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Why thank you :)

The changes come as an emergency though, I was hacked through a phpBB exploit, 2nd time this month that phpBB (my old forum system) has opened security holes for me..... so I am done with that, I like the new SMF forum, runs nice.  I am integrating it with the rest of my site... much easier to work with than phpBB, this should open me to a world of new options.

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bah, my sigs too small as well. whats up with that? also, every time i post it automatically puts me back into the forum, not the thread so i can look at my post and make sure everything came out right like i used to be able to...

edit: okay, i checked my sig again, and apparently images larger than 250x84 or something like that arent allowed or something because the %7Boption%7D tage on mine says [img width= height=] so i changed it and it automatically switched it back to 250x84.... can u fix this ca3le?

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Why thank you :)

The changes come as an emergency though, I was hacked through a phpBB exploit, 2nd time this month that phpBB (my old forum system) has opened security holes for me..... so I am done with that, I like the new SMF forum, runs nice.

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imagine being so bored & worthless that you must resort to hacking forum pages.....wanna impress me? hack into Citibank

& erase a few credit records...or at least raise my credit limit  lol

Nice site as always, keep it up for the long run my friend :)


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imagine being so bored & worthless that you must resort to hacking forum pages.....wanna impress me? hack into Citibank

& erase a few credit records...or at least raise my credit limit lol

Nice site as always, keep it up for the long run my friend :)


Thank you :)

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lol, just wondering, but is ur avatar the blob from the anti-depressant commercials :lol:

Yes indeed Cobra, it is America's favorite little blob ( his name is actually Zoloft Dot ); and it is quite a success with the public, as 14 million new patients are now telling their doctors they need to be more like Zoloft Dot....

Not mentioned in the cute commercials is the well-muffled study that showed Zoloft (and step-brother Prozac) actually making some people suicidal, especially manic-depressive type disorders...... :(

I'll pass & stick with good old Xanax    lol



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It tends to replace post count as a way of seeing how long a member has been around, and how helpful he/she/it is. Smite the fakers, applaud the helpers.

Edit: I wonder why I got smited. :huh:

ewwww, already smited... lol

Yea I am testing the karma thing out... see how it goes, if it goes bad I will remove it.

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