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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. It was a missing line in one of the language files, I was just tring to remove the version number... I'll have that off there in a minute
  2. I meant to do that right away when I posted that... I'm still going to get to that hehe
  3. I'd post and reply to my messages... but I'm fuckin tired, I busted ass today... talk to you guys after I get some rest -D
  4. nevermind... suse was buggy for me.. I went back to ubuntu -- well kubuntu --- fuck gnome, KDE all the way.
  5. opensuse is definitly the best. Very large community with real support and it shows in the end result of a very clean running linux distro. I've tried them all now.. all the suggestions... and that's my final verdict -- can't wait for 11 to come out
  6. Just wanted to let you know... the upload results were off because of a bug.. I've corrected the issue, you may want to test again, your results may have been scewed. :::.. testmy.net test results ..::: Download Connection is:: 17122 Kbps about 17.12 Mbps (tested with 25600 kB) Download Speed is:: 2090 kB/s Upload Connection is:: 1072 Kbps about 1.1 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Upload Speed is:: 131 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Main) Test Time:: 2008/04/30 - 4:04am D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-CN4HKMPRI U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-NMUSKX2CA User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080208 Mandriva/ (2008.1) Firefox/ [!] And this only counts for tests taken in the last 24-48 hours or so.
  7. Okay, I tried Mandriva and was able to get into the live deal... where you can see the OS without installing it. But for some reason the install process hangs and fails, I then gave Ubuntu a try and install hung up also, but I didn't try it on my other computer. What I think I'm going to end up going with is opensuse, my download is about to finish then I'll be giving that a try. I'll let you know what I think. -D
  8. Have you read any articles that mention testmy.net... post them here ad share with us. Here's one I found today.
  9. Try testing again, just to make sure that your issue wasn't related to a recent bug fix I just put in place. -D
  10. OKAY, try it now... I found the bug.
  11. Give it a try now Thanks for bringing that to our attention. -D
  12. yeah, the SmartBro community has become pretty large... I think given a little more time it will end up being huge because it's only been a little bit of time and it's already become fairly large. Thanks for making testmy.net your home, we love you all -D
  13. I'm wondering what build of Linux would you guys go with for a home system. As you all know I use Linux for all my servers, testmy.net of course runs off Linux. But a build that's good for a server isn't nessisarily the best for a home GUI system. TMN runs off RHE4 btw. I saw in some other threads here people talking about one specific build that I ended up looking up at their website... it looked really cool and was thinking about using that one but now I've forgotten what it's called, instead of looking through the 1/4 million posts here I figured I'd just ask. I also figure by asking we would in turn have a thread here that some other people can find later on and end up getting help from. It's been a couple years since I installed linux on a home box so my question is... what's the latest and greatest out there right now... what are all the kids talking about these days Thanks for the help, -D
  14. Well, I haven't used OSX extensively yet so my optinion is a little partial. All I know is that I've been using Vista for a long while now and I LOVE it, compared to XP it kicks ass. Run beautifully smooth for me, media center is kick ass on my livingroom PC but I guess that comes with some versions of XP... but I didn't know about that until after I started using Vista Ultimate. For shits and giggles I'm going to install Linux on my livingroom PC to give it a try, I'll be starting another thread to ask the community what Linux build they reccommend as of right now. I've only really used Linux on my servers so I use RHE. The last time I installed Linux on a home box was years ago and I know that there HAS to be some pretty sick ass builds out there for home use that I'm unaware of. I love the discussion in this thread, thanks to all that are participating... very good feedback and a very nice debate. You all seem to have a very strong opinion and seem to have done your homework. Thanks again, and keep up the debate, very nice read indeed.... wow that rhymes!
  15. Why does everyone talk so much S#!t about Vista? I think that Apple has brainwashed America... read on and you'll understand what I mean. I f**kin looooove Vista. I've also had no problems with Vista. As long as you have a good computer Vista works great. Sure, if you're trying to run it on your Celeron 1.2GHz with 512MB of RAM you're not going to be happy but as long as you install it on a decent machine you're good. I've used it personally on three of my machines and have used the 32 bit and 64 bit versions -- and have had very little problems... problems I'm sure would have been worse had I been using Windows XP. Not only have I loved Vista since day one... of course AFTER the beta (I do admit that the beta sucked, BIG TIME, bug city. My sound card wouldn't even work.. but once the full release came out it was fine). But it also make my installs on a couple of my machine much easier because I don't have to deal with the third party RAID drivers. Something that I've always thought was retarded in windows XP... I mean why the hell do you have to install the raid drivers from a floppy drive? Is it 1992 or something? (I was just thinking how funny it would be to see the windows XP install on floppy disks, you open a U-Haul box to find 450 3.5" floppys.. haha). It was just annoying, especially on a machine that has no floppy drive. They should have at least given an option for CD-ROM with a floppy default or something. But with Vista I haven't had to deal with that at all because all my RAID and SATA drivers are included, All and all.. I love Vista, I have no problems with it and I seriously think that the friggen Apple commercials have brain washed everyone into thinking there's all these problems with Vista. I think that after seeing the commercials so much it ends up making people think that they've heard bad stuff about Vista when infact they only heard it from a commercial... then they tell a friend "I've heard so much bad stuff about Vista.. don't upgrade yet..." -- then that turns into "Oh, my friend told me that Vista has nothing but problems... don't get it yet..." -- then that turns into "My friend had Vista and they said it has nothing but problems, a total nightmare... don't get it!" -- and in truth none of those people had first hand experience with it... the source was most likely an Apple commercial that ended up starting a rumor! You all have to agree with me! -- Touch
  16. Alright, I took care of that error. It was actually only one error, but because the error was part of the site template it ended up becoming a global error... The form tag for the new google search at the top of the page wasn't closed out, so all the forms on the site thought that they were part of that google search form and ended up being submitted to the google search section of the site. All that matters is that it's fixed, thanks for reporting the error -D
  17. Looking into this now I'll post an update when I'm done.
  18. Why, THANK YOU! I think so too, to tell you the truth. All of the wallpapers in the 'newer' folder were all hand picked by myself. The ones in the older folder were mostly submitted by users a while back when I had a little deal where members were making wallpapers for the site. And also... I'm in the process of uploading another 400 wallpapers that I hand picked from Deviant Art. They are mostly female artwork and photography but there are some that are just cool artwork. I'll be adding more later... but after picking out 400 images I got a little tired, if you'd like you can submit wallpapers to me by sending them to my email address. You can get my email addy from my profile >> http://www.testmy.net/profile-2 -- A cool place to find them is at www.deviantart.com and the best portion of the site to look at is under http://browse.deviantart.com/customization/wallpaper/ or even better is http://browse.deviantart.com/customization/wallpaper/widescreen/ --- I really need to add more kick ass artwork wallpapers from there that aren't hot chicks, when I was looking earlier I was pretty much looking at only beautiful women. So if you could email me some that aren't females that would be a big help to me. There are so many artists on that site that I looooove, they do such awesome work. This guy especially has very nice work >> http://mehmeturgut.deviantart.com/ -- out of all the artists I looked at today he had, by far, the most artwork on his profile... about 35-40 pages of art, each page containing about 24 images (so between 840 to 960 images, WOW, he's a busy artist). And it's not like the images are just photos, you can tell that most of them have very extensive post production computer aided work done to them, you could tell that each piece had a ton of TLC and time in it. A true artist. So anyways, I hope you all enjoy the wallpapers. If you'd like any of the images without the TMN logo on it just let me know and I'll give you a key to turn the logo off (I wrote a script that adds the logo on the image for me, when you select an image the server actually edits the picture, adds the logo, then outputs the resulting image to you...... hell, do you think I'd add the logo to the 1000 or so wallpapers by hand.. bah ha ha, I think not! Cool thing about doing it the way I'm doing it is that not only does it save me time but also if I want to change the logo or the location of the logo all I have to do is edit one configuration file and it makes the change globally -- haha, very nice indeed. Sometimes I even impress myself, not to be conceited or anything, hehe). Oh, also, if you email me wallpapers please send me a PM to let me know so that it doesn't end up getting lost in the billion emails I get daily at that address (plus I don't check that address as much anymore because I've been using a private address for a while because my TMN email is almost impossible to keep up with because of the sites popularity). --- another thing, above I said to PM me if you want one of the images without the TMN logo on it... well while I was typing this message I ended up making some changes to the image display script, there's now a link at the bottom of the page that gives you the option to remove the logo -- - ENJOY GUYS! - D
  19. I've added about 200 wallpapers to the collection, check 'em out. There's some hotties in there also . http://www.testmy.net/wallpapers -D
  20. Try unplugging your modem, wait like 10 seconds, then plug it back in... this will force it to redownload your config file from the TFTP server... I hope this helps. -D
  21. Thanks, someone reported that a while back but I forgot to take care of it. It's fixed now, check it out >> http://www.testmy.net/tools/the_bench_version2.php -D
  22. I'm working on larger upload test files, hang in there. -D
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