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Everything posted by fattymcbluff

  1. my god start>contral panel>Performance and Maintenance>system>hardware>divice manger>display adaptors and find the intnral one and disable it
  2. no the best <a href="http://www.torrentspy.com/">torrentspy</a>
  3. i'm just cool to kool for school :cool:
  4. ya look rember on a 1500/256 dsl woops got the smf error sorry
  5. ya look rember on a 1500/256 dsl
  6. not on me
  7. ya but your also seeding
  8. no its not i use it and its the best
  9. the best clint <a href="http://azureus.sourceforge.net/>click here to dl the best client</a>
  10. you need to up load you all share the file read this <a href="http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=890.0> read this</a> right now i'm dl south park seson 6 2 gigs on bt and its fast
  11. could some one post the link for the xp p2p fix/patch to lazy to find it
  12. no my Nvidia RIVA TNT2 64 kicks ass
  13. what kind of connection do you have dsl,cable, sat, dial up
  14. I have a a Nvidia RIVA TNT2 64 16mb of ram amd it kicks ass and ATI Radeon 9250 with 256 mb of ram and proud of both of them
  15. I remember when we where wanting 9000 members then 10000 members
  16. good list better and longer look and I'm a 14 year old kid
  17. itunes for music VLC for videos over 800 songs and 8 videos (all this on a 10gig partion)
  18. my mom on a hot sunday afternoon
  19. its the file name biGBoycarwash but the g and the b get upercased http://www.ebaumsworld.com/videos/bigboycarwash.html paste in adress whith the gb lowercase
  20. <a href="http://www.ebaumsworld.com/videos/biGBoycarwash.html>my dads video</a>
  21. frist is way better ...happy
  22. ya sure this past week has suck its got me sad and mad
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