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Everything posted by Ryan314

  1. http://www.gizmodo.com/gadgets/tag/hasbro-tooth-tunes-musical-toothbrush-34159.php http://www.hasbro.com/toothtunes/ Is it really that hard to get kids to brush their teeth nowadays?
  2. OMG your so lucky.. im still waiting for my power boost
  3. :2funny: ive seen that before. aww man good stuff.
  4. http://www.thinkgeek.com/index.shtml http://www.allthingsgeek.com/mambo/ theres a few i found on google. Dont know if you have them already though.
  5. http://www.userbars.com/ i googled it =)
  6. thanks.
  7. Its just temporary burts of speed on downloads. I havent gotten it yet and i think its bs. because theres like no competition with comcast where i live so they dont care about me. As soon as fios gets here BYE BYE COMCAST!
  8. okay, goodnight. I registered on the site. Not too sure if i was approved yet ill have to check
  9. i like this evenescence song!
  10. but if your talking about second shifters i dont enjoy the music. *opposite day*
  11. Okay today is opposite day. I HATE YOU WATER!
  12. Wow nice, that looks very cool. Nice pics.
  13. Im sure most would agree with me, everyone here enjoys this site and the people on it for the most part. I sure love the site ive been here for a long time now. Probably a year but im not too sure exactly. Well its good to know other members are enjoying it as much as i am.
  14. http://www.gizmodo.com/gadgets/announcements/ps3-web-browser-first-look-212032.php looks pretty neat. Reminds me of the PSP browser alot.
  15. OMG i was 2 when AOL came out. Holy Sh#t
  17. And of course all of the TMN current moderators and admins etc would have server admin so if someone acts up they get kicked or banned depending on what they do. Only problem is having someone host the server.
  18. :2funny: LMFAO! *bows to water for posting this* OMG
  19. ya im sure alot of it was exagurated as with other movies that claim to be based on a true story. Some are almost exact to the real thing but most of the time no one will know but the people who experienced the actual thing
  20. Was the movie V for Vendetta based on this event?
  21. I hated VLC player, it totally screwed up my system. Not too sure what it did but after the install i lagged whenever i opened it. The file associations were messed up as well.The program tried to open a psd in VLC
  22. .... lucky bastard
  23. Works for me too. but im not x64
  24. WMP 11 seems quicker in the ways of load times than WMP10.
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