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Everything posted by fred

  1. I was just reading an article from Rom-Dos and Shugg about cleaning up your system. Maybe that should be a requirement before much communication takes place on our site as to not have any problems in the future with Trojans and worms, if at all possible. In other words have a section dedicated on what to down load and how to use it . I think it would help us all thanks "Fred"
  2. this was a good article how ever if you started reading on page two (as I did) it got real funny at the end and I'm going hmmmmm what the hell, check it out :D Fred
  3. now that's one of the problems ~ females always want real answers, even if there aren't any!! ~ and thus the war began You said a mouth full rom-dos you can tell what gender by the question asked or the answer given, and I know that I am in a world of #$%^ by that statement alone one of these day's I will learn to keep my thoughts to myself but any way let the war begin :D
  4. Happy B-day boss and another day older and deeper in debt as the song goes anyway. First thing I seen when I logged in just now. How about that?
  5. my haven't we grown since the last time I log in.
  6. fred

    Help with memory

    I can't add anything to this post that hasn't already been said BTW check out my sig.
  7. I' am very much in agreement that dsl should be lowered but who is going to make them lower the prices I am so sad to hear about you having to pay such a price for dsl and you have the opportunity to go some where else and pay less or get a better package that it all most makes me sick especially when I have to pay $65.00 bucks a month for 1.2 down and .256 up and my only alternative is dial-up or satellite and these two services are owned by the same company so to you my dear sir I say be greatfull for what you have and not for what you WANT there is all ways somebody out there that is getting it worse than you are
  8. :Personally I use FF to a greater degree than IE but when it comes to finances the wife uses IE don't know why but she does and as far as the whackers hackers crackers thief's what ever they want to call themselves I see it all as illeagle they should keep there fingers out of somebodies else's code jar and let the internet rock on with out interuption or malice
  9. question how many power supplies do you have feeding the speakers you may be hitting on a good thing talking about shielding on your conductors check polarity for it sounds like your getting what we call in the trade a 60 cycle hum which can be a hard thing to isolate, try to turn your power supply upside down or over this changes the polarity of the power source and then you can check your polarity through out the whole speaker system you can get an isolation transformer to silence the 60HzG hum get back to me and let me know how it turns out
  10. hey junkie how exactly does that work I am supposed to have a designated ip address static if you will and this little maneuver worked on mine also however I did not change my dns search order or my gateway on any of the other tcpip values in other words I can go to any site with a bogus ip address and do any thing I want and not get recognized?
  11. fred

    Warped CRT

    You may have a problem that only super tech can fix when you said the word E machine but you should have a menu screen that allows you to adjust the moire I believe that is what it is called
  12. I do a maintenance program once a week I have not yet spent any monies on an automatic program because it also takes up systems resources when you place it in the scheduler. and i have done this for years and see no harm to the HDD not saying it could though
  13. oh I see I have some strange results from these NDT sites from time to time myself like auto negotiate 100MB and stuff like that or thisWEB100 Enabled Statistics: Checking for Middleboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Done running 10s outbound test (client to server) . . . . . 222.46Kb/s running 10s inbound test (server to client) . . . . . . 1.29Mb/s ------ Client System Details ------ OS data: Name = Windows XP, Architecture = x86, Version = 5.1 Java data: Vendor = Sun Microsystems Inc., Version = 1.5.0_04 ------ Web100 Detailed Analysis ------ Cable modem/DSL/T1 link found. Link set to Full Duplex mode No network congestion discovered. Good network cable(s) found Normal duplex operation found. Web100 reports the Round trip time = 105.56 msec; the Packet size = 1460 Bytes; and There were 11 packets retransmitted, 160 duplicate acks received, and 141 SACK blocks received The connection was idle 0 seconds (0%) of the time This connection is receiver limited 8.75% of the time. This connection is network limited 91.22% of the time. Web100 reports TCP negotiated the optional Performance Settings to: RFC 2018 Selective Acknowledgment: ON RFC 896 Nagle Algorithm: ON RFC 3168 Explicit Congestion Notification: OFF RFC 1323 Time Stamping: OFF RFC 1323 Window Scaling: OFF Packet size is preserved End-to-End Server IP addresses are preserved End-to-End Client IP addresses are preserved End-to-End Can you explain any of this to me Cholla
  14. Yea I know all to well I was getting phishing scams from these sites and I put an end to it all I quit E-bay didn't they cry E-bay that is and threaten me and every thing else if I quit E-bay. it was kind of a long story but I was getting it in my E-mail and that was enough for me. in other words if I don't have an account with E-bay pay-pal can't charge me with anything!!!
  15. personally my rathers would have been an airplane to get the hell out
  16. I wonder if they could simulate a Crucifixion using the producer of BNN as the intended subject, wow how far can you go on the TV in the name of education ,ludicrous and poor decision making. Heroin and sex???
  17. cholla they are talking about dsl here in this paticular test it is about trans and rec in other words you can't do both at the same time
  18. I do not know but it seems to work I installed this program called ram idle and it allows you to adjust free memory and it seems to have helped me to obtain faster speeds (i.e.) up or down. it is kind of remarkable how this works but it does :D if anybody is interested give it a try and see what I mean
  19. sept.25 15,000 members :D
  20. well this discussion has really gotten out of hand how has a topic line gone from a statement to someone that has been with this site a long time to being an asshole? personally I don't like those kind of inferences and I think you my dear sir (GOD) as you call yourself needs to apologies to the whole community for that very insulting comment and if your can't refrain from those kind of comments you need excuse yourself from our site. Respectfully Submitted FRED
  21. swimmer that is good advise his approach to security is just in reverse to conventional wisdom, (i.e.) if it isn't broke it doesn't need to be fixed,on the other hand, he surely would put a lot of, zone alarms, McAfee, norton etc. etc. people out of business now wouldn't he, it would be so much better to build it right from the start than to "permit" all to enter your computer and deal with it once it is there Thanks Swimmer
  22. 1. June 5 10,000 members 2. June 19 discussion about going PUBLIC 3.sept. 12 rapidly approaching 15,000 4. sept.25 15,000 members :D :D 5. went PUBLIC @ anytime the boss decides to 6. those looking for their jobs need to call
  23. I like any of them that don't crash they all have their draw backs and desired features personally I have found FF to load the fastest and IE to be a pain in the #$%^ with it being a part of the os as in, send reports to bill about errors what are they doing practicing medicine I thought that the computer industry on the whole was an exact science who knows just a thought any how, what about a blank shell and a search engine that can't wait, type in a website and go straight there no need of a home page print option, mail, ect.ect. the browser is so redundant any way. We all have programs that we go to, to achieve the same ends, in other words they all eat up systems resources and it seems there should be an easier way???
  24. OK excuse me I didn't quite read it right, the problem is in the device manager I am sorry for not understanding what I was reading I had a brain Fart any way maybe uninstall it in the safe mode and boot it back up again and it will try to reinstall, at this point it will tell you it has found new hardware and maybe you can get a better idea of what it is from this point, and again sorry for not paying attention
  25. Hey guys try this one go to msconfig and stop every thing but what is needed to startup (i.e.) antivirus, explorer,ect,ect hope this works and then you can start back wards loading the programs until you get the error again, Fred
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