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Are you sure? I didn't think there was an option to upload an image for sig.. I thought you had to link it from a source. Then again, I rarely look at that. I'll try it on my computer later, I'm on my iphone. By the way, I'll be updating IPB as well as a ton of other stuff in January so we'll be picking up a bunch of new stuff. January through March I'll be programming heavy so the whole site will get new stuff. So be on the lookout for new stuff everywhere on TMN.
Multithread Speed Test Results - Share & Compare
CA3LE replied to CA3LE's topic in Show off your speed
Hey paladin! Good to see you! I know that people come and go but you're a staple here. Some were getting worried but I knew you were still kickin' ... I check your test results every so often. I also see you logged in sometimes. -- I'm glad that you quit looking for speed test sites after you found the best. The truth is, this site has been around so long that we really do have some members quite literally dying off. Some we've confirmed by family members contacting us... others are a mystery. Just feel good knowing that people care enough about you to worry when they don't see you. You're just a popular guy. -
New member with a problem (check out my test scores)
CA3LE replied to Johnnyfairplay's topic in New Members
Send me the DNS addresses you're using so I can see myself. Personally, I like Google's DNS and -- you should give that a try. DNS isn't going to help you in gaming, as I'm sure that addresses are directly addressed vs resolved with a name server. (using an IP instead of blah.domain.crap) -- your upload also seems sufficient, unless you're hosting the game you shouldn't use more than 25 kB/s (upstream) with most games (~200 Kbps)… and that number is pretty high, many I've seen don't even use 5-10 kB/s. Are you gaming on a system or on your PC? Are you connecting with wifi? Give me a little more information, I think you have sufficient bandwidth for some quality gaming… and I'll try to help you get rid of that lag. If you can, get a list of game server addresses you use. Then ping them, so we can do a before and after comparison. General instructions added below... To ping a host... Windows Start > Run > type CMD [enter] > from the command prompt type ping google.com and/or ping testmy.net Linux / Mac Under Applications/Utilities open 'Terminal' > type ping google.com and/or ping testmy.net Paste those results here. -
New member with a problem (check out my test scores)
CA3LE replied to Johnnyfairplay's topic in New Members
What package do you have with Wide Open West? How does the test load in your browser? Are you using any proxy or caching software? … looking at other results from their users and I'm not seeing anyone else with results like that. Maybe something locally, I highly doubt that you pulled the data that fast. When you did a multithread test around the same time you pulled about 14.5 Mbps. Something locally on your machine is causing an issue. If you think of what it is let me know so I can use that information to make the test better. -
Note this RG6 connector. see how the white inner insulation is nearly flush with the metal base. If it's pushed down and there is a bowl in the bottom... the signal echos off the walls within the connector. Fittings like that need to be adjusted or changed. Sometimes you can just firming grab and push it into better alignment... but if you have the ability and tools, put new compression fittings on. You also want the copper core to rise up above the rim by 2-3 pennies width. Too long... issues.. too short... issues. I'd trim that a little longer myself... so many bad examples on google images If you have cables like that.. throw them out. Good for antenna, bad for cable systems.
0 dB is good.. between -5 and 5 for the downstream power level is what you want. Your levels look okay but a bad splitter, loose connection or bad barrel connector can all appear okay and still have intermittent issues. I'd try switching out, by passing and checking connections leading from the side of the house to the modem. Also look for sharp turns in your coax... if it bends too sharp it can cause the signal to actually echo within the cable. Check behind any wallplates. Look for marred connections and sharp turns. Often electritions who prewire don't know sh!t about networking or coax... I've seen a lot of ugly stuff behind wallplates that HAD to be switched out. The wallplate barrel connections go bad... switch them with quality (no gold, gold is a great conductor.. so good that over air signals can bleed in... gold looks pretty but it's not good in a cable system application) connections while you're in there. They can oxidize and cause issues, most people don't think of those things... All things I'd check for. Basically, make sure that the problem isn't between the modem and the dmark (where the cable company connects into your house). If the problem is inside, they're going to charge you. If they step foot inside in some cases... they charge you. Make sure that when the tech leaves your house you are on the same page about the work done and get it in writing. Trust me.
A few of you have mentioned recently that you feel that the upload test is off. You were right. I think that an apache or php update caused some issues that I was unaware of. I had to physically pull out a stop watch to be 100% sure. I whipped up a little magic and fixed it. I've updated all of the official mirrors and will release an update tomorrow for all of you private and public hosts out there. Really sorry, my last major build everything was tested and accurate but sometimes backend server software changes can effect things. Seems something is post processing the upload form data... causing a delayed transaction. More apparent at higher values. I programmed around it, changing my methods slightly. Stop watch from exact start to finish now lines up with the result details tab as it should. You should be happy to notice that the upload test no longer has that delay and processes much faster... yielding the accurate result.
It's showing the last 100 results from the detected provider and the test type selected. I'll try to make it easier to understand in the next versions. Seems like that confuses people sometimes. You see, there isn't an instruction book for what I do... I make this stuff up as I go. lol... and use your feedback to refine it.
Can low signal to modem affect speed tests?
CA3LE replied to videobruce's topic in RoadRunner (Time Warner Cable)
They lock you out of the modem? So you're not able to see If they block that, that's BS. It's YOUR modem, right? Yes, low signal will definitely effect performance. There's actually a happy medium. Too high and it can sometimes have worse effects. Downstream Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) should be lower than 30 dB Downstream power level should be between -15 and 15 dB but -8 to 8 dB is optimal Upstream SNR anything above 29 dB is good Upstream power should be below 55 dB - lower numbers are better. Keep in mind that splitters drop the signal. If you have too much power, add a splitter.. dropping the levels will help in some cases. 2 way will drop 3.5 dB ... three way internally is two two way splitters. One leg drops 3.5 the other two drop 7... 4 way is three two way splitters. Thus dropping 7db on all legs. Not enough power? Amps can help but they can also hurt if not done properly. Make sure that it passes 1000+ MHz, same with splitters... If your amp is before the split right now.. try putting the splitter after the amp. And vice verse... sometimes switching that configuration can make a world of difference. good luck! -
Those are recently logged results from your provider. There are links below that which allow you to show your own graph if you'd like.
Location detection by your IP address is only about 85% accurate. In the future I'll allow location refinement, right now I wouldn't worry about it. Your results will be calculated the same either way, you'll just be compared to people in your adjacent city. On mobile this issue is much more noticeable. Where sometimes you can be assigned an IP in one city... and travel with that same IP for a while. GPS location refinement will fix those issues but I have a lot on my plate and have no ETA on that. Mine says "Monument CO" -- my address is actually in Colorado Springs... but really I'm much closer to Monument. So it's wrong but not totally. Personally I'd rather be compared to people in Monument because it's closer to where I really am. While I'm thinking about it... I'm going to manually update my IP tables database. It may correct the detection for you... it may not. But don't worry too much about it, it's generally accurate and doesn't affect the outcome of your speed test.
Man, you work on a lot of printers. Sorry, I don't know.. I just wanted to say that.
Multithread Speed Test Results - Share & Compare
CA3LE replied to CA3LE's topic in Show off your speed
Hey, glad to see you finally post. Most people that signup don't participate in my forums... it's cool though, people just wanna test their speed. So, I have an LTE connection that can vary from a couple Mbps to over 50 Mbps. If you look at my stats and filter them right you can see my best on my iPhone on Verizon. When I'm getting 8 Mbps it still surfs great but when I'm able to pull 40+ page response is almost instant, the difference is great. On my test bench when I develop my speed tests I purposly limit my connection varing levels to check accuracy. I've surfed the web and ran at every imaginable speed... it does make a difference, even for simple browsing. -
TraceMy isn't really doing a test, it's a logged traceroute... it's just conducted regularly. TraceMy is activated as soon as you hit any page outside of the forum (currently tracing only registered users... only beta testers and a handful of others have been granted access to see the data). It's currently only running on my main server but this will expand soon. I'm working on to make this do much more... the reason I haven't fully released it is because, first, I'm not done. Second, I'm still trying to understand what I've built. So far what I'm gathering is that you're not looking for hops that just have long response here and there... you're looking for hops that continually have longer response times. Especially should be noted if the hop responds that way more than three consecutive times. There really is no frequency to testing. You're tested as soon as the queue runs. It queues over and over and is based on your activity on TestMy.net. Every page load (again, outside of the forum) resets your time to 2 minutes, if you stop interacting with the site... it stops interacting with you. For that two minutes you'll be traced over and over as you reach your place in line. No set time, it just runs when it's available. This is done server-side and all you need to do to activate it is open TestMy.net. It's silent and you can surf the site as you normally would, that side of the program actually has nothing to do with what you see on your screen. (it's pretty nifty) What I'm finding is that just because you're displaying horrible speeds... doesn't mean that it's going to show in the trace. Also, just because a hop responds slow... doesn't mean that your speeds will be degraded. Check this out... here's an example using my own connection. I obviously have a fast connection at home, it runs awesome... all the time. Now look at the trace results about 2 minutes before my 12:35p test. (hop 9 for me is the end of trace by the way but is not my actual IP...) Yeah, that had a long response... if there was any issue during that time it wasn't noticeable to me. I wasn't testing at that exact moment so who knows, it may have resulted in a little bobble. Obviously you'd like to see nice even response times but for a hop to respond like that here and there... no worries, it happens. Some routers de-prioritize ICMP traffic so it's normal in some situations to see spikes here and there. But if a hop is continually doing that, especially in succession... there is most likely something going on with the hop. Before I release it publicly I'll do a full writeup and I'll cite logged examples displaying what the real problems look like. Here's a little example I randomly pulled (username sistem) of what MAY be an issue. See the top blue line, that's hop 7 of 8. It often responds slower than the final hop, and does it consecutively. It also seems that when that happens it sometimes causes the final hop to respond slower.... Now look at this members result around the same time... dropped to half of his average. Going back further in his results I find that when he has a lower than average result... it's often accompanied by slower than average response on those hops. This is not always the case. But if you if you experience slower than average speeds then look to your TraceMy results it can help determine what part of the route is possibly at fault. Now, looking at your TraceMy.net results... I don't see anything alarming or stand out. Researching the times when you display slower results shows very normal traces. Sure there are spikes, but they don't correlate with those times... and they don't consecutively respond bad. Like I said, just because there's an issue with a hop/router doesn't mean that it's going to respond bad and vice versa. But when you start to see regular patterns, it can be a good indication. ... as soon as I understand what I've built better and can put it all into words I will. I'll also tell the program to look for the known patterns I'm finding and alert the user to a possible issue. I'm also developing more in depth analysis of the route... realize that I only have a couple of days of programming time invested in that so far. Right now it's in a gathering phase so... again... I can understand what I've built. (gee, you think that's enough ellipsis for one post, lol... ... ...)
Haven't heard of BT SFI yet... let us know how it goes. Don't let them rip you off!
Hi Ellie, I didn't see anything out of the ordinary... I recommend registering on TMN, then contact mudmanc4 (his profile - the topic you're talking about). He's a regular and usually visits TMN every day so I bet he'll respond quickly. You can also try posting to that topic after you signup... that will help others in the future. I looked it over and you have a bunch of legit Google plugins and addons. I've seen most of them and they're associated with things like google voice and video chat. I researched a bunch I was unaware of and came up with clean services... If you feel like you're being logged you might want to sniff your outgoing traffic. Chances are if someone has done that the program will be sending the information off somewhere (unless of course you have someone who has direct access to the computer... in which case, change your passwords and make new friends if you can't trust them, lol). What you can do is get a program like Little Snitch or something similar that alerts you every time your computer reaches out. You'll be bugged by many legit services... whitelist them and build up a known list of good guys. Then, if something like that tries to communicate out... YOU GOT THEM! You can take the IP to the authorities, they'll know what to do. Although, anyone smart enough will have intermediate proxies between you and them... the proxy machines often don't have anything to do with the snoop / attacker... which can literally make it impossible to find them. Good luck... I hope that you're just being paranoid and nobody is actually logging you. And HEY! Don't forget to test your Internet speed, that's what TestMy.net is all about. Kind Regards, - Damon - TestMy.net
- detect keylogging
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All you need to do is ask. The cap is in place to stop abuse. I don't mind how much you use as long as you're legitimately testing. What I have a problem with is when people do things to (automatically) refresh the test every few seconds. ... which gets you banned but in case I don't catch it the cap is in place to avoid excess bandwidth. If you saw my bandwidth bills you'd understand why I take precautions. As long as you're legitimately using my service... use as much as you need to get the job done. It takes bandwidth to test bandwidth. I doubled your cap, let me know if you need more. This is done on an IP basis not username basis, if you encounter caps again, just let me know. I also took the liberty in granting your account access to TraceMy.net, you must be logged in under maassflange to access this. You'll notice TraceMy.net stuff in various areas of TestMy.net. During the beta enjoy an ad free TMN as well. I should be refining and releasing TraceMy.net soon, you're one of a handful of people with early access. I think it will prove to be a powerful resource when I'm done. Tell your friends, kind regards, - Damon - TestMy.net
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- speed test cap
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Hi Dave, Check out https://testmy.net/make-a-speed-test ... I'd love to get you setup. Email me back when you're ready. - Damon - TestMy.net
- make a speed test
- create a speed test
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Hi Teresa, Don't be frustrated, I'll try to help you. How far away from your router are you? If you connect directly to the router does your connection run fine? Have you tried changing the channel in the router administration? Admin for your router is usually found at (username:password vary by brand .. usually something like admin:admin admin:1234 - generic stuff like that. If you can't get in, let me know your router brand/model and I can help with the password) -- then navigate to the wireless settings and look for channels. When you suspect interference try switching to a channel a few numbers away from the one that's currently selected. So if you're on channel 7... maybe try 11 or 4. Sometimes other electronics can interfere with the signal and a simple change of the channel can clear things up. Give it a try. After changing the channel retest your speed using TMN - save time... only a download speed test is necessary for this. Select a test size that gives you a good 10 seconds of test time. Between changes retest using the same size and leave your computer in the same location. The idea is to try not to change any other variables except the channel. That will help you quickly find what works best for your situation. The best channel for you isn't the same as what's best for me. It depends on local signal interference. Let me know if that helps, happy testing... - Damon - TestMy.net Also, where is your router placed? Is it near any other electronics? Imagine that your electronics have a bubble of energy around them. Anything transmitting or receiving wireless needs to be away from that bubble. They don't even need to be transmitting themselves. Many common devices emit radio waves. For example, your microwave... or anything with an electric motor. Move your router away from everything electronic. Also avoid router placement in the corner of your home, most routers use omnidirectional antenna, which means that the power is distributed in 360 degrees. If you have it sitting in the corner of the house you're only using 90 degrees... you're wasting 270 degrees of its power, shooting 3 times more power in the directions you don't need it. See what I'm saying. --- try to place central in the home. One thing to think about, does your house have a chimney? If it does, you need to take that into account as well. It needs to be away from that or you'll cause a dead / lame area no just behind the chimney but radiating at angles away from the opposite side of where the router is placed... the degree of those angles depends on how close the router is to the brick. If it's right up on the brick, you're going to have more pronounced problems over a wider area. If it's a couple of feet away... it won't be as noticeable... a few more feet back and "what issue?" Here's a really good guide that may help in router placement wireless fung shui. - Damon
- router placement
- slow wifi
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I noticed that Tracy in KY (only a few hours from you) who's also routed through TWC is having drops during the same hours as you. You might want to look at this topic https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/31124-hi-i-am-tracy-b-from-frankfort-ky/. His issue is obviously way worse than yours but may be related. -D
Hey again Tracy, First, they're detected as CenturyLink because they must lease lines from them... On to your issue. Pgoodwin1 who has TWC in OH (only like 3 hours from you) is having the same sort of issue... during the same hours. https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/30910-problems-on-dallas-server/?p=341150 -- but not nearly as pronounced. If they've already admitted peering issues to you, then I'd bet that's still the issue. It's actually really rare for them to admit that, usually they try to blame everyone else. I bet the person that told you that wasn't really supposed to share that shortcoming with customers. When I see regular drops like that it makes me question a couple of things. First, routing congestion. Second, programs you may have on schedules. For instance, some people put their torrents on a schedule... or have programs that sync large amounts of data over the net. Makes me wonder if something else on your network is sucking up your bandwidth during those hours. But I don't think that's the case with your connection. I think that your ISP, somewhere along the way, doesn't have enough bandwidth to meet the demand. They probably gave you a timeline because that's when they expected to get more feeds to meet demand. Obviously they didn't meet the goal or they were talking out their a$$. Another thing that happens sometimes, a trunk line is cut or attacked forcing the ISP to reroute traffic to other main lines. Which can push their capacity especially during peak hours (the exact times you're having issues). Since I've been getting messages from others on TWC (your not on TWC but you stated that you're routed through them), I'd bet it's a routing issue that's beyond your control. You just have a really extreme case. You are seriously getting 1-2% of your best speed during the bad times... that's ridiculously horrible. I would be pissed and would have only given them 48 hours to resolve it before I'd expect a full month for free. .... they owe you that much! I hope that your problems are resolved soon I wish there was more that I can do. Personally, I'd show them my findings (from TMN) and demand a refund until they can deliver what I'm paying for. If they tell you that it's going to take weeks to fix, well then you should get a free month for having to deal with the BS. If they aren't willing to play ball, hopefully you have more choices than the 1.5Mbps DSL (lame). ...just leave them and don't look back. You have Comcast in Frankfort, KY... right? Comcast seems to know what's up in all their markets, they might be your best bet. Good luck. If you have resolution please respond to this topic and let us know. My visitors and I love hearing about resolved issues.
I'm still working to understand TraceMy.net's results. I don't think an address has to have bad response time to slow you down. So until I fully understand what I built and can explain my findings... take those results with a grain of salt. Right now it's only tracing to my main server in Dallas but when complete it will utilize my entire network. CDN may perform better for you because the transaction is relayed to a server closer to you. Look at the network map. For some people this performs better... others will get better performance directly to TMN servers. Here's my own result at about 8:30 the other night... I test just fine during those hours... but I am slightly slower than my best. I think that Time Warner has some routes that are congested during peak hours in your area. Other servers, like testing to CDN for instance, will take different routes... possibly bypassing the congestion. My goal is to make TraceMy.net detect and idetify those problem areas... and give you the ammunition you need to complain to your ISP.
Hi Tracy, I wanted to welcome you to TestMy.net. Looking at the graph your issue looks very pronounced. I'll take the time to look into your results deeper and respond tomorrow, I'm heading to bed soon. Also sounds like you were hitting the cap... I doubled your testing cap. I also gave your account access to TraceMy.net a new area to TMN I'm developing. Another thing, during the beta period you'll notice TMN is ad free while you're logged in. For anyone interested in joining the beta, just visit TMN Beta for more information. ttyl
Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad I didn't get the ASUS router. Seriously though, don't let that reflect on all their products. When I ordered mine there was no reviews on either because nobody could buy them yet. But I had read reviews on previous routers they have released and they all state the same issues you do. Get the Nighthawk. It has none of those issues. I just transferred > 100 GB of data across my network, to the touch the router is maybe 10 degrees hotter than ambient. It's warm, nowhere near hot. I do some pretty hardcore stuff across my network. It's my business to know a good router. The R7000 is the sickest wifi router I've ever used. Plug it in and it does it's job... I've had netgear routers in the past that have had hundreds of days of uptime. Router rebooting on you, eff that! lol. For me, I need 100% uptime. Glad I didn't risk it with ASUS. Back to the Nighthawk. I like the white lights, I put mine in my bedroom and the lights don't bother me at night. It actually makes a nice night light. I also love the external hi-gain antenna. One negative, I think they should have a USB 3.0 on the back as well as the front, but that's minor. It's also BIG but when you factor in what it does and how well it does it... it makes sense. Performance is over 2x better than I was getting on a brand new linksys AC 1750. I only tested AC on my mac mini which has USB 2.0 (limiting the adapter to 480 Mbps) using Amped Wireless ACA1 I see a stable 30 MB/s+ (240 Mbps+) using the built in wireless 20-30 MB/s (160-240 Mbps+) not as steady but still very nice. With the linksys AC1750 that I tested while I waited for the Nighthawk I was only getting 11-16 MB/s (88-128 Mbps) under the exact same conditions. The flow of data on the nighthawk is also nearly flat... the linksys was going up and down, fluctuating second by second. You probably won't ever meet netgear's tech support... every netgear router I've ever owned since the 90's... I still own. And they all still work. I can't bear to part with them.