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I'm sure we've all noticed the google ads on the side of the page. What I was thinking, was maybe CA3LE could add a donate option which would give you access to testmy.net with no adds, or some other kind of benefits. Regardless it would be nice to donate once in awhile to testmy.net to help with any server costs because it's such a great site  :D.

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Great idea, I will work on that when I get home... I try to envision the future of the site when writing any code for the site.. so I have already written ad removal into the new site design so it will be very easy to implement something like that.

The google ads go very well with the site theme overall.  Almost from the start of the site I have used google and the campain here at testmy.net has from the start had great success... even if I was approached by an ad company that used mainly image ads and they promised me more revenue I would have to decline.  Because I know that our users appreciate the fact that testmy.net has always used less invasive (and less annoying) methods of finacing the project.  Contextual ads are awesome and not so 'in-your-face' --- god, I really hate those new flash ads that have audio.  But, you never know one day, maybe in the near future, contextual ads may go the way of the dodobird... people may become too desensitized to them... who knows the future of advertising?  Well, if any of us knew the future of advertising we would be very rich indeed.


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mine ads are blocked as with everything i dont want to see or no need to unblock :D :D

with blocked ads (blocked on my end) it would also remove the white space to the left... and fill with text, easier on the eyes.  here is an example >> http://www.testmy.net/?noads=1'>http://www.testmy.net/?noads=1 -- compare to http://www.testmy.net/

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with blocked ads (blocked on my end) it would also remove the white space to the left... and fill with text, easier on the eyes.  here is an example >> http://www.testmy.net/?noads=1'>http://www.testmy.net/?noads=1 -- compare to http://www.testmy.net/

i would deffently pay for no ads, looks much better with out them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't mind the ads here.  Like others have said, they don't really bother me.  For the most part, I don't even notice them.  There is nothing worse than smiley ads, or those strangely tempting dating service scams.

But damn, Ca3le, the no-ad version of TMN looks hella sharp!

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  • 2 weeks later...

There Is ads in this site?

Wow call me blond (im not)

But i never noticed that

Hey every1 click on them at lest once in a while so they can found this site its awasome

The google ads are to the left, the ads are text based so you may have not noticed :) -- I try not to annoy my guests.  But please don't click on the ads unless your interested in what's being advertised... if you just click the ads and end up not signing up, buying a product or surfing the site you have gone to as a result of an ad click the site will make money the day you click... but may lose money in the future because Google adjusts future payout based on conversion (turnover) rates. 

Thank you for wanting to help out, the best way you can help the site out is to tell as many friends as you possibly can about the site... remember, testmy.net is 100% word-of-mouth advertised so I rely on my users to grow the sites popularity... ... so far, so good ;-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

how about an opt-in for flashy ads? i wouldn't mind ignoring some banner ads for the good of the site.

Flashy ads wouldn't benefit this site in the least bit... sites that have flashy ads generally (1) don't expect to see their visitors every again (2) don't have real content... [meaning they have images, videos, animations... myspace, lol]... these sites usually only make money in VERY high volume, serving 100's of millions of banner impressions... my impressions are well into the millions but not the 100 millions :-P  --- a site like testmy.net, which has a shit load of text based content usually fairs better with text ads. 

So, the reason I don't have flashy ads is not only because I want to retain my guests.. it's because the site will generate more revenue.

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