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Everything posted by dlewis23

  1. IDK about that I don't use pathfinder lol... But I think quicksilver might be a must have.
  2. The base model is good, I've see that one for $499 just about once a week. But its gone by the end of the day, so you really gotta watch them. The chipset supports 8 GB, just Apple never put it on the spec sheet as supporting 8 GB. Tho a 4GB DDR3 DIMM is kinda expensive (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231265) These newer Mac Minis can both take 2 hard drives since the optical drive is SATA in them now. You just have to remove the optical drive. If you want to put in a second hard drive. That may or may not be a problem for you. Apple's 2 drive one is meant to be used as a server so both drives are setup on raid 1. I just setup a mini for a friend with a Kingston SSDNow (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820139108&cm_re=SSD_now-_-20-139-108-_-Product) as the primary, and a second 500 GB notebook drive inside. For doing what he did (iPhone dev.) that mini was damn fast. From what I have seen they are brand new, or really cleaned up by Apple, because I have never found a flaw in any of the ones I've seen. I think for the most part they are ones they couldn't sell in retail (Damaged box/Unopened return).
  3. ca3le For what you do, you should have gone to a Mac along time ago. The programs (Specifically for Web Development) have no windows equivalent. The big 3 Coda (http://www.panic.com/coda/), TextMate (http://macromates.com/) , Transmist (http://www.panic.com/transmit/) are the best for web anything. For managing your servers its got windows beat too since it has a actual Terminal, so no more shitty Putty. The Mac Mini is pretty damn fast for just about anything as long as you stick at least 4 GB of ram in it. Upgrading the hard drive to a 7200 RPM drive or going to a SSD will give it a big performance bump too. One good thing to do is buy it off the refurb store http://store.apple.com/us/browse/home/specialdeals/mac?mco=OTY2ODY3Nw I've seen the $799 Mac Mini for $200 less at times but they go out real fast. There refub store is not really "refurbished" items everything is basically new you just don't get the retail box. I've ordered 3 computers from there and never had a problem with one, and they came in perfect condition.
  4. Am I the only one who when I set my time zone "eastern" its actually an hour behind? If i'm not it looks to me like the server didn't adjust for daylight savings last sunday.
  5. There is no real way to test your websites real speed because what you test on is going to be very different from what the end user is going to be using. Using websites to analyze your website for improvements is not really helpful because they load your website on there server which has a faster connection then yours and then guess how it might load on a slower connection. The best tool's are already built in your browser if you are using a modern one. Just turn on developer mode and look at the inspector. Typically there will be a tab called resources and that will show every object on a web page and how long it took to download and process those files. Doing tweaks based on whats in there is a good thing and will improve your sites speed. But then again it's only based on how your computer loaded the page. If someone goes to your site with slower computer and older browser it will load much slower. Many other things can come into play on your websites "real" speed like what type of web server you run, how far you are from the server, the servers load, etc. etc. There is no way to know a websites "real" speed, because what it is for you, it will be different for another person.
  6. Welcome Back.
  7. You can pinch and zoom?
  8. Typically, the LCD panel it self wont go bad unless it was hit. Smacking the screen hard can cause that. What really happens most of the time is the cable that goes from the motherboard to the display breaks. 1 maybe 2 wires of the several that go to the display will break from opening and closing. Which ever it is your not fixing it. It will cost more to fix then the computer is worth. You could get a better notebook for less then you would pay for the display alone. Then you gotta find someone who knows how to work on a notebook because it's not like a desktop.
  9. What I think this may be, is simply the line path for your DSL. I'm not sure if they do this in AU, but in the US DSL ISP's put the line on a mode called interleaved, it checkes the packets to make sure everything is good with the packets, and by doing that it adds latency. When I had regular DSL I had my line on interleaved and my pings were 80 + all the time. If that is the case, you have to get it switched over to a mode called Fast Path. Fast Path checks nothing, so your latency will drop a lot. When I got my DSL line switched over to Fast Path, my latency dropped to 30 - 40 ms ping times.
  10. Its not just the CPU that determines how your computer will be albe to handel it. Your Ram, Hard Drive, and Chipset play a huge role. With large file downloads at that speed, having a fast Hard Drive is key. Most lower end notebooks can have problems with stained downloads at that speed, while trying to do other things. The Hard Drive just can't write the data that fast, while trying to do other things. But with the computer he is talking about, there should be no problem. You would have to worry more about the server on the other end being able to dish it out fast then your computer.
  11. Remote desktop.... But it will only be as fast as his connection is.
  12. Thats what happens when you go through menopauses, you get hot flashes.
  13. Uninstall Flash, then install Flash 10.1 beta. http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/
  14. TMN servers are actually in Dallas, so they would be set to CST, but Ca3le sets them to his time zone, MST. Most server admins, set the server time to the timezone they are in. You can not change the time for test results as they are set by server time, but you can change the forum time for your account here http://www.testmy.net/forum/profile/?area=theme
  15. About as hot as a Cows ass after you used one of those tampons you bought...
  16. Thats because XP was set to have it go to the desktop. The downloads folder thing didn't start till windows vista. Its a good idea, I just wish Microsoft didn't hide it in the My Documents/Libraries folder. I hate going though a few folders just to get to the downloads.
  17. Just want to add, that if your caught doing that on a shared web hosting account, your account will be suspended. Most hosts don't allow that to be run on shared hosting accounts.
  18. Have you even been able to get into CUPS to try and add the printer?
  19. Actually installing windows on a mac is a downgrade not a upgrade. Installing windows on a mac is just an extra thing you can do, in fact with some programs, you don't even have to install windows to run windows apps, you can use crossover... The reason you pay a little more for a mac is for the support, hardware quality, OS X, quality of software, the way everything integrates together, and not having to install a printer drive ever...
  20. No I haven't because one way or another all hardware still will work. Your not limited to the hardware or the OS, because you can run any OS or hardware you want, in what ever hardware configuration you want.
  21. That is actually not really true. Any windows compatible hardware will work in a mac, under windows. Most standard parts like, DVD/CD Drive, hard drive etc. will work under OS X. Most USB things like TV tuners, web cams and such will work, the exception was video cards, and that is actually changing. And if you happen to find a USB device that wont work under OS X, you can start up Parallels or Vmware Fusion, and use it with in OS X using what ever windows software was required. You can take many PC video cards and use them in a Mac under OS X now. All that is required is that you flash the video cards rom. Which now is really easy. You just wont get the latest cards right away. Like there isn't a rom for a 5870 right now that I am aware of. You can use the card in a Mac, it just wont work under OS X.
  22. No. I can still go as far as I want to go, because I can still upgrade if I so choose to. I can change just about everything in here. And if history holds, I will even be able to upgrade the processors to the 6 Core, Core i9/Xeon when they come out. The only thing in the computer that I am technically limited to is the motherboard. Everything else can be upgraded/changed.
  23. It's not a waste when you actually use it, and want the best. The saying, "You get what you pay for" really does apply here. If you want the best, there is usually a reason why it costs more. It's like with the helmet I bought for my bike, there is a reason why it costs $700, or its like buying a Runco TV, there is a reason why it costs 10 grand. It not wasting dollars.
  24. Is your PS3 on wireless or wired?
  25. Don't worry about the second hop thats just a router that blocks pings. Everything else looks fine, your pings are good. The reason the trace routes to IP are high is because your going from New Jersey to Russia, and it doesn't matter what your connection is, trying to play a game over that is going to cause lag.
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