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Everything posted by cak46

  1. Just make sure you use the same speed sdram for the new chip if you're adding, not replacing..
  2. Its not a pipe bomb, Tdawnaz. Fired a few myself, back when I was a kid. I don't think we need to worry that we're informing the youth of today about anything new. I think the youth of today are far more advanced in finding information on far worse stuff than potato cannons..
  3. Couldn't hurt to try. Problem I had was the communication was just about perfect asynchronous, causing huge packet loss due to max collisions at the hub.
  4. What kind of router are you running? If it's a wireless router, I would agree with Netmasta. You can try throttling back one of the machines to 100 half duplex or 10 half duplex and see if that might cure it. I've had the same problem on d-link hubs in the past.
  5. Can you browse to the other machine thru My Network Places? Command line would be net use J: computernameOrIpremotesharename J: can be any drive letter you want to assign. If necessary, it will prompt you for id and/or password.
  6. I think if you just disable System Restore, it will automatically erase all of the existing restore points (Thus making the directory smaller)...
  7. How's your internet download speed? Have you checked your cables to be sure they are jacked in tight? If you changed network settings, hardware when the problem began, set the speed/duplex to 100 full duplex (Actually, anything but autonegotiate or autodetect). Let us know.
  8. [shadow=red,left][glow=red,2,300]To all of the mothers of the board, Happy Mothers Day to all! May this day find you relaxing and kicking back! [/glow][/shadow]
  9. Stank_Ho: Good idea....
  10. You can delete the bad dial up conmnection then create a new one.
  11. Here's a pick of my Ruger GP100. Quite a nice .357. Especially like the xtra barrel weight which keeps the recoil down for the next shot.
  12. Hmmm.... Hey, PHP, do you own one of those? (Your Sig.) Nice weapon.
  13. I don't remember seeing a poll.....
  14. Seemed to me like you were a twitchin' a bit, pardner. Not looking for no fight, just discussing the pleasantries of bathroom etiquette and having the lid up or down. I do have an itchy trigger finger when confronted, but I'm a bit too old for that sort of thing, unless it comes to it.... Here's a guy from your neck fo the woods. Seems like he has a 'lid' on things. http://www.roadsideamerica.com/attract/TXSANtoilet.html
  15. .s1: Might be a stupid question but, have you tried it in Bios? Had a machine locked out by a foreign admin. once (NT2000 machine), just changed the time in bios.
  16. Are you reaching for that gun, Cholla?
  17. Cholla: By the sound of it, at least in a public bathroom, "we" didn't learn as much as we should have......... Roto Rooter did a survey on this very subject (up or down). http://www.rotorooter.com/fun/bathroom_3.php
  18. Cholla: Of course child safety is a serious thing. It was a lighthearted question looking for a lighthearted answer. I do have another question for you. I'm intrigued by this in your prior post: "The reason women don't like the lid down is they don't like to look before the sit .when they plop down on the lid they piss on themselves just like they do the butt dunk when the seat is up.This does not happen to men because we look first." Can you tell us why they (being women) "don't like to look"? (I am assuming that this was a serious statement)
  19. Welcome to the forum If all you want to do is allow access to the 2003 server resources, you can multi-home that machine. Put another nic in it then connect it to the other switch. I checked MS website and Network bridge does not come with 2003 server.
  20. It was a joke (note the laughing face) Didn't know it was such a sensitive subject.
  21. Would there be a way to delineate (maybe by self-reporting by a check-off) what type of line speed the tester is using? This way, the different results could be broken down not only by Provider, but by line speed for that provider, giving the tester a more accurate view of their speed vs. others with the same line speeds (The averages used in comparison).
  22. You could have them post their first speed test to activate their access........To the member server.
  23. What brand/model of router do you have? edit: my stupid: should read the whole post...... What model? Model with Manufacturer should be on the router somwhere.
  24. Cholla: But what will she do if she gets pregnant again?
  25. Think it depends on the manufacturer. My linksys router has the 'admin' as password with no id. Why put any password or id on at all, strait from the manufacturer?
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