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Does anyone else have dual, tri or quad monitor setups? Share with us! Post your pictures in this thread.


I just want to show off :-P - I recently reformatted and cleaned a friends computer, he decided he wanted a new monitor.  I was going to order him a new monitor but he said he would rather buy my old monitor because he knew I was going to buy myself a new 19" soon.  So I ordered myself the new 19" LCD SAMSUNG 940[size=7pt]B[/size] for $297 [size=8pt](with shipping and everything, from newegg)[/size] and gave him my old 17" LCD Viewsonic VP171[size=7pt]B[/size] for $200 [size=8pt](a veeeery nice 17" by the way)[/size].  After I installed his freshly formatted computer and monitor he told me that I could keep his old monitor... so I just setup dual monitors... To bad the monitor he gave me is a crappy 17" Envision EN-7100[size=7pt]S[/size] LCD with major color, brightness and contrast problems... but it's better than no dual setup.  I can already tell that this setup is going to help my productivity.

Pictures below.  What I would really like to have is two or three more of those 19" SAMSUNG 940[size=7pt]B[/size].  That would look SICK because the  border is so thin on them [size=7pt](and the color and contrast is killer also)[/size]  There is actually a company that sells a stand that holds your choice of three or four of them... and this monitor happens to have the screw holes for the VESA mounts so it's ready for action :) - Long story short, I HIGHLY reccomend getting the SAMSUNG 940[size=7pt]B[/size] if your in the market for a great, affordable 19" LCD; Samsung makes great LCDs and the last 10 that I've ordered [size=7pt](I build computers for friends often)[/size] have had ZERO dead pixels... if you're looking for a 17" then go for the SAMSUNG 740[size=7pt]B[/size], but for only $60 differnece you might as well get the 19"  ;-)

[url="http://www.testmy.net/tmn_album/view.php?action=count&path=L2RhbW9uc19kZXNrdG9wL0RTQ0YyMzEwLmpwZw=="] [img=http://www.testmy.net/tmn_album/thumbnail.php?path=L2RhbW9uc19kZXNrdG9wL0RTQ0YyMzEwLmpwZw==][/url]
[url="http://www.testmy.net/tmn_album/view.php?action=count&path=L2RhbW9uc19kZXNrdG9wL0RTQ0YyMzE2LkpQRw=="] [img=http://www.testmy.net/tmn_album/thumbnail.php?path=L2RhbW9uc19kZXNrdG9wL0RTQ0YyMzE2LkpQRw==][/url]
[url="http://www.testmy.net/tmn_album/view.php?action=count&path=L2RhbW9uc19kZXNrdG9wL0RTQ0YyMzE4LkpQRw=="] [img=http://www.testmy.net/tmn_album/thumbnail.php?path=L2RhbW9uc19kZXNrdG9wL0RTQ0YyMzE4LkpQRw==][/url]

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My video card has Dual-DVI on it --- your video card has to support it, or you can use more than one video card.. but to do that your motherboard has to support it or you have to use PCI video cards.

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you can clone,horziontal,vertical,and dual view

you got those options CA3LE or more than that?

I'm just using it as more desktop space... I can drag windows and icons over to the other monitor.  You can kinda see what I'm talking about in the 2nd picture....  There are other ways you can set it up.. but I'm extending my desktop in the setup I'm using.

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yeah, it's a gateway. so?

but that's the 21" display i'm looking to get if i get a large panel. it's got all the hookups for tv too, picture in picture, plus you can rotate the sucker 90 degrees. and it has a usb 2.0 hub built in.

shit this post looks like spam, for gateway even. :shrug:

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I've been running dual monitors for quite a while now... I acquired these 19" Samsung flatscreens a couple months ago.  (Oh yea, I got them for free)  The monitors are actually the same model... just different versions.

Now using the computers at school drives me crazy (15" monitors at 800x600... lol)

CA3LE... I think you have the same style desktop as me... and the same pimp mouse.

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I've been running dual monitors for quite a while now... I acquired these 19" Samsung flatscreens a couple months ago.  (Oh yea, I got them for free)  The monitors are actually the same model... just different versions.

Now using the computers at school drives me crazy (15" monitors at 800x600... lol)

CA3LE... I think you have the same style desktop as me... and the same pimp mouse.

The C765UZ sure does have crazy zoom.

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