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Everything posted by Dark_Matter

  1. w00t i just got the login info for my server, and i am working away at getting it the way i want it.
  2. Graduated in 1996 from High School, and i've graduated from college with my bachelor degree in computer science, working on my bachelor in computer programming.
  3. Well right now i use the one i've had for awhile for IRC, and some private gaming between me, and some friends. I plan at some point with this one i just purchased to start a small hosting company.
  4. Pro Power Plus Package
  5. ehhhh sig away...
  6. If anyone needs some images hosted i've setup it so i can host them for you. The accounts are only 4 meg accounts if you need more space i can up the space some. Just goto my website http://www.friendlybeacon.com & click the Image Host link. Take Care
  7. i was on, and off every day as well. Must have been your connection is my guess.
  8. I'm going to get the Xbox 360 which i already have pre-ordered, and i will also get the ps3. I really don't have any intrest in the Nintendo Revolution never been a big nintendo fan.
  9. $3.07 a gallon here in Columbus Ohio!!!
  10. I know with my wireless G network i can sit out in my car with my laptop and still get 60% signal stength, and 64% link quality. Thats atleast 175 feet from my door to my car with no booster. DLINK Wireless G Router ofcourse.
  11. Here is the PSP Browser info Mozilla/4.0 (PSP (PlayStation Portable); 2.00) btw i don't take the southern comfort, and the cherry halls at the same time.
  12. I just took a picture of my PSP visiting the best website in the world ehhhhhh!
  13. Thank you very much I do have a few Menu's i'm working on, and one of them is a slide in. I'll see if i can't work on that some more tonight after work.
  14. I remade my website, and wanting opinions. It's nothing fancy nor super advanced, but i'd value your thoughts anywho. ehhhhh
  15. Thank You very much i will take a look, and see what i can do. I notice that it's only been tested on phpBB 2.0.7. We are up to 2.0.17.
  16. I have just successfully installed SMF (Simple Machines Forum), and i love it. I was wondering before i remove my phpBB forum from my website, and put the link up for the SMF forum, if there was any way to migrate my SQL DB for phpBB into my SMF? Either way i am going to use SMF it's much better. Users will just have to re-register
  17. Ehhh i don't expect alot of people to fess up to it atleast not here, but the fact is this the average American is 10,000 or more in Credit Card Debt. People almost always live beyond there means, hell i was one of them, but my spending is alot more responsible these days compared to a few years ago.
  18. I'm just curious to see the results of this one. I'll admit i was in debt myself not to long ago, but i finally got out of the mess thanks to careful planing, and investments. It really doesn't take long to overspend on the old plastic.
  19. For most of the things i do online with the excpetion of my photo editing 256 megs would be plenty even today. I'd have to say i have 1024 megs just to be able to say i have, but for the most part 256 megs would be plenty.
  20. i know my Zone Alarm PRO does not sure about the free one. I now Zone Alarm Pro 6 which i just updated to has everything you can imagine. It has cookie control, Ad Blocking, Mobile Code Control, built in Anti-Spyware, Anti Virus Monitoring which makes sure your AV is up to date, and running correctly, and on and on and on.
  21. Zone Alarm hands down!!!!!!! IMO anywho. ehhhhhh
  22. I can't help, but post these!!!!! The Damn thing keeps getting closer!!!!! LOL
  23. Here is probably a cousin pic of the jombo plane shown above. eehhhh
  24. LoL I'm a laptop obessive myself i have 2 Dell Inspiron 1100's 1 Dell Inspiron 1150 1 Dell Inspiron 2650 1 Dell Inspiron 700m which i just got this year 1 gateway M320, and an Old IBM Think Pad 380 XD i believe. Am i a nut? Probably I'd have to say though out of all of them i've had a more enjoyable experience with the Dell Inspiron 700m.
  25. Here we go ehhh!!!!!! http://www.microsoft.com/windows/IE/ie7/default.mspx
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