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Everything posted by resijs

  1. Okay okay, if you're still there, I have something else, that I've even neclected to try myself, which now it apparently works. www.portforward.com This stuff is the MmmmMmmm good. Unfortunately! They don't have Conquest Online specific instructions for you. What they do have, is the right way to setup a static IP address, with this link. http://www.portforward.com/networking/static-xp.htm Please note that this is for Windows XP, if you don't have XP please replace the letters xp in that url with either 2k (Windows 2000), me (Windows ME), or with 98 (Windows 98). Hope this helps.
  2. You shouldn't have to put the IP information into your router.
  3. Van, just to let you know. My USB wireless adapters, Linksys B 11 and the Linksys G with speed booster both do not have the option for changing duplex anywhere at all.
  4. Linksys does provide the upgrade for the v4, and it had a very recent update indeed. You should try looking for that on the linksys website, because I know it's there as I've used it.
  5. AMD is not great at all in my experience, my dad has an Athlon(or duron) 1300 or so while I have a Celeron 1400 or so, he runs like he's still on our slow 200 mhrz, it's crap.
  6. Use the webpage with the default password of admin, don't worry no one else can access it, but you. Next go to the wireless tab, then advanced wireless, then beacon intervals.
  7. Default settings are the best, try using a beacon interval of 50 instead of 100, also we may need to change another few settings, but it's very important not to screw them up.
  8. With the nic card, you can't change your ip provided by your ISP, it's through control panel then network connections then your nic card, then find the tcp/ip and change it there... Should look like this. IP Address - Subnet Mask - Default Gateway - Preferred DNS Server - That should take care of the static ip, which btw... Will make your startups faster, have less trouble with ip conflicts, and will open you up for the DMZ feature. Bah, was half asleep when I wrote this.
  9. Is that with using the fdisk command?
  10. You gotta be kidding me, 3000 with a FIBER LINE!? compared to verizon's 5000, 15000, and 30000 plans, you got the short end stick of the bunch in fiber lines my friend!
  11. Aaah, like tearing open an old wound.
  12. He provides beds, he stopped by because of a problem with his website being to big earlier.
  13. xbox is totally down hill, the first xbox should of been around the same price as xbox 360 is now, 400 to 600 dollars. They are not gaining anything from the xbox, so I wouldn't trust them so much. The PS2 had a 4 dollar profit or so. (rofl.) And the gamecube was gaining 20 per sale. I'd take these factors into mind right now, as that could be the deciding point whether you should be loyal to a console or not.
  14. I believe he was lying when he says he gets payed for it. First, how exactly is your network setup? What kind of cable do you have from your xbox to your router, And what kind of cable do you have leading to your modem? If you look at the cable carefully, the ones leading to your modem "should" say CAT4, CAT5, CAT5e, or CAT6 somewhere on it. And your cord leading to your xbox should be a link cable provided by Microsoft.
  15. I saw the trucks, and I saw the ads for FIOS in Tampa, however the site is saying no! I guess as usual to call is better then to look at the site... I'll give them a call, and s1. you should check as well seeing as you live near my area.
  16. Nope, it's Port Forward. I also suggest that you turn your computer in a static IP Adress, (Like and setup DMZ for that. It'll bypass everything. Hmm, I have Conquer Online as well, there is no issue with it though.
  17. resijs


    Good going cak, lol, you proved my point. I'm in Florida!
  18. Again, it says session vertification failed when I tried to edit! Oh well, now my speed is back to 1.5... SmarTest didn't work so well, and neither did Medium... Large gave my true speed, thank g0d.
  19. I was unable to edit this due to something with my cache just being cleared... My connection speed is now 1.1!!! It's dropping with the wireless G!
  20. Well, I upgrade to Wireless-G, strangely my speeds went DOWN to 1.3 instead of my usual 1.5....
  21. Heh, I just remembered, that 200mhrz computer was upgraded alot, it was originally 133 mhrz with 16 megs of ram. And actually before that, I had another computer. It could only run Windows 3.1 and that's all I remember of it. hehe
  22. It's just another one of those speed optimizers, I think most of them are just scams as alls they do is cache everything in the browser.
  23. DOS as in Safe Mode?
  24. resijs


    Okay, you've got to be kidding me with that cloud... *points to location*
  25. You can still hear your computer writing to the floppy today! gg
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