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Everything posted by xs1

  1. jealous of what?... the most storage ive ever had (before numerous crashes and lost all) is 500gb.. and that took forever to aquire. hell even now i have 3 TB of usable space not including flash drives and im only using mabey 300GB lol.. Also, im not sure where in any of my posts ive ever called you names but..... OK! ... If you somehow took offense to anything id suggest re-reading my post.. =\ On a similar note i dont remember or recall "deeming" anything "inappropriate" for that matter. Just dont see the logic of having an entire rack of immense storage unless your going to host a business of some sorts.. hell, even most businesses dont require that kind of space... or equipment... Look at dlewis, he has some high named, very recognizable companies (that i wont name ) that uses his file hosting site and even he doesnt require that kind of space... yet... lol again, whatever. if you want that much crap in your home for sheer internet kicks and awes , than more power to you.
  2. I'm sorry precious did I hit a sweet spot of sorts? An avid share whore may hit the " half dozen " TB mark, hell maybe even a bit more. When we start talking about racks on racks in our home, reaching the PB range... regardless of the function it will raise some eye brows. Honestly I don't care what someone has in their arsenal of storage.... but racks in your house is a little ridiculous Lmao. Whatever, either way, I'm not paying that electric & maintenance bill LOL.
  3. Hey i may have alot of porn & spyware, but its very well categorized porn & spyware. haha. - On a serious note, Firefox has always been slower for me than any browser. Thats why i switched to chrome Across the board .
  4. Even with 007 security, your ISP or someone who wants to know what your downloading, will.
  5. Seems to be my niche. lol... finding shit that cant be reproduced by anyone but me..
  6. Depends whats on the drives... *cough*
  7. Heres what i just got on firefox, which i dont like to use.. firefox is really slow on the download side... but *better* on the upload... still not right tho :::.. Combined Test Results ..::: Download Connection is:: 28358 Kbps about 28.4 Mbps (tested with 24 MB) Download Speed is:: 3545 kB/s or 3.5 MB/s Upload Connection is:: 24995 Kbps about 25 Mbps (tested with 17.53 MB) Upload Speed is:: 3124 kB/s or 3.1 MB/s Tested At:: http://TestMy.net version:12 Test Time:: 2011-09-18 10:03:09 Local Time Validation:: https://testmy.net/db/dMr6m8Z.VhKcFaW User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:6.0.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/6.0.2 [!]
  8. Im sure someone is watching that collection. Creepy if you ask me. =\
  9. I had no idea that you had to enable / re-enable 4 g coverage on out phones.. I thought it would just auto-grab the signal ... i had no idea you had to enable and disable it like wifi.. thats kinda gay.. i thought when you hit an area of 4g coverage it would just switch, like it does with 1x - 3g
  10. Looking at your stats it seems like a slight drop... dont know about a 3rd. i would also recommend a larger test file. 15 MB is tiny for powerboost standards. 25 MB - https://testmy.net/dl-25MB&nfw=1 50 MB - https://testmy.net/dl-50MB&nfw=1 75 MB - https://testmy.net/dl-75MB&nfw=1 200 MB - https://testmy.net/dl-200MB&nfw=1 Recent Stats.png
  11. I thought the same thing! Browser is screwy or something.... till i tried every living browser there is under wiki's list. EVERY one.. The problem is, this started with a windows update.. Its not just my PC. Its my moms, & grandmothers too. They dont have anything screwy installed on theirs as mine may. Every time i reformat it always works fine. I have 3 completely different computers , all running windows 7 ( 2 of them on home, mine on ultimate) and a laptop also running windows 7 ( which so far isnt effected) that all have the same problem with the upload portion. Uploads to other sites, whether speed test or otherwise, the upload is fine. I upload to uploadingit.com and other sites via ftp & web; speeds exactly where they should be. So really, i just dont know. Even "old TMN" is effected. Its only our style of testing here at testmy , on 3 completely different models of pc.
  12. ca3le, any word on the video?
  13. Laptop ^ Moms PC -^ (dont mind the download)
  14. so what do you think of the delay? in the vid?
  15. just tried verizons too for shiggles and gitts... i wish i could take a video to show the upload hang , so you guys can see it
  16. I just chose the 29mb upload test , check what i got.... Heres the 23mb test , completely inaccurate because of my forwarding issue were having with the upload tests, but heres the completed version anyhow
  17. :sigh: this is getting old... all 3 browsers.. 3 computers..... :\
  18. xs1


    Welcome to the forums tyrone.
  19. via laptop , stll not accurate but better... laptop gets maxed out (cpu) on these tests..
  20. New guest account, never used. :::.. Combined Test Results ..::: Download Connection is:: 41190 Kbps about 41.2 Mbps (tested with 29 MB) Download Speed is:: 5149 kB/s or 5.1 MB/s Upload Connection is:: 12026 Kbps about 12 Mbps (tested with 17.53 MB) Upload Speed is:: 1503 kB/s or 1.5 MB/s Tested From:: http://(Dallas, TX USA) Test Time:: 2011-09-06 20:19:00 Local Time Validation:: https://testmy.net/db/qGyVzMO.GMtrYkj User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/13.0.782.215 Safari/535.1 [!] :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
  21. It has something to do with a windows update. My moms and grandmothers PC do the same thing with testmy's speed test. Neither one of them use any kind of software on their computers. They check their email and turn them off. No additional / weird software like on mine. Its some windows 7 update doing it.
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