mudmanc4 Posted May 17, 2009 CID Share Posted May 17, 2009 haha im actually looking forward to that guide. last time i tried i put a little too much grease and the cpu got hotter than i wanted... btw, im rank 59. only 58 more to go wow 2 and a half days and i went up almost 20 ranks. Kickin chickin Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starship_troopers Posted May 17, 2009 CID Share Posted May 17, 2009 yeah, im waiting to get somewhere close to you mudman, then i can really brag. but i've gotten to rank 59 with only 9 WU's . must be the big ones worth more points. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted May 17, 2009 CID Share Posted May 17, 2009 yeah, im waiting to get somewhere close to you mudman, then i can really brag. but i've gotten to rank 59 with only 9 WU's . must be the big ones worth more points. Yea, thats one thing that you can do, you should be pulling in around 2000 points a day, at least. and the "big" WU's are worth more, also set "-advmethods" flag, there special WU's that bring in even more points. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tdawnaz Posted May 17, 2009 CID Share Posted May 17, 2009 working on 2168/2500 that aught to move me up a bit...i'm still at 26...not sure why i haven't been folding in a couple of years...hmmm? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted May 17, 2009 CID Share Posted May 17, 2009 working on 2168/2500 that aught to move me up a bit...i'm still at 26...not sure why i haven't been folding in a couple of years...hmmm? Probably because the client has been outdated for a long time, you'll need to update. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sparky Posted May 17, 2009 CID Share Posted May 17, 2009 Seems to be going real slow, is there a way to speed it up? Looks like I am doing 1 process in like 48 hours! is that normal or slow? Advice please..... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starship_troopers Posted May 17, 2009 CID Share Posted May 17, 2009 best wait for mudman to see this, he's better at it than i am. but you're folding on a PC right? there are tons of flags to add like the verbosity flag, mudman helped me, and he'll probably help you. what client do you have running? and is it the gui or the console one? if its on ps3 then there isnt much you can do that i've found. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sparky Posted May 17, 2009 CID Share Posted May 17, 2009 Latest Client and I am running the GUI interface on 2 PC's now, ones a dedicated server and my play puter. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starship_troopers Posted May 17, 2009 CID Share Posted May 17, 2009 Latest Client and I am running the GUI interface on 2 PC's now, ones a dedicated server and my play puter. well its gonna take alot of reading on my success with pc folding with mudmans help, but untill he gets here thats a good place to start learning basics about flags to use. but dont get carried away. i did. i had to slow down. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starship_troopers Posted May 19, 2009 CID Share Posted May 19, 2009 we went from 591 to 593, lets kick it into gear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted May 19, 2009 CID Share Posted May 19, 2009 we went from 591 to 593, lets kick it into gear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It moves everyday, but I started back up again :evil6: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted May 19, 2009 CID Share Posted May 19, 2009 Look out, I have a core 2 Duo running an SMP client ( on a macbook pro ), and another C2D E4600, it's not that bad ass of proc, but man, nestled down in that intel board, there made for each other, runs lightning fast ! This is the first time Iv'e had it folding, looking at the .txt showing the progress, it's keeping up w/ the mac, neck and neck as of right now. If this is the case, then I should be putting out at least 4000 points every 24 hours or so :grin2: :grin2: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tdawnaz Posted May 19, 2009 CID Share Posted May 19, 2009 Probably because the client has been outdated for a long time, you'll need to update. that's not what i meant... i meant i haven't been folding for a while and i don't know why i hadn't re-dl'd it...but it's all installed and running ...the latest version...finished that one from the other day and now i'm on 105/1500 and my rank is still #26 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted May 19, 2009 CID Share Posted May 19, 2009 that's not what i meant... i meant i haven't been folding for a while and i don't know why i hadn't re-dl'd it...but it's all installed and running ...the latest version...finished that one from the other day and now i'm on 105/1500 and my rank is still #26 gotcha Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sparky Posted May 20, 2009 CID Share Posted May 20, 2009 So is there any tips to speed up the GUI version of the software? I have a server that is churning out 1 work unit every 48 or more hours, would like to get as much out of this machine as possible.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted May 20, 2009 CID Share Posted May 20, 2009 So is there any tips to speed up the GUI version of the software? I have a server that is churning out 1 work unit every 48 or more hours, would like to get as much out of this machine as possible.... I have been playing with the console versions for quite some time. If you download the right client for the proc, then the best you can get would be one of the beta high performance clients, that run SMP, which is a way to connect two or more cores to fold in unison. Servers are great, but the client is where the power is, if you have dual, or quad cores, then you can really kick out some math. I have found that the console version will blow the shit out of the .exe , I mean ten fold ( yea, pun intended lol ) you can set parameters in the console such as -forceasm , which will by default facilitate every one of those features in the proc that most people have no idea are even there. "MMC, SSE ect." On an AMD, you can use -forcesse Another one I use is the -local flag, supposedly this will bind the local IP to the server that hands out the WU's, there fore constantly talkng to the server in some way transferring data the core needs, instead of after the WU is done, it keeps tabs, and feeds what it needs, when it needs it ( those are in my words ) I'm sure there's more technical explanation, but that what I have. Of course you can set -smp , -verbosity 9 (anywhere from 1-9 , where 9 sends small portions of completed math back to the collection server when there done vs. caching them till the WU's done. You can run -advmethods which will send you the latest WU's that will give you man more points per WU. There's also a setting to run -big , which will send you really big, generally larger then 5 MB WU's , which you get more points per WU then the smaller ones, but it takes a little longer, but if you have the proc, set them all, you'll get around 1700 - 2000 PPD on most newer C2D procs. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blako Posted May 20, 2009 CID Share Posted May 20, 2009 Seems to be going real slow, is there a way to speed it up? Looks like I am doing 1 process in like 48 hours! is that normal or slow? Advice please..... Um, saying GUI doesn't tell us if your on gpu, cpu, or smp(quad core) clients. GUI is just graphical user interface If you have any "viewer" running showing you the protein being worked on it will slow you down. CPU clients are worth 110 points for each day it took the benchmark machine finish the work. - some heat and electricity usage GPU clients " " 1500 points " " - more heat and electricity usage SMP clients " " 1760 points " " - more heat, electricity, and memory usage Sparky, according to this if a 220 point cpu project takes you two days your as fast as the benchmark machine. Mudmanc4, I tried a SMP client on my Pentium D. Normally I can finish a work unit well before the preferred deadline even while turning my computer off at night. But the Stanford benchmark xeon machine is SO much faster then my comp that I left my computer on 3 days straight at turned in the project 1 hr early. Do you use fahmon Mudmanc? Stanford strongly recomends not using two instances of FaH on a hyperthreaded cpu because each project will run half as fast. You'll get the same points (double the points in double the time), but science will be delayed. Running two instances on a "true" dual core will get you double the points in the same time. Below is an image of my current folding. After getting a few gliches prefer bare bones and functional to pretty with errors. As you can see the fahcore_.exe's on task manager are doing all the work. (fahcore_11.exe seems to give the job to the video card and is currently waiting for progress) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sparky Posted May 20, 2009 CID Share Posted May 20, 2009 UM well I am pretty new to this so you will have to bear with me ok, no need for the sarcastic comment. I am using the version that runs in the taskbar, the version that is graphical in nature, the GUI version... all the other as far as I can tell run on a command line do they not? I am not looking at the screen with all the protein looking objects or what ever you want to call them, I know this slows the machine down, it is running in my taskbar doing its thing, I downloaded the EXE file from F@H's website. Right now I believe one of the commands that Mudman gave me has speed it up, so I am hoping that will fix the issue with the 48 hour 1 unit issue, the CPU on the Server is not running at full speed and it is an AMD dual core (not 100% sure of the specs), I am also folding on my play machine that is an Intel Quad core and it is not even peaking past 20% on any of the processors. I will figure it out, I will see if it is running any better now, if not I will go to the other versions, the command line versions. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted May 20, 2009 CID Share Posted May 20, 2009 Sparky I don't think he meant anything derogatory, but maybe . WOW we need to get that quad core runnin a console version, with that , you can actually get two instances running per core, yea, that's eight "cores" running on that one proc ! Yoy could easily be pushing 4-6000 ppd on that machine alone, not certain , Id'e have to look at the proc specs in the database, but either way, the best way to find out, would be to do it. I'll do whatever you want to help you out, I just want to see that thing go, I'm all itching and shit to get that thing up ! Like i said, Iv'e never had real good luck , as far as the PPD on the gui versions, there just for people just getting into it, nd who havent' spent much time on it, but by the looks of your posts, your gonna be getting into this thing, and you'll most likely, w/ what you have access to, be rounding up to the top spot in several months Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blako Posted May 20, 2009 CID Share Posted May 20, 2009 I meant no insult. I just ask the obvious questions first like the tech support asking "Is it plugged into the wall?" Just making sure its not a silly mistake or something. Just a reminder, if you have single threaded program it should be using 25% of a quad core. Each process of the cpu folding client only uses one cpu core. (im using 2 clients my dual core) Some of the flags, the ones Mudmanc knows, tell the computer to more efficiently do the math, such as taking 1000 bank accounts and multiplying them all by an interest of 2%. The i7's are quad cores with hyperthreading. Thus 8 clients will take twice as long as 4 clients. Think of this as an 8 men construction crew but with only 4 hammers, and 4 shovels. If everyone needs a hammer then 4 will be out of work. Sparky, are you estimating 100 points per 24 hours? If so thats normal. If not their might be a problem. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted May 25, 2009 CID Share Posted May 25, 2009 I'm goin for 600,000 , it's taking me a while to get the clients configured just right, I haven't had anything folding as far as anything productive for months, there's a few that I had going that the clients have expired, but i'll be gettin that right quick. I know if I don't do something, that buntz is gonna kick my ass eeek Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buntz Posted May 25, 2009 CID Share Posted May 25, 2009 Looks like I might have to disable crossfire in my quad core rig and get to 600,000 first. [ I just have to figure out how to get it to work first ] Right now I have three console and one GPU [ 9800GX2 only running part time ] for folding. Between the two computer I can can max out right now at 6 console and two GPU [with crossfire enable ] . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted May 26, 2009 CID Share Posted May 26, 2009 Damn, looks like I'm gonna have to "commandeer" a few machines Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starship_troopers Posted May 26, 2009 CID Share Posted May 26, 2009 i just realized my ps3 has been off all day instead of being on i will use this quote to describe my situation "Okay, who put a "stop payment" on my reality check?" Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ospinajr82 Posted May 26, 2009 CID Share Posted May 26, 2009 well after countlessly refusing to install fah when updating my video drivers, after reading about what it actually does i have it running 24/7 on a server at work, theres a few other machines i can run it 24/7 on, i currently have two command line consolesrunning on my box but im not exactly sure what the best settings would be if anyone has any suggestions they would be greatly appreaciated, and by the way there all set up for team tmn Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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