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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. Happy 20th! One more year and you can hit up the bars!
  2. hey dlewis.. that's how I write happy birthday to people! haha HAPPY BIRTHDAY .s1 !!!! (tomorrow) -- DjVaGGo turned 20 today also!!
  3. Oh, by the way.... speaking of people sending requests during times like that; there were so many requests sent by people during that outage that there was 4GB of error logs, in turn overflowing my /var partition. Do yourself a favor and the webmaster a favor when you see problems like that... give the site some time to repair the problem. By sending thousands of requests you are only making it take longer to repair --- from now on I'm going to kill public access durring repairs so I don't have to deal with all those requests, lol
  4. Sorry, had a little issue there I've fixed the problems. I was making an update to the site and made a complete mistake. I have corrected the issue and business will resume as usual. Too bad we had about an hour of downtime --- sorry for the inconvenience. The thing that makes repair a headache sometimes is that when there is an error everyone that's on the site keep refreshing pages and keep sending requests. When you times that by the hundreds of people usually on at any given time it can be taxing on the server and taxing on my nerves.. hehe. -- All that matters is that everything is restored. - Damon
  5. Never longer than 36-48 hours... I like to sleep too much to stay awake any longer That one radio show guy in the 30's or something tried to stay up as long as he could and shortly after he did it on AIR (I think he set a sober reccord at like 5 days or something, during which he hallucinated many, many times... having waking dreams) he ended up basically going crazy. It was BAD, his wife and family left him and lost his job... he ended up losing everything all because of trying to stay awake and beat the world reccord. He was just never right in the head after that. (someone see if you can find information on that, I'm curious to see exact dates and how many days he actually stayed up because I'm sure my facts are a little off) -D
  6. I'm number 2 -- lol, only because I deleted number 1
  7. {}# `/3@# ---- |337 1$ g@`/ - |{}| - w3|| 7#3 {}|3|2 |_|$3 {}|= |337 1$ g@`/ -- 17$ ({}{}| 1/V ^^`/ /V1(|< "CA3LE" but if it was written "(@8|_3" it's just a little over done. Oh yeah CA8LE just never looked right to me
  8. `/{}|_| |){}/V'7 |</V{}w |337 $|_|(|<@ .)|_|$7 |<1|)|)1/V' `/{}|_||2 ({}{}|
  9. It's because we rule
  10. :-/ -- I was hoping they would have changed the look a little bit -- it looks just the same I guess I need to read that article and see what's changed
  11. By the way.. you can....... Download it HERE -- 5.4MB downloading from ftp.mozilla.org
  12. Thanks man.. I sure will. It's helping me get more stuff done. It helps me script while I'm doing other stuff instead of being confined to my office. only thing I don't like about it is that it's kinda big because it's a desktop replacment laptop, it's 7lbs Fallow, how is your laptop going for you? How much does yours weight... I bet yours is a couple lbs lighter than mine. --- What I reeeeeeealy would love to have is a Vaio, they're so nice and small. But even better I would LOOOOOVE to have one of the new 'ultra-portable' series that they have check out the UX series. 4.5" screen! And it's powerful for it's size.. check it out (drool)
  13. what a beautiful sight to see
  14. Please join me in welcoming out 30,000th member "Electra S" -- you may notice that electra's user ID is 30027, this is because of members that have been removed for one reason or another over the years.... but electra is the TRUE 30,000th member WELCOME!
  15. from my new laptop connected through wireless :::.. testmy.net test results ..::: Download Connection is:: 8769 Kbps about 8.77 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 1070 kB/s Upload Connection is:: 1004 Kbps about 1 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Upload Speed is:: 123 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Server 1) Test Time:: 2006/07/12 - 1:35am D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-UYG6DV8BI U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-9HM7DIN2L User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.2) [!]
  16. 29998 -- I'm going to wait for 30k the 100K milestone will be a real big one. I think I may have to have a prize or something for that member
  17. Does anyone know why the language bar seems to keep coming back? I have disabled it from my taskbar hundreds of times and it keeps popping up. It does it on my desktop and on my laptop and has been driving me crazy for years, lol anyone have any clue why this keeps coming back? -D
  18. Wow, I didn't think it could get any better.. but somehow I got it to run even cooler. I just HAD to add this picture. I made a few more changes in my BIOS and look at the results... WOW My cpu is still overclocked 20.4% but my CPU is now running at 96
  19. hahahaha ... I'm sorry man, sometimes i get a PM and I say to myself "I will answer that in a minute." -- i get off my computer for a little while and when I get back on I have like 10 more messages and then I forget about the message I was supposed to get back to. sorry to anyone that has been a victim of my dis-organization -- send me the PM again please, I promise I will get back to you as soon as I read it. -D
  20. My friend Alex who just stopped by peeked over my shoulder and just saw me reading this thread and he said "The Star Spangled Banner en Espanol?" (he's Mexican by the way) "They'll have to rename it 'The Star Spangled Beaner'" -- then he sang "Jose, can joo see....."
  21. sure did.. that was one of the things I did --- I already had allot of that info in my 'my.cnf' file but there were a couple of lines that were different and I think they may have made the difference. --- I haven't heard of any database errors since... I also noticed that in the 'my.cnf' file I didn't have max connections specified, I used to have it in there but somehow over time it got deleted (I must have done it on accident one day) ... but I think that sealed the deal. -D
  22. I think it will happen early tomorrow
  23. we're now at 29963 Wow, already at 30,000 members.. crazy! ---
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