water Posted August 29, 2006 CID Share Posted August 29, 2006 Snakes On A Plane has now overcome all movies aside from the Rocky Horror Picture Show in evoking audience participation. On my 666th post: (I will edit in a moment to prove it, I would like to present you witht he evilness that is the current motion picutre industry.) Patterns have emerged all around the continent, such as the audience hissing during "snake-o-vision", slow-clapping when Juliana Margulies weeps, etc. This "script" is long, but incomplete. If you feel the need to, go ahead and contribute to the wiki... Regardless, you must all revel in the glorious evilness that is the water! http://snakeplay.pbwiki.com/script?yes WARNING, MOVIE SPOILERS COMING do NOT read this if you want to go see Snakes On a Plane and be suprised!!!!!! PRE-SHOW Inventory Checklist A long, balloon animal style balloon for shaking at the screen anytime there are snake attacks. Better yet a Rubber Snake. Champagne poppers to pull anytime there is a gunshot. Small rubber snakes for throwing into crowd and at screen. Snake sock puppets. Flashlight. Paper airplanes. Pick Sides! __When:__ Waiting in line and in the theatre. SNAKE CHEERS Snake Cheer 1: Give me an "S"! Give me an "S"! Give me an "S"! What does that spell? "SSSSSSsssss!!!!" Snake Cheer 2: "Roll Call!" Cha Cha Butchee Cha Cha Cha Butchee. ROLL CALL! My Name is Python, I'm eight feet long, I have big fangs, so check me out! Etc. ADD MORE SNAKE CHEERS HERE: PLANE CHEERS Plane Cheer 1: "We are the planes and we're here to say, HELLO to you in a mighty way! We're not glad to see you, we're not glad you're here, but we'll still salute you with a hello cheer... H-E-L-L-O, Planes are here to say hello! Plane Cheer 2: "Hey, Snakes, Check it out, the Planes will beat you, check it out!" ADD MORE PLANE CHEERS HERE: Entering the Theater __When:__ Entering a crowded theater ask "Is this Pacific Flight 121?" Audience_Shout: "No it's Snakes on a Mutherfucking Plane!" _When:_Once in the theatre. Go to the back of the theatre so you make a silhouette on the screen. _WHAT:_Make a shodow puppet that looks like a snake. Everyone in the audience should shout, AHHH A SNAKE! Then have someone else make the shadow of a gun and shoot the snake, the audience should cheer at this point. Previews! __When:__ When the title of each preview is given What: Shout: "Yeah that's good, but it's not snakes!" THX If the THX screen features the mooing cow cup, counter it with hissing! If the THX screen features the medley of quotes, cheer when SLJ says "And I shall strike down..." SCENE-BY-SCENE Opening Credits __When:__ Before the title appears. __What:__ Call out alternate snake-related titles for the movie, like: Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/15304-snakes-on-a-plane/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
CA3LE Posted August 30, 2006 CID Share Posted August 30, 2006 That has to be THE stupidest movie title EVER... And the plot sounds stupid. Do you know if it's supposed to be any good? I don't want to read the spoiler, just in case I see it one day. -D Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/15304-snakes-on-a-plane/#findComment-169947 Share on other sites More sharing options...
disturbed Posted August 30, 2006 CID Share Posted August 30, 2006 i wont see it....the entire concept of a movie seems very disappealing to me Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/15304-snakes-on-a-plane/#findComment-169951 Share on other sites More sharing options...
water Posted August 30, 2006 Author CID Share Posted August 30, 2006 That has to be THE stupidest movie title EVER... And the plot sounds stupid. Do you know if it's supposed to be any good? I don't want to read the spoiler, just in case I see it one day. -D I iknow it sounds really dunb, but I had some friends go see it, you know - normal people... and they LIKED it. Who knew! Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/15304-snakes-on-a-plane/#findComment-169959 Share on other sites More sharing options...
CA3LE Posted August 30, 2006 CID Share Posted August 30, 2006 I iknow it sounds really dunb, but I had some friends go see it, you know - normal people... and they LIKED it. Who knew! Well, I'll be VERY suprised if it's any good... it just sounds SOOOOO stupid, the concept is stupid, the name is stupid and from the previews I've seen the computer animated snakes look stupid... and anyone that would be scared about snakes being on a plane is also stupid...... snakes don't fuckin' hunt down humans, lol. I know it's a movie and you're supposed to use you imagination but damn.. a line has to be drawn somewhere. It sounds like a rental at best, imo the ONLY reason it will do any good in the box office is because Samual L. Jackson is in it AND they have spent like a billion dollars on advertising this sucker (and when I say sucker I mean that litterally ). ... It's a RENTER! (but only a renter if you have one of those unlimited rental plans, hahaha) -D Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/15304-snakes-on-a-plane/#findComment-169960 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Voltageman Posted August 30, 2006 CID Share Posted August 30, 2006 I believe..(which I could be wrong), this movie was sort of meant to be a airplane type movie, but not as obvious...I mean the title and even the way its graphically done, kind of gives the hint of a comedy... Not the obvious comedy we are used to, but a comedy none the less....If it is true(which after seeing SLJ on Jon Stewart), I believe it is, I can see how it can be funny....From what I've read, if you go in knowing it's just a movie to make fun of, it is a blast... I mean who else would you call if you have M@##@# #@#@#@ Snakes on a Plane.... Samual @#@#$$@#@ Jackson!!!!! (SLJ) ----<>======================*** <--- (rattlesnake on the #$%@## $@#@%# Plane) Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/15304-snakes-on-a-plane/#findComment-169961 Share on other sites More sharing options...
water Posted August 30, 2006 Author CID Share Posted August 30, 2006 It IS supposed to be a campy movie like Rocky Horror. That's what SLJ said in his interviews anyway. It's supposed to be a fun movie that the audience can get involved in and enjoy. See, my 666th post was SO evil, it even got CA3LE to post in it twice! .... and I DO have one of those unlimited rental plans - I think I'm going to the theater to see it though, I want to hold my stomach and laugh Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/15304-snakes-on-a-plane/#findComment-169963 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest philp Posted August 30, 2006 CID Share Posted August 30, 2006 Maybe I'm just old fashioned (maybe? there's a laugh ) but I prefer to pay good money to laugh WITH a movie. Not AT a movie. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/15304-snakes-on-a-plane/#findComment-169967 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ghostmaster Posted August 30, 2006 CID Share Posted August 30, 2006 It was originaly a B movie, and its supposed to be kinda out there. I went to go see it, and yes it is an entertaining movie. It's not supposed to be realistic, just entertaining. It's worth it to go see it. If you want to see a real crazy B movie, rent "Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter"....hilariously bad... Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/15304-snakes-on-a-plane/#findComment-170008 Share on other sites More sharing options...
water Posted January 4, 2007 Author CID Share Posted January 4, 2007 "My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun!" :2funny: :2funny: This movie ROCKS! Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/15304-snakes-on-a-plane/#findComment-196584 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roco Posted January 4, 2007 CID Share Posted January 4, 2007 Rock on Rocky horror I have been to see the stage show twice, but never seen it , , each time my ticket # has found me seated In the middle of a bunch of 20-30 year old girls dressed up in pigtails and skimpy school girl uniform's , doing all the audience participation thing , and the gorgeous dammed redhead in front of me kept blocking my view of the stage, so I have had to book for the 3rd time,but what I saw had me glued to my seat , if you get a chance, go see it , Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/15304-snakes-on-a-plane/#findComment-196603 Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted January 4, 2007 CID Share Posted January 4, 2007 Yeah Rocky Horror kicked butt both times I saw it. So this "Snakes... On... A ... Plane!" should be good. Especially if water gives it 3 thumbs up. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/15304-snakes-on-a-plane/#findComment-196675 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roco Posted January 4, 2007 CID Share Posted January 4, 2007 Yeah Rocky Horror kicked butt both times I saw it. So this "Snakes... On... A ... Plane!" should be good. Especially if water gives it 3 thumbs up. then it must be good , bet it gets over here in about 10 years time I gotta confess I saw "Hair" first time round , and that Gorgeous dammed Redheads Grandmother spoiled the view that time also, I must talk to my analyst about my problems with dammed redheads , Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/15304-snakes-on-a-plane/#findComment-196770 Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted January 5, 2007 CID Share Posted January 5, 2007 Wait, it has Michael "Bleach Face" Jackson in it? I saw it at Walmart for sale today. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/15304-snakes-on-a-plane/#findComment-196815 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roco Posted January 5, 2007 CID Share Posted January 5, 2007 Wait, it has Michael "Bleach Face" Jackson in it? I saw it at Walmart for sale today. oh no , and a all child supporting cast ? Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/15304-snakes-on-a-plane/#findComment-196919 Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted January 5, 2007 CID Share Posted January 5, 2007 Now there goes the neighborhood. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/15304-snakes-on-a-plane/#findComment-196921 Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted January 5, 2007 CID Share Posted January 5, 2007 Surely not little boys. But he was on the plane. Not sure about the rest. And he did not inhale. Danged DP again. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/15304-snakes-on-a-plane/#findComment-196927 Share on other sites More sharing options...
water Posted January 6, 2007 Author CID Share Posted January 6, 2007 LOL You Don't Look Like a Surfer When: When the witness tells SLJ "You don't look like a surfer". What: Shout, "Then why are you trying to F#@& me like a surfer?" (References a famous line from the beginning of Pulp Fiction.) Alternate: When: When the witness tells SLJ "You don't look like a surfer". What: Say, "Because you're black!" Tiffany Introduces Herself to the Witness When: Tiffany says to the witness, "Hi, I'm Tiffany." What: Say, in the same voice as Tiffany, "Would you like a blowjob?" When: Tiffany hears that Sean is a witness and say that's so.." What: Say, in the same voice as Tiffany, "Cold? Lukewarm?" (Then Tiffany will say "hot"). SLT When: The snake is thrown into the microwave What: Shout, "Are you making a Snakin' Lettuce and Tomatoe Sandwich?" or "These Snake TV Dinners Always Explode." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAAAAAA Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/15304-snakes-on-a-plane/#findComment-197037 Share on other sites More sharing options...
coknuck Posted January 6, 2007 CID Share Posted January 6, 2007 This movie sucked more than a Kirby ever could!!! If I ever seen a movie produced by the NNACP this was it. The movie was so moronic I had to laugh. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/15304-snakes-on-a-plane/#findComment-197051 Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted January 6, 2007 CID Share Posted January 6, 2007 This movie sucked more than a Kirby ever could!!! If I ever seen a movie produced by the NNACP this was it. The movie was so moronic I had to laugh. Must be why it was already on sale fairly cheap at Wally World. Hey, I like Kirby's. And you never met my old girlfriend. Quote Link to comment https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/15304-snakes-on-a-plane/#findComment-197097 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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