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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by organ_shifter

  1. Great scores. I actually got better results at 1280x1024 than I did at 1024x768. Mabey it was just me.
  2. The lowest package Comcast offers is 4000/384, so those results would still be way below what he should be getting. What package do you have?
  3. PC Pitstop is very nice indeed. Here is a results thread: How Many Millions of pixels can your computer draw per sec? You should post yours. Lots of new users since the original testing will probably want to post results also.
  4. Just not the "Edge Tech" brand. PNY is ok, but I'd go with the cheapest between OCZ & Mushkin. Both are well respected brands and will give you better performance for everyday use.
  5. Did it mention the location of the device? I got an error on my first run, but the next time it went right through.
  6. + = Be safe everyone and enjoy the holidays! God Bless man. Good things are sure to come.
  7. I know. That would suck. I read over it and said, "wait, that can easily be misinterpreted." Had to rephrase it.
  8. What exactly did you do? Install motherboard drivers/enabled the Ethernet port through BIOS? EDIT: In Step 1 of my previous post, I want to clarify. The USB and Ethernet connections can run together on the same system as long as you're using two different modems. I don't want it to be received as an individual can use both options on the same modem at the same time. That wouldn't work as the Ethernet connection would override the USB anyhow. You didn't do that did you?
  9. OK. Here we go. 1.) Be sure that the motherboard drivers for the Ethernet port are installed (if on-board). If through a PCI slot, be sure the drivers are installed as well. You don't have to uninstall the USB drivers if you don't want to as they won't interfere with your Ethernet connection. USB/Ethernet connections don't cancel each other out or anything. They can work at the same time on the same system as long as you're using two different modems (my setup). 2.) The on-board Ethernet port will need to be enabled through the BIOS before it can even function. Be sure that's the case. 3.) Look inside of your Network Connections folder and see if the Ethernet connection is displayed. If you don't see it, the drivers are probably not installed for it. The USB connection will be in there also, so make sure it's the connection you're looking for. How to get there: If the "My Network Places" icon is on your desktop, right-click/properties to get to the Network Connections folder. If not, go through Control Panel and double click the Network Connections icon. We'll pick up from there when you report back.
  10. At this point, I'm only waiting for Vista. I not using SP2, so SP3 isn't of interest to me right now. Come to think of it, the Windows Vista December CTP has just been released to beta testers. Nothing will be able to top it for the next 10-15 years.
  11. More memory allows your to set you paging file to a smaller size. The paging file is what the system uses when physical memory is low, and it also happens to be the hard drive which we all know is light years slower than actual RAM. This causes all types of slow down, lag in games/apps, etc. I can't stress it enough. Try to install the maximum amount of memory that you system will accept. EDIT: That's way fast VB. Very nice.
  12. Upload is still pretty good. :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 964 Kbps about 1 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB) Upload Speed is:: 118 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1) Test Time:: Sun Dec 18 03:16:24 EST 2005 Bottom Line:: 17X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 8.68 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 167.78 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-2WKIFM91B
  13. For some reason, I thought my system would have been slower. http://gameadvisor.futuremark.com/gameadvisor/service/my_system.jsp?sysInfoId=2479256
  14. As far as I know, Michigan will never get FIOS because of it's geographical region. I've heard that Verizon doesn't have any plans to service MI because of SBC.
  15. Well, I've used it in comparison to Burst!, and it had significantly higher speeds. The amount of seeds were plentiful when tested. This was back in 2003 though. Screens: (Beautyshop was aquired through a client based off of an early version of Shad0w's work. Many of today's trackers refuse it because of it's outdated protocol, but when it's connected, it gets the job done. I didn't get a sharing shot of CoD2 (recent .torrent), but I did give it all back and then some. The speed did slow down to the mid 600's, but the transfer was still pretty quick:)):
  16. Although many users say they like it alot, I've never used BitComet. My main app has always been Shad0w's Experimental Client (now called Bit Tornado). It's always given me insane speeds, so I don't think I'll switch permanently any time soon.
  17. I use Bit Tornado mainly, but I've been using
  18. As far as the browser favorites: Right click on Internet Explorer, select Properties (Internet Properties window opens), goto the Advanced tab, and under the Browser section uncheck the box titled "Enable Personalized Favorites Menu" Alternately, you can get to the Internet Properties window through Control Panel and double click the Internet Options icon. This is if Classic View is enabled. If you have Category View enabled in Control Panel, click Network and Internet Connections, and then click Internet Options at the bottom. This is normally the reason why you're not seeing you Browser Favorites. That's if they're not gone, but just hidden. If the actual favorites are deleted off of the system, this may not be the fix you're looking for. Let us know.
  19. - However, many private tracker operators argue that BitComet does not honor the private flag. Instead, the torrent is shared on the DHT network and those who do not belong to the private tracker can freely leech off the resources of that community. That is the much simplified story many private trackers are telling. - Full Story: Banned Comet
  20. Got that right. To each their own. Just not my cup of tea.
  21. Receiving free service altogether (without subscribing to a package at all) definitely isn't something that you'd want to consider. That's not experimental anymore, that's down right stealing.
  22. I'm not sure if DOCSIS 2.0 constantly refreshes your config file or not, but once you clone the mac address of an active modem from a different node across town, you will operate at that speed and constantly receive the same config file as often as necessary. Even when rebooting the modem. Some users choose to sniff out the fastest config file their isp has to offer (lots of business speeds), enter the info within the modified firmware's interface, and apply the settings. After a reboot of the modem, your speeds will be that of the chosen config file indefinitely. What all this means is that users subscribe to the cheapest package that their isp offers, but operate at the fastest available speed. Currently, there is no way to stop this. It doesn't matter if it's standard DOCSIS or Euro DOCSIS. This goes for the SB3100-SB5101.
  23. That is correct. The program mentioned in Hollywoodx954x's first post won't work on DOCSIS 2.0, 1.1, or 1.0 infrastructures, but so many other programs will. That, I am cartain about. People do this everyday and never alert their isp.
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