updates and scan. Not a big deal though, saves me a lot of trouble from having to re-image client machines. We ended up buying a 250 seat site licence for the professional version, and im going to push it out to client machines soon.
  17. http://www.superantispyware.com The best anti-malware program I have found.
  18. If you plan on going with an Intel i7 core, you'll need 3 gigs, as it uses triple channel memory....
  19. Exactly, you had to go to the BBB to get them to do something.
  20. Actually, that many pixels on a 15 inch screen would just make everything really small, and wouldn't make a lot of sense. Either laptop is a great buy..
  21. I pretty much have to agree with dlewis here. Once you go mac, you never go back! Im a PC guy, but I love my MacBook Pro. It just feels like an entirely differnt machine than a normal laptop. Subtleties like the LED screen, and the LED lit keboard just make it that much more awesome. You can even run Dolby 5.1 out of the headphone jack, since it duals as a 3.5mm headphone jack, AND a mini-toslink port! Windows and Linux both work mostly flawlessly on them as well.
  22. That's true, they do.
  23. Yeah, I hate the avatars. Its just, stupid. 360ers aren't 7 year olds. Most of us are teen's to young adults, who could care less about these stupid avatars. Party mode is awesome. Finally, I don't have to listen to a bunch of bratty shits while playing COD. I can just talk to my friends. Game installs are pretty cool too. Fallout, Madden, and COD load and feel smooth running from the HD. NTM how much quiter the living room is without that damn drive spinning so loud. Plus, I don't have to worry about the discs while my 360 is standing vertically.
  24. My auto update doesnt work most of the time, in either Vista 32 or XP. But it's free, and it takes 2 seconds to do it manually so it doesn't bother me...
  25. If you're using IE, make sure that the phishing filter is turned off...
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