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ourthinktank... I'm still bringing things up to speed.. but soon I should be the highest pts per 24 hr period... You guys are both doing reallly well for the number of CPU's you have going though...  I'm in 2nd with 8, RTB is winning with  6... I guess it's time to add a few more!  I hope i didn't sound like tooo much of an ass in my first post, PS.


Uh, I'm running one AthlonXP @ 2 Ghz, and a A64 dual core at 2.7 Ghz. That's three cores, not six. That ends up at about 600 points per day, if I leave them running 24/7. It does get rather hot in here, so I turn off folding for one core on the x2 every night.

Should have about 10 more A64 3500's online today... I'm going to get a dualcore for some testing though, I really like the output you're getting from yours RTB.. just three cores and all that production!

The AthlonXP does about 150 points per day, and the dual-core does at least 200 per core. That is with a significant overclock though. Don't forget OCing, it's free power :)

I've got the opteron  on a heathly OC, but it spends a lot of proc time doing actual work..  :roll:  If I had a dualcore though, one could work and one could fold.. ;-)

I can't wait until either later today or tomorrow night to see the newly added a64's start kicking in results..


  • 5 weeks later...

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