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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. Dammit the one I could have answered. Thanks.
  2. I have a Tandy computer though. Its the fast kind though.
  3. Way to rub it in there. :haha: I feel ya man, I get about 4.
  4. Yea well I want the 3 and half hours I have spent on the toilet in the past 24 due to dinner and Jorges last night. But we are both shit out of luck. Get it.. tee hee. Im clever.
  5. Greatest review.... ever. Short, sweet, gave me a good picture. Thanks.
  6. This topic has been moved to Off Topic Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=19436.0[/iurl]
  7. Ahhh that sucks donkey balls. Poor dude, if I was told I was dying in a year I would prob do the same thing. Damn that sucks. I couldnt afford a second opinion if my life depended on it... tee hee.
  8. We actually do. Those two sports kinda go together. I dont know why I say that, they just seem to. :evil6: :evil6:
  9. Resop that is fricking awesome. I love it. If you could make the nipples more obvious and the fingers making a little circular swirl over the nipples I would love you forever. BTW I saved the one you made. Seriously I love it. [move]Thank You Resop[/move] That is the shit... honestly no pun intended. That made me laugh so hard. CA3LE has GOT to add that one.
  10. I know what the NHL is but I might as well not... I care that little about it. Football and Golf are about all I do.
  11. This topic has been moved to Off Topic Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=19393.0[/iurl]
  12. Tim, you should have known Swimmer would spoil your fun. The boy knows too much.
  13. Welcome to the site, glad to see a new face. Sounds like your kinda up a creek, dial up blows as your aware. I have never heard of a minimum speed for dial up isp's but no matter what they say they are going to give you, you will be lucky to ever see that speed. Oh and it is a little funny. :evil6: I had dial up and know the feeling, not laughing at ya... and probably not with ya either. :haha: Glad to have ya here.
  14. :haha: Seriously there is no way.. she is too damn nice.
  15. Will do. Its a no go Jim. Figured it out... shes banned. I used a proxy and got right on. She says its a mistake, apparently they have this trouble alot there. Jackass's :uglystupid2:
  16. My wife goes to this site www.gamingpeak.com and plays with her friends. Dont worry this is not an ad. Well today she went there and it just loads and loads and loads and then says problem loading page. Nothing, I mean like we have no internet connection. Her friends can get on just fine... Whats up with that?
  17. This topic has been moved to Make it Faster.... [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=19374.0[/iurl]
  18. Hmm... it sounds like you have already done what you should. I do know it takes a few weeks for you to get top speed out of DSL. I didnt know this before I got DSL a short while back. Welcome to the site, glad to have ya. I am going to move this to the "speed it up" section for you.
  19. I love you man... yea the kids are my life, well the wife and kids. I mean that too, if I lost them I would have no reason to live. Plus come on... slip and slide baby.
  20. Oh lord, if I had my dig camera you would get such a picture right now. Great title,if I remember when I get home Il post "mine". I may get high and play on the slip and slide in the yard with the kiddos though. Fun fun fun.
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