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Everything posted by fred

  1. One other point ! We could all take the quiz and post it next to our sig's and when you answer a question the level of expertise could be taken into consideration to follow the advise or wait for another opinion. What a wonderful way to profile a member
  2. :cry: E-Machine :evil1: and that's all I know sorry
  3. I build it is much cheaper that way for me even though there are some cheap units out there but you get what you pay for supposedly anyway
  4. R-D that red handed sounds dangerous. How can a person go about detecting whether or not such code is in your computer with out buying a detection program to deal with the same???
  5. :D what a wonderful site for sore eyes or I's or just for me I will be getting pro-active in dealing with this terrible terrible addiction and btw thank you R-D for letting me find what the problem is ,for a long time I was in Egypt on a river, or a reasonable facsimile there of, seeing how I live @ 555 [egypt] rd. Could you go a little further and explain some of the other pitfalls to this awful addiction, please help me if you can or I could call Rhonda :D
  6. That is an easy question to answer if ZA is all you have ever used there is no way to judge it in other words this is all I have ever used so I really don't know what is good or bad:)
  7. fred

    Loading of web pages

    ya know with all these anti-spyware programs and the cache cleaner programs I totally for got about dumping the cache manually thanks again
  8. fred

    Loading of web pages

    Thanks Earth man
  9. Why is it this is the only site it takes for ever to load a page ? Like switching between pages in the forum or even the speed tests. Any other site is okay :?
  10. go to the site then and go to FAQ and see if any body has same bug
  11. go in the program and let it know what your gateway is then allow it to operate in the internet zone you might have to give it a special rule or something like that or go to trouble shooting and see what is there or maybe call a techie at Kaspersky
  12. yeah that is right there at the city limits I used to live two block south on Harlem on the corner in that four flat, the line goes in and out (or east and west) on the south side of Grand is that right or has it changed that much in 30 years since I have lived there and btw that was all ways dangerous
  13. I have another question, while were over here doping off who's minding the store
  14. what is what you chop and what is what you cary
  15. Well the question is would you rather have is what I get and what I would have if at all possible is a fiber t3 with the atm protocol and then I would be BAD ASS
  16. I used to live vey close to where it happened my x father-in-law lives there still what were the crossing intersections Bull, thanks Fred
  17. I have one that has baffled me for years How does a fly land on the ceiling does it do a barrel roll does it all the sudden flip on it's bottom side or does it kind of slide on to it's bottom side as you can read I have way to much time on my hands :lol:
  18. Happy T Day to all, Personally I have a lot to be thankfull for and this site is one of them, it helps me keep my confusion in perspective and in order :D
  19. :D Just think what we could all do if we just applied ourselves :D
  20. Well here I go again hope I don't step in it this time but, I was told that God pulled the penis's off all the dumb one's can I get a confirmation on that statement:) Fred however I was also made aware that two heads are better than one even if one is a goat's head????
  21. yea Agg that's pretty close I just thought it should be a little more consice sorry about the wait on the return went to sleep HaHa
  22. :D :D and I didn't know what to think because every time I do I get a head ache :D
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