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  • Speed Test

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Everything posted by grift3r74

  1. Click here to see the benchmark of other sites compared to TMN. Distance is a factor also.. to TMN!!
  2. If your satisfied then thats good... :
  3. Its been a year later and I guess nothing happened.. Still lots of unsatisfied subscribers.. :smile2:
  4. Not yet.. Its pretty inconsistent... Must be some basestation activities.. :cussing:
  5. No that was in Philippines Peso.. In US dollars, it would cost $550
  6. Its been 3 days that I have speeds below 100 kbps.. MADA PAKA Smartbro!! :protest: :protest: :protest: :protest: :protest:
  7. ASUS Motherboard (AGP) Wrong move on my part I had no clue PCI would take over suddenly and kill AGP card slots :haha:) ATI Radeon 9500 256 MB 80 GB Seagate Barracuda 1 gig ram Combo Drive LiteOn CPU case (Black) Pentium 4, 3.0Ghz Plus my friend gave me his spare of 512 ram and 40 gig harddrive Sorry forgot the individual prices. That was a loooong time ago. You could do the same also and get current gen parts at around that price today.
  8. I built my pc at PC House Gilmore around 2 and a half years ago.. It was a kick as$ gaming machine at that time. it cost me around 25000 just to build the CPU.. ($550). LOL, I built it to play half-life 2 and doom 3 which was much anticipated at that time..
  9. : Profile -> (Under Modify profile) select Look and Layout Preferences.. You can change the time offset to the right.
  10. You didnt do anything wrong.. Trust me, its the proxy youre using.... :ar15:
  11. Is this it? Youre using a proxy.. Disable it
  12. Test your speed again later at night.. Maybe its just that the internet traffic is congested since afternoon is usually its peak hours.. You do the cablenut tweak once.. After you restart your pc, it should be good to go and a little bit faster.. Especially your upload..
  13. Yeah, Internet here is too unfair and overpriced.. Even our president got in trouble because of an overpriced broadband deal with China (ZTE Nationwide broadband network) :haha:
  14. The admins here dont speak tagalog so they will not understand that you are actually apologizing to them... You can find the canopy tweaks at page 1 of this thread..
  15. No, all in all you will pay them 12,000... Whether you keep your connection or not. You will pay the contract itself (we are tied to 12 month to smartbro..) so if you paid 7 months for 7000, and decide to disconnect, you will have to pay the 5000 as a charge although you did not use it... And your point is?
  16. What I know is if you will pay the whole 12 months..Its a contract thing. So you will have to pay P12,000 whether you've only used it for 1 month. Kinda sux...
  17. Its one of the most good-looking browsers out there. I use them specifically to watch online videos..
  18. I just cant seem to go 600 again...
  19. I just remember a detailed guide somewhere posted in that site, like on how to change cablenut settings manually (1 by 1,).. Well, could you post a satellite setting? Maybe I could use that as a base and calculate specific settings with it.. Thanks!!
  20. I cant seem to access cablenut.com.. It says domain name expired.. Have they moved to another location? What are other good cablenut sites aside from testmy? Thanks!!
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