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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. I often get mistaken for the companies / IP addresses that I provide information on. Hey Claudio, You've mixed me up with a different company. TestMy.net (my website) provides information on IP addresses, to help people like yourself who are researching. It's very common for people to mistakenly email me thinking that I'm the contact for the information I provide. Just last week police in Australia mistakenly contacted me thinking I was the person in control of the IP they were looking into. I know that YHC Corporation addresses are usually VPN, when I connect to Goldenfrog VPN I'm sometimes detected as "YHC Corporation". The person that was trying to access your gmail was doing so through VPN to try to hide their identity. One way you can combat this type of attack against your Google services is to use 2-step verification. Once setup and you try to access gmail from a new device you'll get a txt msg on your phone with a code, like your bank does. It can be a pain sometimes with applications that require Google passwords, you have to setup App Specific passwords (in a tab on the 2-step page). Someone would need to have your password AND your mobile device to access your account. - Hope this helps. Re-visit TestMy.net and test your Internet speed... see what it's really all about. - Damon - TestMy.net
  2. Been a week and he hasn't downloaded the files. Oh well, I tried to help.
  3. You can see all of the results right in your browser. https://testmy.net/ho...lupe_valley_tel Change the results/page to get a wider angle. I hope this helps. Thanks for using my site! - Damon I usually only let people export their own data. But I see no problem exporting that one ISP for you. I just don't want people to have a way to extract all of my data. I need to take a minute to give the export program the ability to do that... I'll then email you the output. -- same CSV format as the "export" for your own stats. Give me a little time, I have some things to take care of first. - D Thanks for your patience..... and persistence. Here you go. Data going back to Jan 2012 for Guadalupe Valley Telephone Cooperative. I think I might make it so that you're able to download those tables right on the site. I could at least give users access to download their own host and location tables. Look for that in the future. I hope this helps your cause. Help me in return by spreading the word about what I do here. -D Attached Files guadalupe_valley_tel-testmy.net-stats.csv.zip 221.23K 2 downloads Wow, that's great news! I'm happy that I was able to help you. That's for following up, I always love hearing feedback like this. Happy Testing! - Damon Woot! I love helping people. If you'd like similar information don't hesitate to contact me.
  4. CA3LE


    Under My Results there are a bunch of share options. Note, copy to clipboard functionality currently requires Adobe Flash. Users without flash, like those on iOS have to copy from form fields manually. "Share This Query" just copies the page URL for your stats.https://testmy.net/quickstats/jamorris64 "AVG Image" Gives you the image URL https://testmy.net/avg/jamorris64.png "MAX Image" Gives you the image URL https://testmy.net/max/jamorris64.png "AVG Forum" and "MAX Forum" make it easier to post in forums by formatting BBC code for you. "AVG Forum" (copies to clipboard) [url=https://testmy.net/quickstats/jamorris64][img]https://testmy.net/avg/jamorris64.png[/img][/url] Output when pasted in a forum: "MAX Forum" (copies to clipboard) [url=https://testmy.net/quickstats/jamorris64][img]https://testmy.net/max/jamorris64.png[/img][/url] Output when pasted in a forum: There's also a "Live Sig" button that you can't see on the screenshot (because it only shows up for you) This outputs an image that updates automatically with your latest test results. You can also share individual results by clicking the "Share" link next to the result in the detailed list below the graph. If you want to share two results in one copy the Test ID from one of the results, then click share next to the other. Paste the 2nd Test ID and create image. Click "copy 4 forums" (copies to clipboard) [url=https://testmy.net/db/Tl7RZKd.2q7VPG1][img]https://testmy.net/Tl7RZKd.2q7VPG1.png[/img][/url] When pasted outputs... There are many ways to share results. I'm sorry if it's confusing at all, I'm working to make it easier for everyone.
  5. I'll make sure to update the plans on that page today. I'd like to make those ISP details user editable like wikipedia eventually.
  6. Geolocation by IP is only about 81% accurate at the city level within a 50 km radius. A generalized area is better than nothing. I also feel its better than asking you what city you're in. In the future I may allow refinement by GPS, it's actually already built into the site I've just never turned it on for the public.
  7. Thanks supplier_t -- I appreciate the kind words. I'm happy to help.
  8. try testing with http://eu.testmy.net --- following that link willl switch servers then run some tests and we'll see from there.
  9. Under My Results check the boxes next to the results you'd like to delete then click the red X. If you have a huge number to delete change the "results/page" to show more then click the checkbox at the top to select all. You can achieve the same result without deleting anything by filtering your results. Change the "Days" field to only show that many days back.
  10. Did you find how to delete? I'm only seeing a couple results now, so you must have. You can also keep your old results and change the 'days' field. Personally, I don't delete anything. I like to look back at how my connection changes over time.
  11. According to specs I found 3G only works in China. The band that it uses is only supported in China.
  12. Get any of them that have PCIe. Install a PCIe graphic card, then go into the bios and disable the integrated graphics. Think of your integrated graphics as a failsafe. If your PCIe card ever has issues you can take it out and your integrated graphics will kick back on. Doesn't hurt to have integrated video, audio, wifi, ethernet. Not as bad as they used to be back in the day. Just make sure you buy a board with quality chipsets.
  13. I was just reading a rather in-depth overlocking and performance review of the i7 4790K. They used the ASUS Z97. Pumping it up to 4800 MHz.
  14. What he means is "No" It's normal to see that in traceroute. Beside that, you would need to see a traceroute from both directions (e.g. the server needs to traceroute back to you) to properly analyze it for issues. TestMy.net does this for you regularly as a member. It's called TraceMy.net. Here's the trace for your address. Most residential connections route through routers that ignore ICMP, it's more rare going out to commercial services. The issue that you're having with that trace is that the address isn't there. ca3le$ ping live.twitch.tv PING live.twitch.tv ( 56 data bytes Request timeout for icmp_seq 0 Request timeout for icmp_seq 1 ^X^C --- live.twitch.tv ping statistics --- 3 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss Hard to trace something that isn't there. I guess it could be ignoring ping too.
  15. A post just came in from a twitch user related to upload speed - A lot of odd issues with streaming video game footage. Results maxing out at 94 kB/s back up the fact that he can't stream faster than 100 kB/s.
  16. They mean kB/s. Results before signing up https://testmy.net/compID/6412217638 upload results are maxing out at 94 kB/s so he must mean kB/s.
  17. I'm happy that you've positively identified the problem. In my opinion you should use that temporary weather proofing as just that... temporary. If you want the best service the drop needs to be replaced, with no splices. What worries me is that without weather proofing you're seeing an issue... meaning that water is getting in, somewhere. It may work better when its dry but too late... it's been exposed. It will corrode and more issues will follow. Get that drop replaced and make sure they do it right this time. It may already be corroded, your service may improve further once the drop is replaced.
  18. Totally accurate. I was pulling 3 MB/s in the middle of that test but the score was dropped to 2.6 MB/s after accounting for the entire process. See the upload graph in Activity Monitor? That tiny blip and slight curve at the start dropped the score, as it should. It affects the quality of the connection and I think it should be included in the final result. jrtcjrjr has a good point, your comparing apples to oranges. BTW, I'm working to bring the TiP readings, larger sizes and multithread to the upload test. I hope that having more options and seeing more details of what happened during the test will clear up confusion in the future. ...always developing.
  19. Mine reports lower too. But if you take everything into account, from start to finish.. it adds up. Sorry you're not getting the results you'd like to see. If you think I'm wrong... use the other guys. There are no lies going on here. Calling it how I see it. Others see it differently. TMN isn't as easy. If you show me actual evidence that proves that the numbers reported are incorrect I'll take the time to make it right. But the only instance I've seen where it's not spot on (with the upload test) is when a client has over 300 Mbps upload speed. The max 33MB upload test is too small for connections that fast. I'm working to make it better. Other tests out there are shooting to give you the best number so they do things like multithread and adjust the worst out of the result. I feel my method is more realistic, it uploads files the same way you'd upload a file to any site and times the process. Not much to go wrong. If you want to know your best case scenario you're not in the right place. I'm not here to stroke your ego. If you want to be realistic and see numbers that represent what you can expect to really see, then TMN is the right test for you. Like I said, I upload faster than my results show too. But TMN is taking more than the middle of the result after it's rapped up into account, it's calculated from initiation to end. From the moment that orange box disappears till the page changes. If you're able to initiate the test faster, you'll score better. Outside of the test I notice that I'll upload much faster at first then in time it will drop down closer to the reading that TMN shows. Stream casters (e.g. twitch.tv users) love the upload test here because it represents their single thread speed to be expected, the real streamable bandwidth. I've heard them say (in many how to stream tutorials across the net) that numbers from other speed tests like speedtest.net will cause their stream to lag and have issues because the numbers they report are higher than the connection can actually handle. I read them saying, "only use TestMy.net." -- and "as long as I set my stream quality slightly lower than TMN reports, no issues."
  20. Hey Blake, welcome! I'm unsure of the answer. I just wanted to welcome you. Hopefully someone with first hand experience will respond.
  21. Larger tests are more accurate. Some connections will do the opposite of yours by the way. Since you know that you get a better sustained speed using larger sizes you should just continue to test that way from now on. That's why those options exist.
  22. Modem issues are one of the many things that Ookla tests commonly fail to notice (pretty major fail). Even my own mother has seen it first hand. Purposely had her test at speedtest.net (and Cox's ookla test just like Comcast's) when we knew for a fact there was an issue with her modem. Speedtest.net/ookla made everything look perfect. What do you expect to happen when the test ignores the worst portions of your result. And they admitted this in their own wiki! https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/28902-why-do-my-results-differ-from-speedtestnet-ookla-speed-tests/ -- bottom 30% and top 10% are discarded. So it's really no wonder why things would appear fine when they aren't, you've dropped the bad parts out of the result. Exactly what you came to see and want to know. TestMy.net will always reflect your true speed. I adjust nothing. It is what it is. Search twitter for "testmy.net" -- it's overwhelmingly one sided. Here's a small clip. It's never the other way around. I think it's possible that it could be your modem. But when the Comcast engineer is saying that he thinks it's beyond your home... let him do his job. I've seen many times where a client is unable to pull decent speed with my linear test, but they're able to still pull good multithread results. Swap of the modem and they write back, "thanks! runs great now. Why didn't the ookla test show that?" --- "I don't know, at least you know where to test it now." Ask regulars or read back in this forum a few months. It's ridiculous how often this happens. I made TMN to test and troubleshoot my own connection and then later continued to develop when I was a tech for Cox. It would have never been able to help me with my job if it adjusted the result for a unknown variables. It's really pretty simple, I don't know why others can't get it right. I start a timer, transfer data (the same way your pages normally load) then stop the timer. Your computer will transfer the data as fast as it can, if it can. TMN is raw in its operation, not much to go wrong. You can test confidently knowing that the only variable that can bring your score down is your computer and Internet service. Just how I like it. IMHO, it could be your modem. Especially if you still have DOCSIS 2, maybe that was overlooked.
  23. I didn't mean to come off rude. I was just hoping he'd pass the word along. Seems like every day at least one Comcast customer tells me that someone from Comcast has told them they can't trust these results. Wears on me.
  24. The Comcast Mercury Tests are also testing from files hosted on your network. The routing is the same as it is using your test, it just uses my platform. An alternative. Your company shouldn't be telling people that my site is unreliable. It's a lie. My tests help your customers every day when yours fail to do the job right. TMN has been testing your customers longer than you have by the way.
  25. Some better ones in there, but really it's the same thing we already knew. But maybe since the results are against their servers they'll be more inclined to listen. You have a lot of proof and they should have no problem seeing that there's an issue. Their test often scores higher than reality. It's common knowledge, at least around here it is. Now you have a test that uses the same servers and you can see... it's not the same result. If your connection allows, you can max out. I do. (this is using the Salt Lake comcast test) I'm not doing anything special over here. It's just being delivered.
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