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Everything posted by FGOKURULES

  1. hell, I think a 1ghz, 512mb ram 128mb video card (for standard definition tv) will be a basic DVR/PVR. only if it;s used for only that purpose. Now wanting to multi-task and do other things like burning and web browsing like we normally do of course we would need something a bit stronger..
  2. Yeah I have to agree if not going to a plasma widescreen hd monitor then I would go with a crt. To me they are way clearer than lcd's and they do last longer..
  3. Whats so good about the 64bit edition of windows?
  4. My question is Are you listening to the same song when your doing this or is it doing it to anything you listen to? My machine restarted once when i downloaded and opened an mp3 off the web. We do have some ass holes out there who love to phreak still.
  5. What Speed Package do You have from your Internet Provider?
  6. Your gigabit cards may have a crossover feauture built into them, but most 10/100mb nic's don't have that capability. Most computers don't have 1000mb nic's.
  7. If your going to connect 2 desktops togehter Without a router MAKE SURE you use a RJ-45 Crossover cable to do so!!!!!!t
  8. Wow a pencil? Old fan needs a running start huh? Well invest into a new computer then, if not kepp the old one running relentlessly
  9. I want one so Bad Now!!!!!
  10. We know some are not avatars were just having some modest fun
  11. It just shows erorrs within the modem at a given time. Usuallythe modem corrects itself and move on, thats why it's not the same error twice at the same time... This happens for a number of reasons,,, like I said 90% of the time the modem corrects it
  12. Please we all know that thing is going to be around $10,000.00 dollars and probably won't be available to the general public until 3 years later... :>(
  13. Hell I could think of at least 10 things I could use that to
  14. Window's Always finds some way to piss us off
  15. DAmn That was insane I wonder how fast of a Processor and GPU you would need to use that?
  16. I like Redhat I use it to write some scripts for my CAble Modem, Uhh Uhh for educational Purposes,, yeah,,,,, education... that will work.... But I think this is unix I use.
  17. First of all what language do you speek because I don;t understand anything you just typed?
  18. DON'T BUY IT!!!! You can get a nice PCI Wireless card for under $15.00 at a Computer/Electronic store, hell Even the chain stores may have them under $20 but if your not comfortable with opening your computer then go for it...
  19. Maybe it's just me, but aren't those upgrade prices RIDICULOUS? I mean $110.00 dollars for an upgrade to DataSafe 160GB (Includes main hard drive plus a hidden reserve hard drive) [add $110 or $3/month2 ALL THAT IS, IS A PARTITION ON THE DRIVE... Thats not an extra drive! Do they think people are that stupid? Though WE know We would never buy a system short of building our own.
  20. Like I said a very dumb idea indeed but were just here to help
  21. TELL HIM MAN,, Seems like someone has to talk since into him. At first I thought people were stealing his connection,, duh turn on firewall and password protect router.. but i see thats not the case.. Dude if your isp sees like a constant network connection with massive data downloads there GOING to suspend your account I guarantee it....
  22. LEt me get this straight,, You want to charge other people to use your DSL from a wireless connection?
  23. Hell Norton IS A VIRUS!!!!!!! I can't stand the bastards who made that program.. HAve you ever tried removing that F@cker from your system? Piece of shyt is what I say to Norton!!!!!!
  24. That one about retards is funny check this out>>>
  25. No I got it from a friend,, come on show some cool pics also!!! EVERYONE!!!!
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