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Everything posted by WebUser

  1. Not really sure what your question is, sounds more like a rant. But I just did this test on a 360 modem:
  2. Seeking any knowledgeable comments; Coverage? Reliability? Speed? Cost-effectiveness? Links for reference: http://www.evdoinfo.com/ http://evdo-coverage.com/ Anybody using it?
  3. Sorry, but I don't see this as a typical 'sexual crime'. Now if she had attacked him, beat him, forced him to submit and/or held his grades in check if he didn't, that would be a different matter. Crap, I think you can still get married in FL at 15 or 16. Or did Jeb the Apostle outlaw that too?
  4. WebUser


    deleted by poster
  5. It's really a matter of preference and application. I don't think there is a 'best' overall. Had a JVC 27' CRT that died. I would have just replaced it with another CRT, but I wanted to relocate it to a place where I didn't have the depth necessary for a CRT. Looked at plasma, but rejected it based on price and durability. Got a 30" LCD [syntax Olevia], and mounted it in the corner of the room at ceiling level, angled down. Connected to Dish, Analog Broadcast Antenna, VCR and DVD all on separate inputs. Analog is a bit grainey, but that's more due to weak signal strength than anything else. All in all it has worked out well, my only complaint is that I wish I could turn down the brightness a bit more.
  6. The 'price' of the phone line has nothing to do with DSL as it merely 'rides' over the copper wires. Quality of any splices/connections between the telephone company and your house and inside your house can make a big difference. If any of those connections are loose or corroded, signal quality [and speed] will suffer greatly.
  7. How much hair do you have left Or is it all laying on the floor
  8. Any ideas? It resets easy enough, but it's a bit annoying when you're trying to do something.
  9. I'm not so sure BV is actually using that site or if someone just archived the site before it went down. It's been down for several months now.............wonder what happened?
  10. EarthJunk was the worst experience I've ever had with an ISP. I hope their next upgrade is bankruptcy.
  11. Anybody know why this happens Sometimes I also get the Satellite Data Accelerator error, but not always. There is no pattern that I can determine.
  12. I don't see those problems, and I'm on eBay almost constantly. I do get unexplained 'stalls' though, but I think it may be my PC or my other cookie stopper/management program. I just wish I could get my 360 to work with ICS so I could use it across the LAN. All the settings are right [i think], but no go........
  13. Search Google for:
  14. Amazing that no one has asked the model of the unit. OP, what is the TV? Is it the Olevia? If so, there should be a dSub 15 Pin VGA monitor connector on the back or side. http://www.syntaxgroups.com/products/20s_inch_spec.html If it's a different unit, get us the model number so we can better advise you.
  15. SPAM = SCAM
  16. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1318 Kbps about 1.3 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB) Download Speed is:: 161 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (main) Test Time:: Wed, 04 May 2005 10:45:37 GMT-0500 Bottom Line:: 24X faster than 56K 1MB download in 6.36 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 246.84 % faster than the average for host (178.22) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-I72UBPCG1
  17. I'm more concerned what 050505 might do tomorrow!!
  18. Definitely have them check the integrity of the cable between the dish and the modem, physically and electronically. Also insist they check the dish position and aiming, it may not have moved, but just be sure. And double check the line of sight for obstructions. Don't get your hopes up over WB; they have delayed their start date several times, originally it was supposed to be in early '04. And so far I haven't seen firm pricing on the hardware or installation, just estimates.
  19. First, some questions... Did anything else happen about 3 weeks ago? Heavy storms? High winds? Hail? Lightening? Anything at all thet might have moved the dish? It only has to move a few millimeters to degrage the signal quality. A lightening strike nearby may have affected the LNB without actually hitting it. Have you checked the cable from the modem to the dish? Could it have gotten kinked? Possibly weather damaged? Connectors corroded? Any chance of damage from rodents, birds, insects? Did the trees leaf out? A tree that was not in the way last year might have grown enough to be a problem this year. Did anything happen in your area? A new cellular telephone or radio tower that could be causing interference? Have any of the techs actually been to the house to look at any of these things? The point I am trying to make is that it might not be StarBand's fault, and they might have exhausted all of their troubleshooting options.
  20. So does Tweak UI and several other similar utilities. And for the 'get your hands dirty' crowd there is BlackViper.
  21. Not sure how the TelCos operate over there, but it sounds like a wiring problem, could be corrosion or damage from weather or squirrels/birds, etc. The five day window may be for them to test and rerun the wire from the connection at the pole to your apartment.
  22. Opera; Simply the Best Internet Experience! BTW, There's already a thread on this subject: https://testmy.net/topic-4171 .
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