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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. But your ISP's ip addresses are resolved to gtec.net -- Cox.net does this too
  2. Thanks junkie (raises a glass of Single Barrel Jack Daniels)
  3. I see at least a couple more people on gtec.net (logs.. I just glanced) Yea I added that feature this morning... ya like?
  4. Thanks... just bustin' my ass over here, huh. lol Just figured I have all this data... might as well add SOMETHING from the database to the results page, this info was a small enough query to not lag up results page loading... so BAM!
  5. I used to have 12" floppys... if I look hard enough I might be able to find 'em --- lol -- I have a few 5 1/4" for sure ahhh... the bad 'ol days
  6. -- damn firewalls... one day they will add my site to their trusted list by default...
  7. By the way.. pages are loading swift on my end.. and actual CPU load on my server is waaaaay low right now.
  8. Just to see if the server or route was a problem.. I tested at a couple other major speed test sites... I got shitty results everywhere... Must just be my connection :-/ ~~ I was getting 5.7 Mbps with 460 online a while ago... TestMy.net :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 3388 Kbps about 3.4 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 414 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Thu Feb 10 2005 12:39:17 GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 60X faster than 56K 1MB download in 2.47 sec Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-Y8MHQKGD7 pcpitstop Download speed: 2349 kilobits per second Test details: 3354 kilobytes downloaded in 11.422 seconds. Receive buffer size: Not available DSL Reports 2005-02-10 14:22:14 EST: 3668 / 515 Your download speed : 3756934 bps, or 3668 kbps. A 458.6 KB/sec transfer rate. Your upload speed : 527580 bps, or 515 kbps. Toast.net Loaded 1,396,595 bytes in 4.625 seconds from 4web-space server. (2416 Kbps) I don't think is specifically my website... just a congested route, I will be buying another server pretty soon anyway. And will implement load balancing, very near future (hopefully)
  9. actually.. look at this http://s1pwnsyou.camaroz.net/ your source files are not allowed to be sent because you are over your bandwidth on your account (your using your test mirror riiiight) If there is no file to test from... how can it test
  10. Disable your firewall...
  11. Does it flash like it's trying to forward to the next test size? What size is it that it's forwarding you to (look at the address bar and find s=____ for instance s=1496 - 1496 KB test)) Thanks for your help..... some times web development can be a bitch because everything looks perfect on my end... and on all the many computers I have tested on, but under the perfect circumstances some people will have problems. By the way, are either of you running a firewall?
  12. ( I need to read about how to add entries to the dictionary of my server ) -- I will look into the SmarTest deal... the other sizes work if you click them directly?
  13. How did your internet get so fast all of a sudden?
  14. I am always changing stuff... what exactly is the site doing?
  15. This topic has been moved to Server Help. [iurl]https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=2330.0[/iurl]
  16. here it is 300 wide - PNG also a dt I made with blue
  17. Thank you -- I think it contrasts the grey very well... and the text under testmy.net white cleans it upa bit too.....
  18. I changed it a couple more times... lol
  19. (I just turned it on it's axis and shadowed a bit...) The S is supposed to look cut off... is that stupid or something... lol
  20. By the way.. you might notice that it's kinda like the data transfer symbol on internet ready cell phones (upload and download)
  21. Yea, I been working on it all day... lemme know if you guys think it fits --- honest opinions please - I will put up a poll (completely anonymous)
  22. You can take off spyblaster, ad aware, spybot --- your just eating up resources by redundantly checking files. Just have Microsoft Antispyware - have it set to update itself and scan itself every night. --- I additionally have set on mine; under 'tools' / 'spyware scan' / 'manage spyware scan schedule' - automatic removal and quarantine of everything, this way you just completely don't have to deal with it. Just IMO
  23. Yeah, that's why it always pays to back up all software with a stong anti-virus (I myself am a McAfee user - running VirusScan Enterprise 8.0.0) - all my shit updates daily and they are on top of shit... I'm not worried.
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