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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. Let me look into this and get back to you... I'll make sure I build you a solution.
  2. CA3LE


    Try an alternate browser and let me know how it does. Try Chrome.
  3. CA3LE


    If you're having an issue like that it's not because of any changes to the program. Last major release was in late September and it's been very stable. I often release then wait for bugs to surface... out of my last 5 million visitors I've had only a couple of bugs reported. So I really think this is an issue localized to your phone or network. I'm going to move your topic over to the help section if that's okay with you...
  4. forgot to mention. I fixed your issue. Sphnix wasn't running.. easy fix. Thanks for the heads up, that was effecting the forum search engine too.
  5. Yeah, I am gearing up. No ETA and I'm not doing the next updates incrementally. There will be a few things that will be updated and released as soon as they're available but for the most part my next version will hit all at once. Visitors will have the choice to keep using Version 13 if they're more comfortable with that. Seems that I have a segment of visitors that really don't like major changes. Actually, Pgoodwin1 if my memory serves me correctly you first started emailing me because you weren't a fan going from v12 to v13. ... but I'd bet money that you see the value in v13 now and use it exclusively. Same may happen going to the next version if you're reluctant to change. I've realized over the years that I can't make 100% of people happy... but I still try. My aim in the next release is to make it as easy as possible for the common person (non-computer-geek) to use and fully understand what this site does. When I first started building the TMN speed test I built it for myself and really didn't care if other people understood it. I usually assume that you have a certain level of computer and bandwidth knowledge but I really want the other 95% to get it. I'll also be adding advanced features but hopefully in a way that won't overwhelm people... it will only be overwhelming if you want it to be. I have my work cut out for my on all fronts. But once the fire is lit... like mudmanc4 said... the work is done before I realize that I did anything. Hopefully you'll all like the end result.
  6. I ran TraceMy for a while and got the info I need to build the real version. Thanks to the people that helped me test that. I'm shooting to have TraceMy as an addition to version 14... coming soon. Thanks for the input on TiP, I just wish I would have made it years earlier. Provides such detail... makes diagnosis much easier. Especially would have been handy when I was a cable tech working on people's internet all day.
  7. there we go... fixed. Table was crashed. Please lookout for other database issues. I'm having my bot go through now and repair everything though so it shouldn't be an issue. -D give it a minute...
  8. It's still being logged, but maybe not since yesterday. I had mySQL crash hard on me yesterday (300+ days up without an issue too) and I'm still going over my databases. Please bear with me, you can still see that information when you test... it's just not being logged right now. Thanks for bringing that to my attention, I'm on it. -D
  9. I noticed that just now in Safari... flash was slept. I had never seen that before. But I clicked the youtube video and it started right up. I agree about Mavericks, it's been displaying weird issues. Only on the laptop though. I'm about to reboot because my menu went black. My computer also rebooted for no good reason and I'm fairly certain that it's Mavericks issue... not a hardware error. I have faith that they'll resolve the issues quickly, if not and it becomes an issue I'll roll back too.
  10. $32K! Dude, personally if I needed that much power... I'd get a loaded Mac Pro... and raid some Thunderbolt drives. And if that didn't get it done... I'd get two or three of them and still come in under $32K. That's like the size of a medium drink from McDonalds. You can daisy chain them... (up to 36 devices) and have a 20 GB/s link between the machines. Mac is superior in my opinion. Wouldn't you love a more elegant machine... It even knows to turn the lights on the ports when it detects that you've turned it... it senses that you're trying to to plug something in and lights the way. The design is beautiful. It was beyond what I need right now. The way that I'd want to get it... Minus $3600 without the display... For the people out there with super heavy computing tasks where time is money. Like video engineers... that makes sense. Not too many applications are taking advantage of the GPU aspect yet, final cut pro and some other high end software are doing it. Sure, you can build a single PC machine that would be more far more powerful but can you do it with this kind of footprint? Can you do it this quietly? (only 12dB) In my opinion, the Late 2013 Mac Pro is a work of art in every aspect. You'd have to be insane to spend $32K on a PC.
  11. Wow... the new Macbook Pro rocks. This is on AC wireless, to my Netgear Nighthawk AC 1900 using Comcast 105 Mbps. Using Safari. Someone was recently emailing me about Safari. They said they were getting lower readings on their Macbook pro, only in Safari. Well, I'm testing under the same conditions... same computer, same browser. I think you have something else causing an issue because on my network, it's screaming fast. Click the image and you'll see that one is a classic download test accompanied by a multithread speed test. While I'm on the subject of speed, look at the PCIe SSD performance... (testing with Blackmagic Disk Speed Test - by the way, my own write test of a 10GB disk image creation performed at a low of 780 MB/s and high of 988 MB/s so blackmagic seems to be a good disk speed test on Mac) The late 2013 Macbook is ridiculous. I have the 15 inch, fully upgraded with 1 TB SSD. Don't even get me started about the display. Because of pixel doubling you can see that my screenshots are huge... I've been starting to notice that my iMac is slowing me down so I needed to upgrade. But I wanted something portable. I can output this to my iMac's display when I want to and get a nicer work space for the type of stuff I do and at the same time take full advantage of the second discrete graphics card... well to truly take advantage of it I'd need a 4k monitor but I'm waiting till 4k monitors are much cheaper. It would be really nice but when the display costs more than the computer... loses it's appeal. The 4k resolution is at a lower refresh rate too. 60 Hz 4k would be nice Apple. I think I need to replace my iMac's SSD. I was getting 500 MB/s read and write at first but I've used it a lot... they degrade over time. This is a 2011 model I bought in April. With only 256 GB Corsair Performance Pro SSD Don't get me wrong, my iMac is still very fast. But you guys know me... I have a need for speed. It's kinda what I do... hence the website. Anyone looking to upgrade to a laptop that can put badass desktop computers to shame should be looking at the new macbook line. Pair it with a solid network and you can't go wrong. I'll be able to blaze through my routine and get two or three times the work done. You can't upgrade the memory later, so make sure that you get what you'll need up front... but speaking of SSD degradation. The SSD is a discrete component according to my research... so that's good, although Apple says it's "not a user serviceable part" ... it is, I change "non user serviceable parts" all the time and I would bet that there will be third party drives released. So when it degrades, which it will... it's replaceable. ... 2000 MB/s SSD performance may be possible with aftermarket PCIe SSD. They run PCIexpress 2.0, I believe it's 4 lanes. So there is headroom there for improvement. Time will tell. Funny, the girl at Apple told me, "it's soldered on the board..." -- probably just wanted me to spring for the more expensive one. Bitch. Oh well, I'll put it to go use. All I know is that I'll be able to work faster and more conveniently now. Thanks again Apple. (killer battery life too, especially for an core i7. Past hour, 9% used.)
  12. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  13. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll keep them in mind for my next version.
  14. I'm about to start another 3 month programming session. I'll really try to make it a point to get to this. I want it too.
  15. By the way, I forgot to mention the share on the results page. For iPad, because there is no flash the copy to clipboard feature doesn't work. That's actually done through a flash hack. It only appears if flash is detected... otherwise a special version of that tab appears that still gives you share options, just not copy to clipboard. Here's on my iPhone just now... you can still copy the image URL, details URL or details and share on twitter and facebook. You just can't copy to your clipboard with a single click like you can on desktops with Adobe Flash enabled. ... that hack shows you the insecurities of flash, part of the reason Apple doesn't allow it in iOS and why others are phasing it out. I'm doing that for a legit reason but it can be illegitimately used just as easy. ... too bad it's the only way I know how to put something on your clipboard. If anyone knows of another way I'd love to hear from you.
  16. Are you sure? I didn't think there was an option to upload an image for sig.. I thought you had to link it from a source. Then again, I rarely look at that. I'll try it on my computer later, I'm on my iphone. By the way, I'll be updating IPB as well as a ton of other stuff in January so we'll be picking up a bunch of new stuff. January through March I'll be programming heavy so the whole site will get new stuff. So be on the lookout for new stuff everywhere on TMN.
  17. Hey paladin! Good to see you! I know that people come and go but you're a staple here. Some were getting worried but I knew you were still kickin' ... I check your test results every so often. I also see you logged in sometimes. -- I'm glad that you quit looking for speed test sites after you found the best. The truth is, this site has been around so long that we really do have some members quite literally dying off. Some we've confirmed by family members contacting us... others are a mystery. Just feel good knowing that people care enough about you to worry when they don't see you. You're just a popular guy.
  18. Send me the DNS addresses you're using so I can see myself. Personally, I like Google's DNS and -- you should give that a try. DNS isn't going to help you in gaming, as I'm sure that addresses are directly addressed vs resolved with a name server. (using an IP instead of blah.domain.crap) -- your upload also seems sufficient, unless you're hosting the game you shouldn't use more than 25 kB/s (upstream) with most games (~200 Kbps)… and that number is pretty high, many I've seen don't even use 5-10 kB/s. Are you gaming on a system or on your PC? Are you connecting with wifi? Give me a little more information, I think you have sufficient bandwidth for some quality gaming… and I'll try to help you get rid of that lag. If you can, get a list of game server addresses you use. Then ping them, so we can do a before and after comparison. General instructions added below... To ping a host... Windows Start > Run > type CMD [enter] > from the command prompt type ping google.com and/or ping testmy.net Linux / Mac Under Applications/Utilities open 'Terminal' > type ping google.com and/or ping testmy.net Paste those results here.
  19. What package do you have with Wide Open West? How does the test load in your browser? Are you using any proxy or caching software? … looking at other results from their users and I'm not seeing anyone else with results like that. Maybe something locally, I highly doubt that you pulled the data that fast. When you did a multithread test around the same time you pulled about 14.5 Mbps. Something locally on your machine is causing an issue. If you think of what it is let me know so I can use that information to make the test better.
  20. Note this RG6 connector. see how the white inner insulation is nearly flush with the metal base. If it's pushed down and there is a bowl in the bottom... the signal echos off the walls within the connector. Fittings like that need to be adjusted or changed. Sometimes you can just firming grab and push it into better alignment... but if you have the ability and tools, put new compression fittings on. You also want the copper core to rise up above the rim by 2-3 pennies width. Too long... issues.. too short... issues. I'd trim that a little longer myself... so many bad examples on google images If you have cables like that.. throw them out. Good for antenna, bad for cable systems.
  21. 0 dB is good.. between -5 and 5 for the downstream power level is what you want. Your levels look okay but a bad splitter, loose connection or bad barrel connector can all appear okay and still have intermittent issues. I'd try switching out, by passing and checking connections leading from the side of the house to the modem. Also look for sharp turns in your coax... if it bends too sharp it can cause the signal to actually echo within the cable. Check behind any wallplates. Look for marred connections and sharp turns. Often electritions who prewire don't know sh!t about networking or coax... I've seen a lot of ugly stuff behind wallplates that HAD to be switched out. The wallplate barrel connections go bad... switch them with quality (no gold, gold is a great conductor.. so good that over air signals can bleed in... gold looks pretty but it's not good in a cable system application) connections while you're in there. They can oxidize and cause issues, most people don't think of those things... All things I'd check for. Basically, make sure that the problem isn't between the modem and the dmark (where the cable company connects into your house). If the problem is inside, they're going to charge you. If they step foot inside in some cases... they charge you. Make sure that when the tech leaves your house you are on the same page about the work done and get it in writing. Trust me.
  22. A few of you have mentioned recently that you feel that the upload test is off. You were right. I think that an apache or php update caused some issues that I was unaware of. I had to physically pull out a stop watch to be 100% sure. I whipped up a little magic and fixed it. I've updated all of the official mirrors and will release an update tomorrow for all of you private and public hosts out there. Really sorry, my last major build everything was tested and accurate but sometimes backend server software changes can effect things. Seems something is post processing the upload form data... causing a delayed transaction. More apparent at higher values. I programmed around it, changing my methods slightly. Stop watch from exact start to finish now lines up with the result details tab as it should. You should be happy to notice that the upload test no longer has that delay and processes much faster... yielding the accurate result.
  23. It's showing the last 100 results from the detected provider and the test type selected. I'll try to make it easier to understand in the next versions. Seems like that confuses people sometimes. You see, there isn't an instruction book for what I do... I make this stuff up as I go. lol... and use your feedback to refine it.
  24. They lock you out of the modem? So you're not able to see If they block that, that's BS. It's YOUR modem, right? Yes, low signal will definitely effect performance. There's actually a happy medium. Too high and it can sometimes have worse effects. Downstream Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) should be lower than 30 dB Downstream power level should be between -15 and 15 dB but -8 to 8 dB is optimal Upstream SNR anything above 29 dB is good Upstream power should be below 55 dB - lower numbers are better. Keep in mind that splitters drop the signal. If you have too much power, add a splitter.. dropping the levels will help in some cases. 2 way will drop 3.5 dB ... three way internally is two two way splitters. One leg drops 3.5 the other two drop 7... 4 way is three two way splitters. Thus dropping 7db on all legs. Not enough power? Amps can help but they can also hurt if not done properly. Make sure that it passes 1000+ MHz, same with splitters... If your amp is before the split right now.. try putting the splitter after the amp. And vice verse... sometimes switching that configuration can make a world of difference. good luck!
  25. Those are recently logged results from your provider. There are links below that which allow you to show your own graph if you'd like.
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