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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. I'm wearing my Sweden t-shirt right now . Can't wait for the game, go SWEDEN!
  2. Thats too bad to hear, but it looks like a nice place from the pictures.
  3. Haha you know what scruffy would be saying right now... goooooooooogle.
  4. Heres my shot. (I'm on the left)
  5. Yep. Anybody wanna see a pic?
  6. 7-foot-2 267 pounds
  7. Wow! 420 pounds.
  8. Wow, I just got served.
  9. Have you checked Road Runner Business Class? You might even be able to get a t1 for about what you are paying now.
  10. Have you checked to see that you are getting all the speed you are paying for? Try a speedtest during off hours to make sure you are getting close to 1meg. As far as other ISPs go, I'm not in Florida but I will check for you. How much are you paying per month for the 1 meg service so I can make some comparisons?
  11. Backup all your bootlegs ahem, I mean files and then format and install xp home.
  12. This is what comes up with that ip: OrgName: VPLS Inc. OrgID: VPLSI Address: c/o ACS Government Solutions Address: 1400 S. Grand City: Santa Ana StateProv: CA PostalCode: 92705 Country: US Krypt Technologies Doesn't sound farmiliar to me. VPLS Inc. is a hosting company http://www.vpls.net/. And it looks like Krypt Technologies is a division of it.
  13. Hmm yea I just clicked that link and it seems clean of viruses. I know I clicked the link at it downloaded a file from some ip, starting with like 202. Maybe at that time I was directly connected. Let me go check the logs. Got it. The link being spammed turns out to show up as [ link] but it actually links to the following which you should not click http://209.0*.24*.16*/public/profile.myspace.com.
  14. Relevance? ^
  15. I applaud him for all his charity work and the money he has donated.
  16. I feel that those fines are way to high, but stations shouldn't even have to worry about that. The stations should have say a 5 second delay on their programs so if Janet's clothes malfunction again they have 5 seconds to go to commercial or cut the feed or do something.
  17. Good idea. Also the people who sent me that link seem to want to direct connect with me, that could be another thing the virus is doing.
  18. It seems to just send that message automatically to your whole buddy list.
  19. Just got this message from a person on my aim buddy list (don't click the below link) they're talking about us on myspace [ link ] I was dumb enough to click the link because it was from a trusted friend. Apparently it sends that link to everyone on your buddy list, besides that I'm not if does any damage. Luckily Kaspersky seems to have caught it right away. Has anybody else seen or heard of this?
  20. Is it a driver problem? Or just having troubles connecting to networks?
  21. That must be very light.
  22. Try and take a pic with the flash off cause I can't really make out anything on the tv, looks like its off.
  23. So they don't even have to knock, they can just bust down the door and start searching? Even if they have a warrant you at least deserve a knock, and nobodys there or they choose not to answer then you bust down the door.
  24. Nice, how is Second Shifters doing?
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