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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. Hi James, All the proof you need is in your stats. Here's a couple of queries I did... https://testmy.net/stats/?&t=u&d=08112014&x=120&y=d&l=500&q=jpirie All https://testmy.net/stats/?&t=u&d=08112014&x=120&y=d&l=500&z=22&q=jpirie EU https://testmy.net/stats/?&t=u&d=08112014&x=120&y=d&l=500&z=62&q=jpirie Multithread https://testmy.net/stats/?&t=u&d=08112014&x=120&y=d&l=10&z=60&q=jpirie Dallas TX I attached screenshots. You can clearly see that your speed has dropped recently. You've tested to Amsterdam, Texas and Multithread. Best you're getting is ~5Mbps. There's a discrepancy between TMN and BT's speed test because they work differently. I'll just say this... who do you think the telephone company's speed test is made to benefit? TestMy.net is a third party and my servers are hosted outside of your ISPs network... just as all the sites you visit are. The fact is, usually it's congested oversold peering at fault. Your ISP wants you to test with routing taken out of the equation so their test servers are within their network. You have the right to a third party opinion. You've been testing at TestMy.net for a while, you have gathered a good amount of data using various testing methods. From what I see... your connection isn't running as good as it what. And I don't care what the DSL guys say... they want you to believe that it's beyond their control and a fault of the sites and services you use. It's not. They choose their providers just like you do, if their lines are oversold or congested they should be buying more peers or switching their current ones. Instead... they count the money and pass the blame. The multithread test is a great connection test, not only can it help push a connection to the max but it also has the ability to test a bunch of routes at once. I can see in your stats that you're fully aware of that... you've tested using my CDN's and the closest servers and still can't do better than 5 Mbps. If you're supposed to have 7400 Kbps then you're getting 68%... but that's at best. You should get 80% at worst in my opinion. In your case you should get no less than ~ 6 Mbps. The classic single thread shows weakness. Same test, same server, same amount of data... multithread (as your ISPs test no doubt is) can easily mask issues. If your single thread performance is low streaming services and downloads will look much lower than the combined multithread performance. :::.. Download Speed Test Result Details ..::: Download Connection Speed:: 63871 Kbps or 63.9 Mbps Download Speed Test Size:: 99.1 MB or 101456 kB or 103891086 bytes Download Binary File Transfer Speed:: 7984 kB/s or 8 MB/s Tested At:: http://TestMy.net Version 13 Validation:: https://testmy.net/db/h5n9E0H Multithread Test Utilizing:: eu.testmy.net :::.. Download Speed Test Result Details ..::: Download Connection Speed:: 23388 Kbps or 23.4 Mbps Download Speed Test Size:: 100 MB or 102400 kB or 104857600 bytes Download Binary File Transfer Speed:: 2923 kB/s or 2.9 MB/s Tested At:: http://TestMy.net Version 13 Validation:: https://testmy.net/db/pV0hI93 TiP Measurement Summary:: Min 9.25 Mbps | Middle Avg 27.41 Mbps | Max 28.94 Mbps | 11% Variance TiP Data Points:: 9.25 Mbps, 24.29 Mbps, 27.01 Mbps, 27.61 Mbps, 27.31 Mbps, 27.19 Mbps, 27.61 Mbps, 27.29 Mbps, 27.18 Mbps, 27.48 Mbps, 27.3 Mbps, 27.85 Mbps, 28.94 Mbps, 28.63 Mbps, 27.87 Mbps, 27.59 Mbps, 27.14 Mbps, 27.76 Mbps, 13.03 Mbps I did both tests from Colorado Springs, CO USA to Amsterdam, NL. ~5000 miles. To Dallas TX ~ 700 miles :::.. Download Speed Test Result Details ..::: Download Connection Speed:: 106509 Kbps or 106.5 Mbps Download Speed Test Size:: 100 MB or 102400 kB or 104857600 bytes Download Binary File Transfer Speed:: 13314 kB/s or 13.3 MB/s Tested At:: http://TestMy.net Version 13 Validation:: https://testmy.net/db/RNWazum TiP Measurement Summary:: Min 53.89 Mbps | Middle Avg 113.78 Mbps | Max 115.26 Mbps | 7% Variance TiP Data Points:: 63.5 Mbps, 103.71 Mbps, 114.56 Mbps, 114.56 Mbps, 114.56 Mbps, 115.26 Mbps, 115.09 Mbps, 114.91 Mbps, 114.56 Mbps, 114.22 Mbps, 113.7 Mbps, 114.22 Mbps, 114.56 Mbps, 114.56 Mbps, 114.39 Mbps, 113.53 Mbps, 113.53 Mbps, 114.39 Mbps, 53.89 Mbps Multithread Google CDN :::.. Download Speed Test Result Details ..::: Download Connection Speed:: 112788 Kbps or 112.8 Mbps Download Speed Test Size:: 200.9 MB or 205692 kB or 210628710 bytes Download Binary File Transfer Speed:: 14099 kB/s or 14.1 MB/s Tested At:: http://TestMy.net Version 13 Validation:: https://testmy.net/db/tK21b8p Multithread Test Utilizing:: google.testmy.net 1/3 the speed in single thread at that distance... can you see how if you only saw the multithread result it might be misleading. ISPs want you to only see the combined efforts. 4 Mbps doesn't sound too bad, you should still be able to steam great quality in theory. But if your single threads are limited to a much lower speed that combined 4 Mbps doesn't help you much. Here's a topic that may help also... the same is true for most speed tests online right now with the obvious exception of TestMy.net. https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/28902-why-do-my-results-differ-from-speedtestnet-ookla-speed-tests/ -- trust me, your ISP hates me... but more and more are starting to work with people using TestMy.net results. TMN uses time tested methods that are proven... if your ISP wants to ignore facts then maybe you should shop around a little. Look at the ISP Rank tab on the stats page for your area. The United Kingdom for example, I'd probably look into VirginMedia. I ignored the first two because they aren't as popular (see #clients), others may be worth checking out too. ... I assume that your experience online feels slow otherwise you wouldn't be complaining to them. Your provider may or may not listen to my results but you can feel which test is right... your testing to a bunch of locations and ending up with subpar performance. It's not a coincidence, don't let them convince you that it is. - Good Luck and Happy Testing, - Damon - TestMy.net
  2. Hi James, It's possible, I'm looking into it right now. Could also be a routing issue between you and that server, may not be affecting a wide area. I just logged into that server and tested... https://testmy.net/db/DM4xvhq 155 Mbps download all the way from Texas. Even further to San Jose CA I was still pulling over 100 Mbps. From what I see it looks like it's running great. Try again, maybe it's fine now. On the mirror page under the 'self hosted' tab you'll find some more servers in DE and UK you can try too. Thank you for reporting this. "Will you read this? If you do, will you answer? If you do it'll be the first time )" Do you mean it'll be the first time in general or have you tried to contact me before? I'm usually very responsive but I do take time off and get overwhelmed sometimes. Realize that all of TestMy.net, every aspect, is built and maintained by one person... and I'm not a machine. (yet) - Happy Testing! - Damon - TestMy.net Hi James, Actually, I found your emails... One from Feb was read but I hadn't responded and the other was unread. Easy question too, would have taken me a second to answer. I actually remember the question coming in... I thought I answered you. I'm really sorry. If you could peek at my inbox you'd get a little idea. And part of the problem is that I get spammed sometimes over 20 times before a legitimate question comes in. Bots just never let up. Even minus the bots... I get lots of questions. I've found so many incidences like yours lately it's prompted me to make some changes. I think what I'm going to do is create a support ticket system. So that I'm sure to answer all questions and follow up on every response back. So, that's one thing I need to add to the list. Now, on to that Feb 20th question... half a year later... If it is continually reverting you must be clearing your cache often. Maybe you have it set to clear on exit. One thing you can do for right now is pull up a second browser for testing. Then, don't clear your cookies on that browser and it will remember. ......... you know what. Eff that, I'm going to build something into the site for you right now. ... okay, done. Now that setting is stored in TestMy.net's database. When you're logged in it will go off of your username and when you're not logged in it will affect all computers on the same IP address. Doesn't matter if you clear your cookies, the server will remember now. I hope this helps. By the way, feel free to email me directly next time you have questions or concerns. Happy Testing! - Damon - TestMy.net I take requests seriously, many of the features you've come to expect from TMN started as suggestions by my users. Contact TMN or start a topic in the Make TMN Better forum to let me know how I can make TMN work better for you. Criticism welcomed.
  3. Hi Varun, If I had a toothpick for every time I heard this I could build a log cabin. I can't tell you how the other guys do it. What I do know is that TestMy.net works. If your connection is influenced in any way it is always reflected in the results. From what you wrote it sounds like you already know this. You can feel by your experience that my test is right... so why are you wasting your time with the other one? I don't understand why the other tests are so popular when they're so wrong... I think that people want to feel like it's faster than it really is. I'm not here to lie to you just to make you feel better, I'm here to help everyone improve their Internet speed. I don't see your email address registered, please sign in and run a few more tests. TMN is a little better if you're a member. Try using the mirror and multithread speed testoptions as they will provide deeper insight as to what's happening. Email me back with your results or username and I'll try to help you get at least a comfortable 720p out of youtube. - Happy Testing! - Damon - TestMy.net Did you get an email? Check spam folders. I'll manually reset your account when I get to my computer if you need me to. - D /sigh ... I don't understand why it does that for some people and not others. Oh well, something to look into. I hope that your issues are getting resolved. Let me know if you need any further assistance. - Happy Testing! - Damon - TestMy.net
  4. Hi Jack, Thanks for contacting me and using my site for so many years. Let me start off by saying... I have the exact same provider as you, maxed out rMBP that's a couple months old. I'm able to max out my connection but not under all circumstances. This is also the most frequently asked question. I like that you aren't like most people... most people attack me, many make assumptions that the test is to blame. I can type till I'm blue in the fingers, people with that mentality usually don't get it. Sometimes I doubt that they even read what I write. Really sucks that it takes at least 20 people asking this question before I get one person who gets it. The people who trust me... have faster connections than their friends. Let me show you some of my personal results. My logged results are confusing because sometimes I purposely limit my connection, it's part of my develop process... just know that the highest results are my normal daily speeds. Rarely do I deviate. https://testmy.net/stats/?&t=u&l=25&z=5&q=CA3LE (showing only my laptop results, which is usually in my kitchen 10' from my Netgear Nighthawk with one wall between) My iMac, same thing... Multithread 119 Mbps >> https://testmy.net/db/EiaT6t1 - single thread 107 Mbps https://testmy.net/db/2L1ClGq These are typical results for me. I'm in Colorado Springs, CO -- over 700 miles from the main Dallas Texas server. Testing at greater distance I start to drop. I see between 65-80 Mbps to DC and Seattle... but if I multithread along the same routes I'm able to pull 109 Mbps >> https://testmy.net/db/YrdymVe - my Wife's rMBP and my mac mini are the same story. All running 100% default configuration... there's nothing special that you have to do to get OSX to perform like mine does. Other speed tests multithread... and I mean pretty much 100% of them. This makes things look better... ideally you should be able to get similar results. I'm able to. When you perform better on a single thread you'll perform better everywhere. I purposely make my tests harder... I feel that people have more to gain that way. ... I'm the guy that tells you that you have food in your teeth. -- some people don't like hearing the truth but I don't really care because I designed my tests to be useful first for myself. An adjusted speed test that only aims to deliver the highest numbers is worthless for real technical troubleshooting. Look at my TiP reading on the single thread test results, you can see the numbers are all in how you interpret them. The final number output in your TMN results is unlike other speed tests because it's honest and unadjusted. I don't show you the data through a funhouse mirror like the other guys do. I highly recommend trying my multithread speed test. Most people are able to achieve higher speeds with this test. If you have a major difference between the two you should ask yourself why. Also look at speed test mirrors if you haven't already. First thing I'd do is hook directly into the modem, test... directly into the router, test... that right there will tell you a lot. Remove variables from the equation, add them back one at a time and when the speed drops... you have your answer. The thing that's good about TestMy.net is that I designed it to be used that way... I designed it to have less variables between the results and I give you all the control over how the test is run. This way, you can run the same exact test and see differences in results. With TMN you know that nothing else has changed except the variable you're testing, which makes the troubleshooting process much easier. Other speed tests are designed to produce the largest number possible. If I could upload the information that I know about other tests into everyone's brains, I'd have no competition. Sad fact, most people choose the tests that return higher numbers. Sounds like you're a smart one and you know better, make sure you tell your friends about TMN too. I rely completely on people like you to get the word out for me. Just because the router is two feet from the laptop doesn't mean you'll get optimal signal. You can actually get worse signal right up on top of the unit. It needs a little space to radiate before it becomes more effective. I'd also look for other electronics near by... whether they broadcast a signal or not is totally irrelevant. Don't dismiss anything, even a vacuum cleaner and alarm clock emit radiation... and they can be right along the right wave lengths too. Try to also position away from walls and shelves and if possible put it in the most centrally located spot in your home. Even if it's further away from your main area, your entire home will benefit. Another thing people don't think of is placement in the corner of their homes. Think about it this way, your router is spreading the signal in 360 degrees, if you put it in the corner of your house you're throwing only 90 degrees towards your home, 270 degrees is lost in the wrong direction. 3 times more signal is going away from your house... which makes your connection weaker. Hopefully this helps, feel free to email me any time, - Damon - TestMy.net Hi Jack, Of course right after you say, "You've always been very cool and responsive." I go and take 3 weeks to email you back. My sincere apologies. Makes me wonder just how many people that I've left hanging. I get so many emails that it's become impossible to keep track of them all. I'm going through my inbox and noticing that this is happening way too much lately. So, I've decided to build a support ticket system. I think a system is needed to keep track of it all and make sure that every single message is responded to. "Oh and the suggestion of testing right from the router and modem is wise and I wish I could. At the moment I don't have an adapter to connect ethernet on my rMBP. What do you use?" ... first, look on your modem for a USB connection. I think that most new modems don't have USB anymore, worth a look. If you don't mind spending $10-$20 check amazon for "10/100/1000 USB Ethernet Adapter" (or 10/100 for cheaper ones.) -- it can be a good thing to have but not worth it for everyone. If you have the late 2013 rMBP or better then you have 802.11ac, theoretically 300 Mbps faster than gigabit ethernet (on the right network). If you have an earlier rMBP with b/g/n wifi and do any large internal network file transfers I would definitely get an adapter and directly connect to the router for those really big network transfers. Or if your home network is still b/g/n it can be good to have until you upgrade to ac. But if you don't find yourself waiting for things like that right now, it probably isn't worth it for you. A free option may be to just have a friend stop by who has ethernet. Make sure they have a decent laptop first and get a baseline on their computer to compare to. If they can score much higher directly connected then you know that your router/wifi is the issue. If the numbers are similar then you can hook things back up and more confidently proceed with testing and tweaking knowing that the wifi is performing to par with the wired setup. ... you probably fixed this already. If so, let me know what you figured out. I'll make sure that information gets to others who are in similar situations. - Happy Testing! - Damon - TestMy.net
  5. Hi Paris, Depends on what you mean. Some people say "uses data" and are talking about their data plan or allocated bandwidth. In that sense, yes it uses your data. If you go to https://testmy.net/myresults below the graph you'll see the amount transfered for the displayed query. So you could for instance enter "30" days [click update], if you have more than one page of results change the "number of results/page" below the graph. Whatever shows on the graph is what will be calculated. I'm attaching an example. See, I transferred ~6GB in the last 30 days in speed tests. One thing to consider is that tests leading up to the final result aren't calculated only the final result is. If you're on a limited data plan I first recommend getting a client side application for monitoring data. Manual test size selection on the download test and upload test can also help better manage low allowances. I don't think that's what you meant... are you asking if it's transferring anything real from your computer? In that case, absolutely not. All of the data transferred when you test at TestMy.net is computer generated on the fly, totally random and is designed to NOT remain in any memory after the test is complete. I hope this helps. Happy Testing! - Damon - TestMy.net
  6. Looking at your results... Maybe you're performing better on larger tests. But maybe your connection is just fluctuating heavily. Try manually selecting 12 MB instead of using the automatic options. Go to the download speed test and select your size from the drop down menu. Try at least 12 MB in your case. Going off one of your better results it appears to be oscillating, up and down. https://testmy.net/db/1FCrgEz Testing with some of my more advanced options can shed more light... Try mirrors, in your case, I suggest trying eu.testmy.net hosted in Amsterdam and CDN Push which uses the Cloudflare network. Comparing to the TMN default options can help you track down routing issues. Try the multithread speed test. Focus on one server, mix it up or test them all at once... it's up to you. Personally I get the best results when I focus on google.testmy.net or any combination of the US servers. Internationally my performance drops. Testing to EU I'll get like 25 Mbps then I multithread to the same server, same test size and I'll get like 60-70 Mbps. Most other speed tests out there are misleading, their aim is to deliver the best result possible. They often only partially interpret data and multithread which masks issues that slow you down. They usually have a vested interest in giving you higher speeds. TMN's aim is to help you by giving you all the options you need to get a full picture... so that you can improve your speed. I leave it up to you how you use it and interpret the results. Reading just the 'maximum' in the TiP details (within your TestMy.net download test results) gives you an idea how data can be manipulated to make it look better... they don't have to lie to be misleading. Your final result at TestMy.net is based on complete calculations with no alteration. From start to finish, everything is considered. Other tests that only partially interpret the data will ignore the worst portions. On connections that are running fine this isn't as much of a factor, on connections with issues the ignored portions inflate the score and again, multithreading inflates the score. They do it in a way that favors themselves. TMN's way favors you, the consumer. Think about the potential profits in making customers think that everything is running correctly and that issues are a fault of the sites they visit. "Hey, don't complain to us, our test says everything is okay..." --- soooooooo many ISPs get away with it every day! In my opinion there's a conflict of interest in ISPs using only their own speed test as reference. Every day people tell me that their provider is forcing customers and their own techs to use ONLY the company speed test. This is wrong. You're entitled to a third party opinion... and with such flawed methodology out there you're even more entitled. I've been at this since 1996, a lot of people back up TMN's results... and they always have. I hope in the future more providers will use TMN results, at least along side their own. Right now they're just making it harder on their customers, seriously simple issues go undetected. That is of course until you come to TestMy.net and get the true scoop. Even physical issues like bad modems can completely go unnoticed. Read around here and ask people, some of the stuff we've seen is just ridiculous. I recommend testing hard wired to your linux box if possible. Eliminate your router and make sure that you're still displaying the same symptoms before moving forward. You don't want to go complaining to them only to find out that it was your equipment, cables or something in your control. Eliminate variables like your router, extra switches... get a more direct connection with short cables (> 6ft) if possible and run a download test. If the speed improves then add variables back retesting in between, when your results drop you have your answer. If your results are similar you can hook everything back up and continue testing confident that it's probably not the removed equipment because the symptoms existed either way. If you manually select the same test size with TestMy.net nothing else changes between tests, this makes for a more scientific test bed. I confidently tune and experiment with connections knowing for a fact that the only thing affecting my results is my computer, network and uplink. Only TestMy.net offers that level of control and piece of mind. Highly reliable and stable platform, especially since v13. I made TestMy.net so that I could check my speed and tune my connections / networks. If there are changing variables and unknowns then the test wouldn't have helped me, at all. Just keep in mind when you use this site, TMN wasn't a venture... it started as a tool that I built for myself that happened to accidentally get spidered by the search engines. This is a 100% organically grown site, meaning that the people of the world made it popular... not advertising dollars or corporate deals. Trust what your provider wants you to see or trust a third party who's been bandwidth testing longer than anyone. I leave it up to you... Also read about altered test results out there. -- it's a very common practice.
  7. You're absolutely right but... happy wife happy life. Yes, it's 5GHz... as soon as the bed was moved my speed returned to 100 Mbps+.
  8. I run 802.11 b/g/n/ac in my house. Sometimes my laptop for instance will feel laggy on my AC network, I run a speed test and it's obvious even before the results page that something's wrong. I switch to my N network, retest and pull my full speed. A couple of times I've reset my router and issue resolved but the last time it was due to improper router placement. ... I knew it would be an issue but I put it there anyways. I wanted to see how much of an issue. We recently rearranged our bedroom and the bed was to go on the wall where I have my modem and router. I put them in our bedroom because it's the best placement in our home, right on a central interior wall. After moving things around we put the router under the bed... things appeared to run fine at first but then devices connected to ac wifi weren't running right. I went in the bedroom and pulled the bed away from the wall and didn't touch anything else. Went back to my laptop and hit 'retest' ... immediately apparent that was the issue. I just used 4 medium 3M strips (I love those) and stuck it to the wall about a foot above the ground. Works better than ever. Hidden off to the side of the bed behind a (wooden) nightstand. My N network seemed almost totally unaffected by comparison. So I want to give you the heads up that if you have more than one wifi network running... try switching the network. If one runs much better than the other it might be a clue. They run on different frequencies and can be affected by different factors. When AC is running at < 1 Mbps and N is running at > 100 Mbps it's a pretty major clue that it's wifi interference. Realize that it doesn't always have to affect both ranges. ... I was also only a few feet from the router with only 1 wall between. Most likely the cause in this case, the metal bed frame and metal in the box spring created a partial faraday cage around the router.
  9. Update: Here's my updated scores. Updated and optimized network configuration and different provider in a different city. The computer and it's configuration were untouched from the first set of tests, still default OSX settings. Multithread Enabled :::.. Download Speed Test Result Details ..::: Download Connection Speed:: 107267 Kbps or 107.3 Mbps Download Speed Test Size:: 200.9 MB or 205692 kB or 210628710 bytes Download Binary File Transfer Speed:: 13408 kB/s or 13.4 MB/s Tested At:: http://TestMy.net Version 13 Validation:: https://testmy.net/db/akUNIOW Multithread Test Utilizing:: google.testmy.net Client Stats:: https://testmy.net/quickstats/CA3LE https://testmy.net/compID/4602014672148 Test Time:: 2014-08-07 11:33:45 Local Time Client Location:: Colorado Springs, CO US https://testmy.net/city/colorado_springs_ Target:: Global Multithread https://testmy.net/multithread Client Host:: Comcast Cable https://testmy.net/hoststats/comcast_cable Compare:: 16% slower than client avg, 271% faster than host avg, 240% faster than city avg, 484% faster than country avg, 929% faster than world index 1MB Download in 0.08 Seconds - 1GB Download in ~82 Seconds - 1915X faster than 56K This test of exactly 205692 kB took 15.709 seconds to complete User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_4) AppleWebKit/537.77.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0.5 Safari/537.77.4 [!] Classic Download Test :::.. Download Speed Test Result Details ..::: Download Connection Speed:: 103437 Kbps or 103.4 Mbps Download Speed Test Size:: 200 MB or 204800 kB or 209715200 bytes Download Binary File Transfer Speed:: 12930 kB/s or 12.9 MB/s Tested At:: http://TestMy.net Version 13 Validation:: https://testmy.net/db/wNXhc1U TiP Measurement Summary:: Min 41.45 Mbps | Middle Avg 111.35 Mbps | Max 113.96 Mbps | 5% Variance TiP Data Points:: 88.15 Mbps, 112.01 Mbps, 112.68 Mbps, 113.79 Mbps, 113.96 Mbps, 113.36 Mbps, 110.05 Mbps, 109.73 Mbps, 112.85 Mbps, 113.44 Mbps, 111.93 Mbps, 107.55 Mbps, 107.93 Mbps, 105.66 Mbps, 106.79 Mbps, 113.87 Mbps, 113.79 Mbps, 113.53 Mbps, 41.45 Mbps Client Stats:: https://testmy.net/quickstats/CA3LE https://testmy.net/compID/4602014672148 Test Time:: 2014-08-07 11:36:04 Local Time Client Location:: Colorado Springs, CO US https://testmy.net/city/colorado_springs_ Target:: Dallas, TX US http://dallas.testmy.net Client Host:: Comcast Cable https://testmy.net/hoststats/comcast_cable Compare:: 29% faster than client avg, 251% faster than host avg, 219% faster than city avg, 423% faster than country avg, 885% faster than world index 1MB Download in 0.08 Seconds - 1GB Download in ~82 Seconds - 1847X faster than 56K This test of exactly 204800 kB took 16.226 seconds to complete User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_4) AppleWebKit/537.77.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0.5 Safari/537.77.4 [!] That's what you want to see, both numbers in line with each other. This not only shows that your Internet is performing well... your computer has to be running right also. I have devices that simply can't perform as well in multithread... most likely being held back by hardware limitations, that test is much more hardware intensive. When your computer and network are running as well as mine do online services just work right. Although, sometimes I'll still have an issue with a streaming service, run a test here and helps illustrate that it's not affecting my whole connection. Also, it helps having a baseline speed test on a great connection and computer. Then when you test slower on a different computer on the same network you know that it's not a fault of the connection. Could still be a wifi issue, that's why you test wired if you can.
  10. Funny, I clicked it on my phone and it didn't work... blank page... clicked it on my computer and it works fine. Copy and pasted the link on my phone and it works. WTF! lol, the link is there... koaa's website or server must at fault. I tested it on my phone before and it was working, I don't know what's up now. Works on my computer or if I cut and paste the link.. :-/
  11. November 19th 2012 my sister Christy Dolan lost her battle with Diffused Large B-cell Lymphoma. In her memory we"ll be participating in the Light the Night Walk in Colorado Springs. We want to encourage you to join us on Thursday September 18, 2014 05:30 PM MST Pioneers Museum in Colorado Springs, CO. I realize that this isn"t possible for... well... almost everyone here. You can still help with a donation, luckily that works worldwide. I"m matching donations for my members who would like to give to this great cause. Even a little it will help... put down Starbucks for a couple of days or something, you"ll never even notice it. The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society is behind the Light the Night Walk so you can feel good that your money is going to the right place. You can also see LLS research successes and how the money is allocated on the LLS website. They"ve turned people with cancers that had a 4-5 year life expectancy into people who live full normal lives. Groundbreaking research doesn"t come cheap, they always need funding. Please see our team details and donate at the Team Christy Fundraising Page. Thanks for taking the time.
  12. On techdirt >> ISP Sues Former Customer Over Reviews Claiming His Internet Speed Was Less Than A Third Of What Was Advertised KKTV CBS news >> CFA Investiges: Man Sued After Posting Online Reviews
  13. Here's an interesting story where TestMy.net results were used as evidence. A Colorado man used his TestMy.net logs to prove that the statements he made on various review sites were in fact true. He had contacted me before the news story to make sure that his results would stay in the database. For anyone else who has this concern, I do everything in my power to make sure that nothing is deleted. My personal logs for instance go back to the first day TMN started logging results. There's also the option to save a CSV file (go to your results and use the 'Export' link under the graph). News 5 Investigates: Local Internet company suing former customer over online review (watch the video and look for TestMy.net on Russ' computer ) Story on Kim Komando's site >> He wrote a bad online review. Find out why his ISP is suing him into oblivion If you find more about this please share the links. I've talked to him in txt msg right after his story aired, it was completely coincidence that this guy lives in Colorado too... and then the story happened to play on my favorite local news channel. Small world. Because there may or may not be a pending case I can't say any details. But I can say this, I think it's going to work out for him. Actually, I just looked at Russ' site just now and it says, "** Peak Internet and I have resolved our disputes and the lawsuit has been dismissed. **" (awesome) I think that Peak Internet has made a huge mistake and probably regrets the hell they put him through. Other ISPs and businesses in general should pay attention to this story. Customers ARE entitled to their opinion and should be allowed to share it with other potential customers... especially when they have proof to back it up. Big props to Russell Petrick for standing up for consumer rights and getting his story out.
  14. ... I've seen well over 40 Mbps on the iPhone 5. Here's on my Comcast connection. https://testmy.net/db/gxKzfyX 70 Mbps on iPhone 5s. I've seen > 50 Mbps on LTE but I wasn't logged in so I can't find the result.
  15. My alternative is a 1 Mbps capped Cox connection. I've been trying to talk my sister and brother-in-law into upgrading. multithread and upload Hey, at least it's performing exactly at their package speed. It's funny when your cell phone is 40X faster than the land connection.
  16. This my speed with Verizon in my sisters living room. I can't wait till this is the normal, unfortunately it's dependent on the area. iPhone 5s USB tethered to rMBP, in the center of the home... lots of walls in the way. :::.. Download Speed Test Result Details ..::: Download Connection Speed:: 42416 Kbps or 42.4 Mbps Download Speed Test Size:: 25 MB or 25600 kB or 26214400 bytes Download Binary File Transfer Speed:: 5302 kB/s or 5.3 MB/s Tested At:: http://TestMy.net Version 13 Validation:: https://testmy.net/db/JAL5XIS TiP Measurement Summary:: Min 20.4 Mbps | Middle Avg 45.47 Mbps | Max 53.93 Mbps | 39% Variance TiP Data Points:: 31.62 Mbps, 46.49 Mbps, 49.15 Mbps, 48.27 Mbps, 52.28 Mbps, 53.93 Mbps, 51.15 Mbps, 48.15 Mbps, 46.26 Mbps, 47.78 Mbps, 51.15 Mbps, 30.39 Mbps, 27.55 Mbps, 41.12 Mbps, 43.79 Mbps, 43.49 Mbps, 45.26 Mbps, 46.72 Mbps, 20.4 Mbps Client Stats:: https://testmy.net/quickstats/CA3LE https://testmy.net/compID/643901567252 Test Time:: 2014-07-29 11:03:40 Local Time Client Location:: US https://testmy.net/country/us Target:: Dallas, TX US http://dallas.testmy.net Client Host:: Verizon Wireless https://testmy.net/hoststats/verizon_wireless Compare:: 4% slower than client avg, 163% faster than host avg, 203% faster than country avg, 403% faster than world index 1MB Download in 0.19 Seconds - 1GB Download in ~3 Minutes - 757X faster than 56K This test of exactly 25600 kB took 4.948 seconds to complete User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.125 Safari/537.36 [!] US Multithread 50 MB and 12 MB upload
  17. Cap was since raised to 10GB / day for all users
  18. I have Comcast 105... I'm almost always performing above my package speed. Been really happy with their service. What package are you subscribed to? 50 Mbps?
  19. Glad Norton isn't bugging you anymore. Maybe we finally got through to them via twitter. I check all the boxes and can usually pull pretty close to my max. If I omit the international servers I pull my full speed. What are your system specs? CPU, etc...
  20. It will be coming back, 100% for sure... I'm working on it. Ran a limited beta to gather some data... I'm using that to build the final primetime version. It will be wrapped together with the new upcoming version of TestMy.net. I'm taking my time with this update but I think you'll be happy with the result... ... TraceMy.net by the way.
  21. WideOpenWest (wowway.com) is a cable provider, right? You use a cable modem connected with coaxial cable, correct? Just because you haven't touched anything doesn't mean that you don't need service. I'll explain a few scenarios... 1) When you were originally installed the tech may have seen low levels and needed to amp the signal... good at the time but what happens if the feed signal levels return to normal? ... it becomes over amplified and actually degrades signal. 2) Or the opposite could have happened, the tech may have seen signal levels that were too high and needed to purposely drop the signal level. To get the optimal service the levels need to ride in a zone. Techs will purposely add splitters or DC taps even when they aren't necessarily needed for splitting or tapping. ..... but then if the feed signal levels return to normal levels the customer can have issues. 3) The barrel connectors in your wallplates, your splitters and the cable and its connectors can have issues too. Especially if they run on the outside of your home. Weathering of the coax and internal oxidation of the splitters ruins signal. I've seen many splitters that looked perfect from the outside... crack it open and it's all rusted and oxidized all over the internals. They can also pass your TV signal fine but have issues with JUST the frequencies that the cable modems use. 4) Something as simple as a 90 degree kink in the cable... happens a lot. People don't realize that coax can't cut corners like that.... they try to mold it around sharp corners and the sharp bend causes the signal to echo within the line. I've even seen electricians do this! RG-6 must maintain 75 Ohm impedance to be effective. How much bend is too much. Coaxial and optical cables are rated for bend radius, some can bend more than others before the impedance is affected. A good rule of thumb is that you take the OD (outer diameter) times 20. RG-6 is the most common coax cable, which has an OD of 6.8 mm (0.27"). 5.4" would be a safe minimum bend radius. 5) Another commonly overlooked cause is a tiny tack or nail puncture or pinch the line. First the outside, sometime contractors, electricians and do-it-yourselfers will use the wrong kind of staples... Even that little pinch in the coax can cause echoing within the line. Sometimes they staple right through the cable (seriously, idiots), I've seen it dozens of times. What are they drunk or something? Types that I use... for concrete for wood Many types are great, I use anchor and screw type in some situations. The point is to again, maintain that impedance... nice round cable with no kinks. Inside, 'carpet fishing' (where the cable is hidden under the carpet) can be an issue. People who run cable this way don't usually think about the carpet tack board, you need to hammer the nails down at the entry points otherwise it will puncture the cable and turn the little nail into an antenna to the outside... leaking air signal into the cable and destroying your cable signal. This is definitely a scenario where things can be great one minute then bad the next. Could sit fine for years with the nail just resting on the outside of the cable, then you're moving furniture or something you bump it just right... The possibilities of what the problem could be are endless. Could also be your equipment... or something as simple as a signal level adjustment at the tap... or the drop to your home could be damaged. Good luck, I hope that it gets fixed soon and you start getting what you're paying for. Let us know how it goes and what they find. ... by the way, Welcome to TestMy.net! Have you tried hooking up directly to the modem, eliminating the router? Try that before you call them. Hook it up to ethernet, directly to your computer. Unplug the modem for 10 seconds and plug it back in... give it a little bit and retest once you're online.
  22. Hi process, welcome! I hope to see you around for many years and that your service improves. ...and you're welcome. I build this for you. Stick around, I have much more on the drawing table.
  23. Sounds to me that your issue is more with response. Probably timing out. Try this... I see you're on Mac but this is for everyone... To ping a host... Windows Start > Run > type CMD [enter] > from the command prompt type ping google.com and/or ping testmy.net Linux / Mac Under Applications/Utilities open 'Terminal' > type ping google.com and/or ping testmy.net Let ping run, when you encounter those bumps watch what's happening in the terminal window. Copy and paste the results here, include ~20 pings before and after the issue occurs. I bet that your ping times spike up... then time out for a period... then gradually return to normal.
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