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To my fellow friends.

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This goes out especialy to Vanburen, MICROWAVE, DJVangelis, reno, and JustinOhioRR .

Mainly to these people because .....i havent gotten to know many others  :evil6:.

I have made my decision to make my departure (hears cheering in the background)

from testmy.net. After the recent happenings, and 4 hours wasted on my day off trying to

remedy the situation after some schizo-ridden bastard made some post with half made up

flames that got the board in a ruccus.  To what do my efforts come?  A PM from a fellow moderator

saying he was "supprised when i was made one , and supprised i am still one". Well fuck you to :)

After that, and after Ca3le found out that this whole "happenings" were completely uncalled for since

most all of it was made up anyhow by an unnamed "holy man" , i thought all was well.  Even after Ca3les

"Im so ashamed of you all" speach, people STILL continue to troll and flame. And nothing was done to these

individuals. (  typical isnt it? ) anyway,  I come back to the forums this morning to find out that 

Sorry I have to suspend your Mod for a while... I have to side with the majority on this.  I hope you understand.  I have received way too many emails on the issue.

- D

Well, no. I dont understand, sorry

Im getting suspended because some crazy mother fucker with deep pockets came to the boards and didnt get his way , and cause a whole flame cycle with trendwhore followers, which is my fault? My fault that you wouldnt allow half owership to this person since he was willing to buy a server?  Right. Well whatever.

Anyway, i may be around here and there , but nothing like in the past.

Goodbye too all my friends ( especialy MICROWAVE ; you are a realy , realy good man )

and ' blow me ' to thoes of you who didnt like me.

l8s all  :wave:

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Well....... Im going to miss you .s1. Even though I told you I didnt like you. I said that out of anger :angry5: not out of hatred. Wasnt nothing personal ,l but you know what happens when anger dominates you. :D  So know I apologize for every bad thing I have said to you. Was hopping to be a BUDDY :!:  :cry:


                                                                                                                            Speedy Final :cool::wave:

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:( .s1,

First thank you for your kind words to me, but if you only knew the "REAL" me.... LOL

I am sorry and sad that things have evolved the way they have, life has always been a strange journey 4me.. And the old saying comes to mind....."whatever doesn't kill me will make me stronger" and

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hope you still hang around this place .s1,  i think CA3LE did the right decision to suspend you from mod, that dosent mean i dont like you, you always showed attitude and thats a good thing, but as Moderator you also represent testmy.net and need to consider grown up language even if your pissed off....

you have been a good member and lately the friction between you and me have been none, that dosent mean i support all the actions you made as moderator, im not really surprised you got alot of complaints

VanBuren :)            :wave:

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Wish you the best if you choose to go.  Your a smart computer guy and would be missed here so I hope ya change your mind.

VANBUREN  said it right thou.  You represent Testmy.net when your a moderator so that actually TAKES AWAY freedoms,  it doesn't grant them.  Sometimes people wrongly assume that as they move up the power curve they are less vulnerable, it doesn't work that way most of the time.

Anyway,  it's not a lecture,  just wish you the best and hope ya stay.

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hope you still hang around this place .s1,  i think CA3LE did the right decision to suspend you from mod, that dosent mean i dont like you, you always showed attitude and thats a good thing, but as Moderator you also represent testmy.net and need to consider grown up language even if your pissed off....

you have been a good member and lately the friction between you and me have been none, that dosent mean i support all the actions you made as moderator, im not really surprised you got alot of complaints

VanBuren :)            :wave:

Couldn't have said it better myself, though often I agree with your point I don't always agree with the way you get it across.  I can't have a moderator swearing at my guests and driving away my traffic and potential good forum members... I got quite a bit of emails on this (after the 'resolution') from people saying that they may not come back... not because of "The Rev" but because of a comment you made directly to them, some emails didn't even mention that situation.

You don't always have to attack to get your point out there, put away the stinger and converse...

edit:  Forgot to say... STICK AROUND MOTHER FUCKER!  :evil6: --- we do love ya!

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ahh well fuck.........I came here, almost as a newbie to the tweaking scene, and came out pretty knowledgable.

Now this is bullshit. I love everyone here, love the site, love everything, yet.......s1 is right on this, we have some deep pocketed SOB, who thinks he can come on here and flaunt his money and just take over? Come on CA3LE, You know better than that.

I hope all is well around here......this is plain stupidity.

And Rev, you WERE a good guy, until your money started coming out of your ass........i hope you DW never gets better, and you rot out there. Thanks.

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Well im about to leave for work (i mean hell , no i was right work..)  so im going to keep this short as possible:

MICROWAVE:  Im sure your just as good of a person as was online.

CA3LE: No, i "swared" at one person (jim) for being a complete fuckoff with his 3 paragraph run-on sentense bashing me saying " omg i hatteee yoouuu"  . Now as a mod, or as a member i would and did say what i did. " fuck off. " Because i wouldnt put up with people talking to me like in "real life" nor will i online, and if i get de-modded for not sitting and smiling as someone treats em that way, then whatever. Things just 'aint right then in the testmy justice system.  Anyone else who said i "swared " at them AFTER the ' resoultion' id like to see proof.  As for "STICK AROUND MOTHER FUCKER!  :evil6: --- we do love ya!"  By de-modding me for responding to 15 people bashing me, is an intresting way of showing it.

JustinOhioRR:  As usual man, me and you are on the same track, not supprising at all.

edit:  forgot to say , ill be back  much later ( proly not till early morning) to further chat this out with you guys,, but ca3le, mabey you should step to my side of the tracks and look at what happened here, not just by the emails you recieved. BTW: justin will be on this side also with milk and cookies :)

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  No s1 I did not really swear at you I called you a ass that is it!!! But as far as you saying you did not swear at others is a lie you just deleted the post so noone could prove it!!!!!! I don't know how many posts I read on there that day were you were swearing at people!!! And cable saw what I said and I am not going to denie what I said I said it!!!! But why don't you stop lie to people on here sayiny you only sweared once that is a total lie and like I said I saw and alot of others did also see you deleting posts that you said things you shouldn't have!!!!! Like all of your swears!!!! I don't think cable got to see them because you deleted them!!!!! I think that was very wrong!!! I also heard that you kept it up after cable said STOP!!!! From someone on here tell me you swore at him to after cable said stop witch I did stop but obvisiosly you didn't!!!! But you think since cable has no proff of it you can lie all you want!!!! And that is not right!!!!!! Also I do not hate anyone on this site including you s1 I just really hate people who lie I try my hardest to not lie!!!! That is why I admited what I did so why don't you!!!!! Also I am sorry for saying that but I was caught up in it like alot of others were and they said things they shouldn't have either and the said sorry and I did to so as far as bringing it up again like I was the only one that swore at you is wrong!!!! And I really wish you would tell the truth!!!!

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I was similiarly surprised when I was made a mod .s1, so not much of a difference there.  It's not good for a mod to get pissed off, and I had hoped that after a very minor incident at the start you'd get back to earth and be a good fella. It seemed to go smooth for a while, but the Rev-incident shows that you certainly do need to work more on self-control.


Edit: I only saw the first post, and went to bed after that. And after that I had school to worry about. Certainly not fitting for a mod, but one just can't be around all day long. Except you MICROWAVE.

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Jim: I saw those posts by s1 also, and he did delete them before Ca3le could see them. I come to this site to get info and see if I can help anyone, and I actually can say at 55 years old, I do not like the language of F you and all that! That is not language that should be in a public forum that kids might enter into, and I myself don't like hearing. Sorry s1, but you need to grow up and learn to hold back that kind of foul language when in a public forum. And Ca3le, I saw the messages also, I wasn't going to get involved but s1 is misleading you that he is so innocent here. I try not to attack anyone, and try to show respect, and expect the same in return. I don't think that is asking too much from anyone, if it is, then this site isn't anywhere's I want to be. Just my 2 cents worth.

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Wow.......isnt this some bullshit......I just come in here to state what i feel (like everyone else does) and you start bashing me Speedy?  WTF is taht?

And as far as YooperLady goes or w/e your name is, i havent EVER seen you around, so dont come in here putting your nose where it doesnt belong.....

CA3LE, I dont mean to stir shit up, but this shit needs to stop.

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I would miss any one of you retards if you left. But i am getting tired of all the flaming on this site lately, It will stop. That has always been one of the reasons I love this place is the lack of bickering. Stop personally attacking each others post. If this post doesnt get back on topic fast and away from the personal attacks it will be locked. I realise everyone is upset and on one side of the fense or the other, but the bickering fighting namne calling and all out garbage has got to stop quick.

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Wow.......isnt this some bullshit......I just come in here to state what i feel (like everyone else does) and you start bashing me Speedy?  WTF is taht?

And as far as YooperLady goes or w/e your name is, i havent EVER seen you around, so dont come in here putting your nose where it doesnt belong.....

CA3LE, I dont mean to stir shit up, but this shit needs to stop.

:confused1: Just friggen let it go.

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Guest helloimtim

Gotta put my 2 cents in for whatever its worth. Ummm hello its just the internet. Words on a screen. To put emotion behind text someone else writes is kinda pointless I think. My attitude is hey, call me what you want as long as it isn't late for supper. Think I'm stupid or whatever. Thats cool, opinions vary. Bottom line,what effect if any does this have to do with the real world. Your friends gonna quit calling you?? Your dog gonna hate you. Your spouse gonna leave you?? No. If words on a screen are gonna get you that bent out of shape. Turn off the computer and take a break. Its just the net. Has really no affect positive or negative either way. Wanna talk about a simple misunderstand or I just did not use the right words,Ok im down with that. But really..........What effect does any text on any screen have on my personal life. NADA.........Just my 2 cents.........later..................

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once again im REALY short of time, lol so ill make this quick. From what iv read in the past 2 and a half seconds all you "ignorant" folks are saying

"omgz0rz!!!  you deleted the posts before ca3le could see!!!111oneone" 

well, mabey brushing up on some forum skills would help you out. All "deleted " posts go directly to the archive section of the forum. [ https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?board=9.0 ]

Check it out for yourself before trying to make shit up.

"jim2006" , for christs sakes, PLEASE learn how to avoid using runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn- on sentenses on every post before trying to bash someone else >.< !

once again, kthx... 

( by the way theirs ALOT more things i wanted to say but "ignorant" seemed least "hateful" as well as time friendly)

[  ill be back tomorrow, but on dialup :-x ) so ill (slowly) reply to the rest :P ]

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