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Everything posted by TriRan

  1. You can buy whatever speed ram you want and it can generally be under clocked infact in some cases high performance memory is under clocked by default however using memory at an unrated frequency either to low or to high can cause memory errors and that is just something you don't want my suggestion would be buy the max speed ram your motherboard supports cause it will be the motherboard that dictates what speed your using cpus don't really work that way anymore
  2. linux one for sure i only have 1 windows server and its just for development at this point
  3. i'd enjoy reading a write up!
  4. links to product's like that are perfectly ok because it pertains to the subject at hand! so don't worry ~ Mark
  5. I'm using nginx with sendfile enabled the files don't get loaded Into the memory but are served straight from the hard disk instead
  6. true but it stops the everyday person from trying to do stuff they shouldn't be doing
  7. My Web servers don't allow any more then 20 connections per ip to prevent ddosinf
  8. i used http://www.techsuppo...artition-Wizard minitool the last time i had to do this
  9. 1. 2011 is the newest but it only supports the I7 series as of right now, however there is nothing wrong with 1155, they actually just released the new ivybridge CPU's for it so you wouldn't have any issues for a long time using that socket either 2. i doubt you'll see very much benefit on Gen3 PCI express slots for quite some time 3. no you wouldn't need two 7970's for a single 1080p 60hz monitor the only reason i'd ever get two is if your using resolutions like 5760x3240 with like 6+ monitors and trying to game on it, 4. yes as of now they are better then the 680s for video rendering, Nvidia is definately more focus'd on game performance however the 7970 should still knock your socks off with game performance aswell, i have a 5870 and i can still max any game out coming out today with no performance problems 5. i use a closed loop system, heres the thing with closed loop... you won't see much better then air cooling temps for idle because the radiators just aren't big enough however if you will be overclocking at all then this is the option to go because it does do significantly better at cooling higher wattage CPU's under load 6. nope never seen the case but a quick google search should suffice plus check the newegg comments on the case thats always pretty unbiased first hand experience. 7. you might be better off going with 12GB of ram or 16GB because you need to run triple channel memory if i'm not mistaken otherwise you will seriously be hindering the maximum performance your cpu can achieve 8. i use push pull i don't really notice much difference to be honest 9. that sounds like a good estimate if your going to be running two 7970's if only one you could survive on 750W np i understand completely! i just got a new job, aswell the g/f and i are planning on moving in together soon too god life moves so fast >.<
  10. i used to be the same way my main character had like 294 days played.. when i quit i was playing for 14 hours a day in a top tier raiding guild >.<
  11. Maybe a bug with the bios... Does it only happen on debian?
  12. those are great results over wireless!
  13. same. mine is 50 and i've seen 64 before... its possible to hit quite a bit higher then provisioned it just takes good conditions
  14. what program do you monitor them with? htop, ntop? http://www.displaylink.com/shop/adapters http://www.amazon.com/IOGEAR-External-Video-Card-GUC2020DW6/dp/B0016B6722 or you could always just get the old soder out and try to make your own! after all you are pretty resourceful i haven't ever really seen any other options
  15. my room looks a lot like that except i have guitar stuff everywhere ontop of all the computers
  16. QoS being enabled on a router is a good way to overload the CPU on the router itself its usually a good idea to leave it disabled, in most home uses it won't serve a real purpose anyway ~ Mark
  17. i wonder who got remanded for that one
  18. maybe he sent it when the database was locked because of that logging issue or was that months ago? i have a terrible memory
  19. ive never messed much around with debian
  20. odd issue i've never experienced... i know this isn't a real solution and more of a bandaid but you could always create an init script to update the time/date on startup
  21. Haha you gave me a good laugh! Thanks for that and perhaps they are
  22. thats a really good attitude to have... from my experience most ISP's are squirmy little creatures that try to blame anything or anyone else. just keep at it eventually they will put some real effort fourth
  23. you know this could be a hard drive issue, with the way this site seems to work i've even seen it pick up issues like that try running a benchmark on your HDD and see what sequential write speeds you can achieve typically a HDD can support speeds quite a bit higher then your internet connection but you never know o.O
  24. Welcome to testmy.net once you hear back if you have any questions give us a hollar ~ Mark
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