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Everything posted by raptors892004

  1. I bet that's not Norton 2005
  2. Maybe that's why their Internet is so bad.. They don't let users go -> their net suffers -> users hate AOL -> switch to broadband.. Their plan doesn't work.. lol .. Noone will stay with their slow connection and high ping times
  3. there is also a pro version, but I am content even with the free
  4. I got an SMC router and it works pretty good too.. Didn't have any problems with it, but I may get Dlink one day too
  5. i guess they don't want ppl using other ISPs.. My friend had AOL years ago (the 3 months free one).. Every month he would call to cancel the free net and they would say "We give you one more month free".. At the end he got cable
  6. i've tried itunes.. its pretty nice.. as for bs player i think it is bull$hit player.. it crashed a lot.. everything else beats it in usefullness
  7. if you want the players which reads all formats of video and audio I think, get VLC Media Player
  8. I'm gonna try the beta.. See if its better than the MSN betas.. lol
  9. That's why its got the nickname AOHell and such..
  10. Nice speeds.. Far better than my 3000/384 connection..
  11. I got better things to do with my RAM than to give it to Google.. F@H
  12. Who wouldn't like that.. I pay almost as much as that now for a 3mbit/384k internet.. And I still get capped from my ISP..
  13. Here's my theory.. The more popular the game -> the more lag it gets on the servers, cuz more people play it, therefore more stats to update and such things.. Maybe not as much people played it at the beginning and now the servers can't handle the load quite as good as before..
  14. is that instant infecter AIM? .. if it is, cool name for it
  15. Its probably the game servers that are lagging, because your connection is pretty good.. I'm guessing that the netcode is the multiplayer code and it may suck because of large code transfers between players (in order to play with other human beings over the internet).. Do other games work fine now after the cablenut settings?
  16. That's a good point too.. I don't know if it can.. I only have a 300W PS, but I guess I can try.. If it doesn't shut down on boot or during a game (NBA 2005) then I guess its OK.. Do you guys know any other symptoms of inadequate Power Supply (e.g.: something concerning the voltage readings or something like that..) ?
  17. Maybe they were one of the affected AOL customers.. lol
  18. i spend all day online cuz I have cable and I'm always connected.. lol
  19. Its a guess, but maybe email addresses from the AOL customers?
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