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Everything posted by netmasta

  1. netmasta


    Your results look good. You shouldn't have to worry about it. Pinging a computer, basicly checks to see if it's there and how long it takes to respond back. If you have a router or a firewalll one of them may be blocking incoming pings. It's a small security measure.
  2. There are some programs, such as Motherboard Monitor that can check the current temperature of your CPU. If it detects an unusually high temperature, then your fan/heatsink may not be set up right. If that is the case, you should stop using your computer to prevent damage from high heat.
  3. Go to the account management page: https://acctmgt.comcast.net/Comcast/AcctMgt/acctmgt.cmd It should be the first link there, Create additional email accounts, in the EMAIL SETTINGS section.
  4. It sounds like the fan might not be seated or connected to the heatsink and CPU right. Did you watch him install it?
  5. You're using a Simple Machines product right now. These forums are powered by Simple Machines' SMF. I'm not sure if it's free. But I do know you need a place to host it. Most free hosting services, (e.g.: Geocities, Angelfire, etc.) don't have the required software to run SMF.
  6. Yup, it's a very useful key. Back in the days of DOS, it would literally print the screen to the printer.
  7. Doesn't aol use a proxy though?
  8. If it is a prank, it could be something from here.
  9. AT&T Internet Service Fails in 5 States Thu Jul 28, 7:59 PM ET SAN JOSE, Calif. - Subscribers to AT&T Corp.'s DSL Internet service in five Western states lost their connections for several hours Thursday after the telecommunications company experienced a problem with equipment that routes data over its network. ADVERTISEMENT The service went down about 6 a.m. PDT, and about 50 percent of customers were restored by Thursday evening, said AT&T spokesman Andy Backover. The company confirmed homes and businesses in California and four other Western states were affected, but it would not provide the total number of subscribers who lost service or name the other states. Backover said AT&T received more than 2,000 reports of trouble. "We're working as hard as we can to restore the service," he said. "We're very apologetic to any customers who were inconvenienced." Backover added the problem stemmed from a problematic router that's been identified and was being repaired. But he did not know when all affected customers would be restored. The outage affected only customers of digital subscriber line, or DSL, service, and not other portions of the network for T1 service and other Internet backbone functions that AT&T maintains. http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20050728/ap_on_hi_te/at_t_dsl_outage
  10. According to the story, this group measures usage on any one specific date. As for IE still dominating, remember it's the default browser in most new computers and some people either don't know how to change browsers, or they just don't care. Also, FF hasn't even been out for a full year yet. As I said above, just give it some time and see.
  11. Now that Apple has switched from IBM to Intel processors, things could get interesting. Some day you may be able to run Mac OS and Windows on the same computer (e.g.:dual boot), which even though I'm not a Mac fan, sounds very interesting. I hope this opens up some compition for M$.
  12. One difference is Intel and AMD make processors, Apple doesn't.
  13. :haha: Good one. I could see that happening.
  14. For now it does. But just wait and see.
  15. I think it's very cool. I already see it starting to happen, with Flash drives and digital camera memory. I also like the cartridge video games better (they use ROM) because they load almost instantly. I don't know if I would buy the i-drive, since you need a battery backup, when I could just use a Flash drive like I mentioned above instead. But the idea of no moving parts is very appealing.
  16. Mine (MA) was a slow last night, but back to normal today: :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 6298 Kbps about 6.3 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB) Download Speed is:: 769 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Fri Jul 29 2005 10:38:58 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) Bottom Line:: 112X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.33 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 62.53 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-SDGIQJ0O4
  17. Ah, System Restore, one of the few good things about XP.
  18. I did it by mistake. The lock topic button is close to the "General Discussion" button. Sorry about that. I've done it before too.
  19. If the computer that you keep getting rr.com is the wireless one, you may be connected to some one else's router.
  20. I'm a little confuesd. I thought I read that IE 7 beta isn't a public release.
  21. July 27, 2005 Firefox Toolbar: Beta no more! What a rush! It
  22. The ratings just count Windows users using IE, though since that's what you need to run the toolbar. Hopefully they will make a FF version soon.
  23. Firefox market share: new worldwide numbers Posted by Tristan Nitot (nitot) on Thu, 07/28/2005 - 09:04 :: Spreading Firefox French company Xiti Monitor has just released more numbers on Firefox Market share with details on countries not mentionned in previous studies. First things first: on that day, Firefox has 14.83% market share in Europe (taking the respective sizes of the countries into account) and 11.78% market share in North America Picture courtesy of Xiti Monitor As usual with Xiti studies, these numbers represent a snapshot of the Internet audience on a specific date: Sunday July 17th, 2005. Xiti mentions that numbers during the week are slightly lower, as enterprises tend not to adopt newer technologies like Firefox as quickly as consumers. Congratulations go to users in Finland, with 31.03% market share (probably a world record), followed by Germany, Czech Republic, Croatia and Poland, with more than 20% of Firefox users in each. Picture courtesy of Xiti Monitor
  24. FF already has RSS support. You add the feeds in the same way as a regular bookmark. Not to mention, FF is very customizable. There are dozens of extensions for it, not to mention, you can customize the look of FF. There are dozens of "skins" available.
  25. I'm sorry to say it. I haven't had any major problems with it though. At least I don't have a Comcrap (Compaq). They have the loudest HDD's.
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