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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. ok thanks, i know its a noob question but i wanted to make sure.
  2. on www.cyberpowerpc.com i was building a system i might get and i got to page 2 on the build and it said "cable wiring"....if i dont check this does this mean that i will have to build it myself. or will it still come built. it doesnt matter either way, just curious. thanks, starship
  3. lol sorry didnt see this reply. no the cd was perfect except some dust that was on it....and i used a cd cleaner also.
  4. thanks guys for the replies. im on my laptop now with my desktop backing up the files like Just- said. but right now im also going to try to do it the way disturbed said. thanks
  5. for some reason when i go to install counterstrike source i can get to disk 3 then my drive clicks and it wont read disk three. (on laptop). i installed swat4, and fear on it before but i think its the cd. any suggestions?
  6. i just got my new laptop today and i am installing main things like firefox, adaware se, etc. but in firefox i forgot wehre it is in options that makes it so it wont resize pictures. it resizes them then if you click on them it will bring them to full size. i forgot, how do you make it so it wont resize and it loads full size thanks, starship troopers
  7. wow ca3le, this is a sweet theme, im keeping it.
  8. wow tommie, i thought i was bad with like 16. holy crap, lol it just shows how good this site is though
  9. I am probably going to change to the 4mbps package at the end of the month.
  10. thanks, that test was also taken with another pc downloading a 200mb file. so i am happy with the speeds.
  11. the 4mbps package is 10 extra dollars than what im paying now. but it also comes with more space for email, and webspace, etc. i usually download alot of stuff and upload a bunch. and yes, i game alot, and since i ordered a laptop i would like to have fast wireless all around my house. thanks for the reply.
  12. i pay for the 3mbps down and 300kbps up. lol this is what i get all the time. pretty cool since its over my advertised for dl. and i was thinking of going to the 4mps download with 400kbps upload. nice speeds for my package tho. anyone else using cableone as an isp.?
  13. yeah i used to have that downloaded. she was like talking on the phone or something right? then she got tazed for not listening to the cops commands. this is the one correct? anyways, something close happend to my friend like that, all that happened to him was he got a talk from an officer about the speed limits in town.
  14. lol just-, i have those exact speakers, (only difference is mine is 2.1 not 5.1) and they are great for games and music. pretty loud. only cost me like 20 dollars also from walmart.
  15. if you didnt RVD was in an extreme rules match with Hardcore Holly. he had set up a table outside the ring and hardcore holly suplexed him through it. but when holly went down on the table with him he landed wrong cutting open his back, after the match he had to get 24 stitches and cant wrestle for a while. did anyone else catch this, or watch ecw from time to time? SST
  16. never mind about the sig thing lol, i just finished my new sig. sweet huh?
  17. LOL yeah, i still havent read the book(s) (not sure how many there are). thats on my list now...btw, im making a new sig. and i cant seem to find a good pic of an arachnid (warrior bug) from the first movie. any pics would help alot Thanks!
  18. it was ok, but i still would rather watch the first one...i wish they would bring back the cast and director for a 3rd one, wouldnt that be sweet?
  19. i have the special edition dvd of the first one...but i dont own the second one ...i was disappointed with the sequal...
  20. mine is because of my favorite movie
  21. i thought it was the speaker magnets, but i have never had them close to the monitor, and right now the speakers are on a shelf above my pc and monitor, and the subwoofer is on the ground basically right next to my pc desk. thanks very much, i appriciate you help alot, degausing worked...its back to normal. and thanks for the quick reply also. sst
  22. i just bought some speakers (creative 2.1 SBS 340 is what i think the box says). and ever since i put them in, the left bottom side of my screen (where start menu usually is) seems alot darker than the rest of the screen. it seems...grayish....just like alot darker ...i tried everyting i can think of except try a new monitor.....any ideas please? also it seems kinda out of focus a little bit.... thanks, sst
  23. sorry, double post. here are the notebooks i am looking at, (as mainly office type stuff and movies) buying sometime around halloween so i am trying to make my choice now...what is the best one for the price out of these two notebooks thanks in advance, sst
  24. ok, i know these arent by any means the top graphics but in comparison which is better, the graphics i posted above (integrated ATI Radeon Xpress 1100 IGP) or the ATI Radeon Xpress 200M Integrated thanks, sst
  25. thanks for the replies guys. yeah i know, i know it can run vista without the "aero and stuff...but i wasnt for sure about it running all the "eye candy"
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