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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. I think it looks ok, but what I wouldn't mind seeing is the connection is and download speed be bolded as those are generally the ones that I look at, and if they were bolded they would be easier to see as everything is smaller now.
  2. Ya, do you have any virus protection?
  3. Maybe upgrade your video card and see what intel and amd has up their sleeves as far as next gen cpus.
  4. Pardon my ignorance, but what's so great about ipv6?
  5. 8/512 And recently I've been getting over 8 on the main server.
  6. Pretty bad for me Your connection is: 3920 Kbps or 3.92 Mbps You Downloaded at: 479 kB/s You are running: 68 times faster than 56K and can Download 1 megabyte in 2.14 second(s) Member Ident: Username:richcornucopia CompID:64027037890 Test Time:: 2006/05/19 - 9:19am Test Browser and OS info: Opera/9.00 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Test ID: 3NC4D5POI (if this is a screenshot go to testmy.net to see if this is fake) Diagnosis ^info^: 90% + Okay : running at 91.52 % of your hosts average (mindspring.com) This was tested from a 5248 kB file and took 10.969 seconds to complete Must be because the mirror is so far away.
  7. I read about this earlier. I think Microsoft has enough money to get out of any lawsuit.
  8. That's not good, but very impressive. Lol, like to see him try and hack testmy.net .
  9. Do you have the port forwarded correctly on your firewall? And try to download just one torrent that is very popular with lots of speeds. Pause the others and limit the upload to 10.
  10. Do you use a router? Set your upload to like 10.
  11. That makes since, unlimited is too good to be true.
  12. Unless you need unlimted bandwidth 1and1 looks better, more storage and cheaper. 2 domain names 50 GB web space 1000 e-mail accounts 500 GB traffic 4.99/month 3 domain names 100 GB web space 2000 e-mail accounts 1000 GB traffic 9.99/month 5 domain names 150 GB web space 3000 e-mail accounts 1500 GB traffic 19.99/month And No hidden charges No setup fee 90-Day Money Back Guarantee for all of the packages.
  13. Your connection is: 8762 Kbps or 8.76 Mbps You Downloaded at: 1070 kB/s You are running: 153 times faster than 56K and can Download 1 megabyte in 0.96 second(s) Member Ident: Username:richcornucopia CompID:64027037890 Test Time:: 2006/05/18 - 4:26pm Test Browser and OS info: Opera/9.00 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Test ID: DEY7VXU0R (if this is a screenshot go to testmy.net to see if this is fake) Diagnosis ^info^: Awesome! 20% + : 104.48 % faster than the average for host (mindspring.com) This was tested from a 5983 kB file and took 5.594 seconds to complete
  14. That would be cool, but how would it work? When you sign up would you choose your isp, like have a list where you can choose it? Of have it detected automatically by your ip? Might not be the best for people who use proxies, or are at different locations. This sounds like a great idea, just need to figure out how to implement it.
  15. On a different note I saw this video on mtv yesterday.
  16. Anyway I liked the idea of free outgoing calls so much I called up the local pizza place using skype and ordered.
  17. I downloaded it and tried to call my cellphone and it works all for free. The number shows up as like 01234.
  18. Yea, kinda like i2p.
  19. Skype, which offers software that allows people to talk over an Internet connection using their PCs, is trying to get more people in North America to use its SkypeOut service, which typically charges people to make calls to a traditional or mobile phone. Skype calls made between PCs are free. Skype, owned by online auctioneer eBay, doesn't break out the number of people using its premium services such as SkypeOut. But as of the end of April, it claimed to have more than 100 million registered users, nearly double the number of registered users it had in September 2005. About 6 million of those consumers are in the U.S., said a company spokeswoman. By comparison, China has 13 million registered users and Germany has 5 million. "Millions of consumers around the world are flocking to Skype every month," Henry Gomez, general manager for Skype in North America, said in a statement. "And we believe free SkypeOut calling will rapidly accelerate Skype adoption in the U.S. and Canada." While Skype executives are hoping to drum up more business with this promotion, SkypeOut calling is free only until the end of 2006. What's more, calls made to and within all countries other than the U.S. and Canada will continue to incur charges at current rates. The free SkypeOut promotion comes at a time when competitors such as Yahoo and AOL are integrating more call features into their instant-messaging clients. Starting Tuesday, AOL instant-messaging users will be able to use AIM Phoneline, a new service that allows people to make calls from their IM client to regular phones. AOL's service lets subscribers get free incoming calls from regular phones. But it charges a monthly fee to make calls to regular phones or cell phones. In other news: Got a need for broadband speed? Your computer may be a pain in the neck Newsmaker: Breathing new life into Xerox News.com Extra: Dawn of the digital factory job Video: Apple's new MacBook While the SkypeOut service will allow free calling to regular phones, the company will continue to charge people to get calls using a service it calls SkypeIn, which costs about $38 for an unlimited 12-month subscription. Consumers can get the service for three months for about $12.80. Skype is also trying to attract new users by enhancing its services. Last week, it released a new test version of its software that adds more features and functionality to the service. For example, it's adding a feature called Skypecasts, which are live, moderated discussions that allow groups of Skype users to discuss shared interests. The company also added SMS (Short Message Service), integration with Outlook e-mail contact lists, and shared contact lists. I think this is gonna bring tons more users to Skype, as people see its free they will try it out and some will probably pay for SkypeIn.
  20. If I remember correctly there a quite a few users from Canada on here, so I'm voting for Sweden.
  21. It will probably be in iso format, so you need a program like nero to open the iso and burn it to a cd, then you can boot from the cd and run dban.
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