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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. Decade is partially right. We have seen differences in speed tests with different browsers, and while I dont claim to understand why I can say I have never seen this big of a difference.
  2. Have you cleared your cache in IE lately. Try clearing both and retesting. Also test with the same size test.
  3. Go to control panel, add remove programs, then go to remove windows components. You can remove it from there. What I do is just delete all the links to IE so others wont use it on my pc (remember you might need it to access certain sites). Older versions of your uninstaller pro could rip it out but the new ones dont.
  4. Have you tried looking at it with firefox? Also if you are on a server try rebooting and not signing in to the server. I can still browse the internet even when not connected to the server and that helps me reach some sites I couldnt normally.
  5. Awesome man, thanks for the update. Sweet.
  6. This topic has been moved to Make it Faster.... [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=10814.0[/iurl]
  7. Well youd still lose alot of speed so I guess its up to you. I would do whatever to keep as high of a dl speed as possible.
  8. Resop take a break man, you are cracking me up. Dammit be nice.
  9. When did you get so clever? That kinda turned me on reading it.
  10. RAINMAKA... Damn nice avatar man. I love that. I have seen that stupid pic a million ways but that one made me giggle. Like Resop does when he talks to me.
  11. Nice post Pagen. 25 TestmyBucks for you. The are redemable for absolutely nothing. But if you get to ONE MILLION, you get a kiss.... from CA3LE. And hes sexy. He looks like he should be in a boy band.
  12. I lived in North Texas right smack in Tornado Alley for years and I had many dish's. I find the best way to mount the dish is using a house bracket and directly on the side of your house. This way the house can break some wind and you dont get the whole mount wobbling in the wind. If that is not a possibility try a round metal post buried in concrete. Try to keep the pole as short as possible.
  13. Well what alot of message boards allow we do not. Nobody will attack another member or call rude names. That doesn't fly here. I had this same conversation with a member named Hollywood not to long back (bout a week) and he decided to ignore it and keep fighting and arguing. Ask him how it turned out. You want to debate, talk, disagree... whatever thats great, drop the name calling and attacking one anothers intelligence.
  14. Antoine welcome to the site and FREAKING NICE avatar there, I like.
  15. I don't like Intel much, I don't know why but anyway. I like the old logo better. Also I'm not trying to argue but I think this is a cool backstorie. Lemmings, famous for committing suicide by following each other to destruction, in reality do not do this. The story got started when a documentary was being shot by Disney I think and they kinda "encouraged" the poor little things over a cliff. Nice post ROM.
  16. Well unless you need the extra upload your gonna take a hit on download speed so I say no switch. Try to tweek your current connection. http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1013.0;attach=65 Try this, I like it and its simple to use. http://www.testmy.net/topic-1013 also try this.
  17. This topic has been moved to HELP! With Other Stuff. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=10750.0[/iurl]
  18. Ok debate is great but if the name calling and attacks for spelling mistakes continue the thread will be locked and all parties warned. In case some new people don't know we don't do that here. This is a fun place to learn and hang out. Now stop it.
  19. I saw this a week back or so......... It is still just as damn funny. I love it.
  20. Sounds an aweful lot like your describing Limewire.
  21. There are still several loopholes around steam although we wont discuss that here.
  22. This post made me laugh twice. Once just because its smart ass and kinda funny but then the klinker is the sig, there is a copy machine in nearly ALL public libraries full of copyrighted material. At least all the libraries I have been in have that crappy copier in the corner that costs a dime and stinks like ass.
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