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I wonder what is wrong w/ my settings yo showed  1000 only but i have 7000 limits and 50000 limits ?? I really don't know whats happening and also the values I set there was my one preference though i'm just wandering about max range .

hi jabylee. how did u manage to get that uplink and downlink @ 7000kbps? cause mine has only 1000  :sad: hope someone can answer my question


I wonder what is wrong w/ my settings yo showed  1000 only but i have 7000 limits and 50000 limits ?? I really don't know whats happening and also the values I set there was my one preference though i'm just wandering about max range .

that my friend i think is the old type of antenna smartbro used to use*redundant LOL*. it has 7mbps aggregate. :smitten:

unfortunately, mine is also capped to 1mbps aggregate. *sigh* :angry:

am i right? :cool:

if this thread is still active , can anyone help me regarding this situation. im kinda confused at the moment. i play worlds of warcraft online game and i need stable connection. im living in malaybalay city and only 3 isp company such as philcom, sotelco and smartbro available . i was a  philcom user for 3 mos and cancel the subscription because their connection is really bad, i get disconnected a lot every 30mins. sotelco is  expensive for a plan 256Kbps, you need to pay almost 3k including installation and you have no assurance of the given plan if the speed is accurate and fix.

i just wanna know if the tweaking of smart bro still work. i had installed it yesterday ( march 30. 2009) . i had the same configuration shown in the picture above.  sustained data rate of 7000Kbps , is this the normal configuration?

pwede po give nyo naman ako ng apps. sa cablenut 4.22 ko at anong cable po dapat gamitin ko fast o normal...pero wala naman po pagbabago khit gamitin ko cablenut 280kbps lang po max... pwede po hndi n me mag lagay ng proxy sa internet explorer sa mozilla firefox n lang? please naman po p help speedup net ko please

Edit: This is a English speaking Forum so post in English or your post will be removed!!!

  • 2 weeks later...

that my friend i think is the old type of antenna smartbro used to use*redundant LOL*. it has 7Mbps aggregate. :smitten:

unfortunately, mine is also capped to 1Mbps aggregate. *sigh* :angry:

am i right? :cool:

you're actually lucky to have the 7mbps aggregate... but those who have 14mbps aggregate is much luckier...

i prefer that you change your DL to 6300kbps (that's 90%) and your UL to 700kbps (that's 10%)

change also your upload and download BURST speed to max 500000.....

you'll see...

i only have the 1mbps aggregate... i actually envy you....

I've been reading all the tutorials here about boosting smartbro internet connection and made it to the point of having the luck to have access to my canopy page. The problem I'm facing now is that I can't save the changes I made from the configuration tab, specifically from the QoS. Whenever I save and boot, It still goes back to the original settings.

My Sustained Uplink date Rate: 3500 wherein the max range is 0--7000, same thing with the Downlink date Rate. Somehow I want to change it to 5000, but whenever I save, it still reverts back to 3500..

Please I need your help regarding these.

Thanks in advance

since you have a maximum 7mbps aggregate... be sure that you're download and upload sum up to 7000...

in your case... you want to change your download to 5000, therefore you should ONLY input a 2000 value in the uplink box...

that's 5000 + 2000  = 7000...

coz if you changed your downlink to 5000 and you left the uplink at 3500.., it will sum up to  8500 which is higher than your maximum aggregate of 7mpbs (7000).... that's why, when you save and reboot, it goes back to its original values... coz canopy DOESNT accept values that are HIGHER than the maximum throughput... hope this helps...

but if there still is a problem after these configurations., well then i honestly don't know the problem of your canopy... :angel:

since you have a maximum 7Mbps aggregate... be sure that you're download and upload sum up to 7000...

in your case... you want to change your download to 5000, therefore you should ONLY input a 2000 value in the uplink box...

that's 5000 + 2000  = 7000...

coz if you changed your downlink to 5000 and you left the uplink at 3500.., it will sum up to  8500 which is higher than your maximum aggregate of 7mpbs (7000).... that's why, when you save and reboot, it goes back to its original values... coz canopy DOESNT accept values that are HIGHER than the maximum throughput... hope this helps...

but if there still is a problem after these configurations., well then i honestly don't know the problem of your canopy... :angel:

one more thing... range 0-7000 means that you can choose values from 0 to 7000 BUT...

if you choose to have a 7000 downlink... you SHOULD have a 0 uplink.. which is BAD...

just like what i said before.. -->>> UPLINK + DOWNLINK = MAXIMUM AGGREGATE (in your case 7000)  <<<--

i suggest that you put DOWNLINK=6300 and UPLINK=700    <- see.. 6300 + 700 = 7000... :angel:

hi jabylee. how did u manage to get that uplink and downlink @ 7000Kbps? cause mine has only 1000  :sad: hope someone can answer my question

they have a 7mbps aggregate which good for them... i, as well, only have 1000.. the only it can be changed to 7000 or 140000 is through canopy prizm...

which can be downloaded at motorola.com (i think)

but the downside is... the canopy prizm is an administrator program that has USERNAME and PASSWORD ( something like this)... that limits the user / subscribers to change only their speeeds...NOT the maximum throughput (1000, 7000, 14000)

BTW guys.. those who have a 7 0r 14mbps max throughput... be sure to take care of your canopy antenna coz if its broken...  of cors SMART will replaced it.., but they will install a canopy with maximum throughput of 500 <-- to bad... :tickedoff:

Thank you blackshadow for the quick reply..I followed your instructions and it did saved my changes :2funny:

now I'm not quite sure yet if it made significant changes to my internet speed..(I'll keep you posted if it made any drastic smartbro internet performance to it's peak)

what I'm concern now is about changing the settings in the "Custom Radio Frequency Scan Selection List" under Configuration > Radio tab. Is it advisable to check only the one with the highest RSSI and leave the rest unchecked?

Thank you once again

Oh by the way, for those smartbro users who still can't acces their canopy page, I share the same frustrations at first...so I did it the hard way..I grab my digicam and climb all the way up and took a clear shot of the sticker located at the back of the canopy (antenna), before you do this life threatening act be sure to secure yourself and most importantly, bring with you a pen and paper to jot down the numbers printed on the sticker. The numbers that you have to write by the way is the ESN number (mine has 12 digits, maybe it varies from other antennas).

Once you have with you your ESN number, go back to your computer and convert it. You don't need any software or a certain website to do this. All you have to do is to open your windows calculator (go to start > click on "all programs" and look for "accessories" and there you will find your calculator. Assuming that you have opened your calculator, you have to set it to "scientific". At the upper left side of your calculator screen, click on "view" and a drop down menu will open, then select "scientific" from the selection.

Ok, now that we're done configuring our calculator, the next thing you have to do is to convert your ESN number that you copied from your antenna sticker..I mentioned earlier that your ESN number has 12 digits, well take note ONLY the LAST 6 DIGITS (ex. F1DAFD)

How to convert the last 6 digits

First click "hex" radio button located at the left side. Input the first pair of the last 6 digits that you have.

Following our example F1DAFD, the first pair would be F1, next thing that you have to do is to click on the "Dec" radio button. So in our example F1 will now be converted to 241..do this procedure with the other pairs ONE AFTER THE OTHER (don't do this all at once)..In our example F1 DA FD will now be converted to 241 218 253.

The numbers that you derived would be your canopy ip address. All canopy ip address start with 10, all you need to do is to add 10 from numbers that you have derived. Our example now would be, this will now be the ip address from our example canopy.

I hope this helps  :wink:

Thank you blackshadow for the quick reply..I followed your instructions and it did saved my changes :2funny:

now I'm not quite sure yet if it made significant changes to my internet speed..(I'll keep you posted if it made any drastic smartbro internet performance to it's peak)

what I'm concern now is about changing the settings in the "Custom Radio Frequency Scan Selection List" under Configuration > Radio tab. Is it advisable to check only the one with the highest RSSI and leave the rest unchecked?

Thank you once again

you can do that thing.... but it is not advisable... why?? coz.., CUSTOM RADIO FREQUENCY SCAN SELECTION LIST scans the available frequency in your area... ( i have actually done this before thinking that it wud be better to...), but by the time my BASE STATION upgraded their equipment.., they changed the transmitted frequencies... and since that time i checked only the box with the frequency synchronized with my canopy... i lost my connection... the base station and my canopy were no longer synchronized... my connection became fine when i checked all the boxes in the custom radio freq scan selection list...

by the way... you said that you're using a 7mbps aggregate... you can maximize your connection by putting a value of 500000 in both uplink and downlink burst...

the default setting of smart to a 7mbps aggregate is:

downlink: 3500  (max 7000)

uplink:    3500  (max 7000)

downlink burst : 25000  (max 500000)

uplink burst    : 25000  (max 500000)

by having some simple mathematical computations :

burst speed percentage = ( 25000 divide by 500000 ) = 5%  or 0.05

data link speed = 0.05 multiplied by 7000 = 350

therefore your speed is 350 upload... 350 download... which is their ADVERTISED SPEED....

but if you change it to...

DL : 6300

UL: 700

DL burst : 500000

UL burst : 500000

you have now....

500000 / 500000  = 1

1 * 7000 = 7000kbps  <-max speed shared by 10% upload w/c is 700kbps and 90% download w/c is 6,300 kbps/ 6.3Mbps  <-- let's trade our canopies :grin:

u can maximize your bandwidth with these settings...

even though upload is 10% of the total speed ( 700 / 7000)... we dont use uploads that much.... UNLESS you're a server then you should have a larger upload speed... but since most of us are downloader (leechers!!!  :grin:) rather than a server.. it is better if DL is set at 90% and UL set at 10%

btw guys.. im a fourth year ECE student, and we are specialized in broadcasting, bandwidth, things about communications..( not mass comm huh?!)

I WAS JUST INSPIRED BY MR. COOLBUSTER thats why i wanna help as well...

COOLBUSTER doesnt know who i am but he helped before... thanks..!!! i owe you one... :angel:

you rock dude!!!!!

HI there! Before i have good connectivity with my smartbro but ever since my canopy was hit by lightning and they replaced it my speed slows down dramatically.  Just opening a friendster account slows dowm my speed so much.  I did the tweaking of the tcp ip and such but I just found 10 differnt ips for other peoples canopy.  I cant search for mine.  I tried to ping,tried Ken ways and many more to no avail.  Sadly i cant climb my canopy since its already 30 ft and take note in the roof top of a 3 story house.  So basically really LIFE Threatening! So can anybody pls help me how to access my canopy..thanks!

HI there! Before i have good connectivity with my smartbro but ever since my canopy was hit by lightning and they replaced it my speed slows down dramatically.  Just opening a friendster account slows dowm my speed so much.  I did the tweaking of the tcp ip and such but I just found 10 differnt ips for other peoples canopy.  I cant search for mine.  I tried to ping,tried Ken ways and many more to no avail.  Sadly i cant climb my canopy since its already 30 ft and take note in the roof top of a 3 story house.  So basically really LIFE Threatening! So can anybody pls help me how to access my canopy..thanks!

it is posted on the first page.... :smile2:

Thank you once again blackshadow.

I have applied the settings in my canopy configuration using what you have mentioned above..I'm still going to give it sometime to test my internet speed before I'm going to show the results. But so far I'm still experiencing slow connection.

I've also read and followed coolbuster's tutorials and tweaks like his 20 steps and now being simplified to 10 steps using cablenut. I also followed his Fourmula tweak using DrTCP. Then I came across cFos that I haven't tried it yet coz from what I read it's a trial version...and up to this point, my smartbro connection sucks...But this won't stop me searching for the holy grail to somehow make smartbro worth it.  :azn:

Thank you once again blackshadow.

I have applied the settings in my canopy configuration using what you have mentioned above..I'm still going to give it sometime to test my internet speed before I'm going to show the results. But so far I'm still experiencing slow connection.

I've also read and followed coolbuster's tutorials and tweaks like his 20 steps and now being simplified to 10 steps using cablenut. I also followed his Fourmula tweak using DrTCP. Then I came across cFos that I haven't tried it yet coz from what I read it's a trial version...and up to this point, my smartbro connection sucks...But this won't stop me searching for the holy grail to somehow make smartbro worth it.  :azn:

according to him... you should NOT MIX the 20steps with the FOURMULA...

and try to do the tweaks with a fresh copy of your OS...

anyway, hopin' you to have nice connections...

btw.. when choosing your base station... it doesn't necessarily mean that you choose the station with the highest RSSI.. you should also consider the JITTER (interference level) and the number of users ( SectorUserCount) <- something like this...


a. RSSI =700 , JITTER = 3 , SectorUserCount = 100

b. RSSI = 680 , Jitter = 4 , SectorUserCount = 78

c. RSSI = 650 , Jitter = 4 , SectorUserCount = 12

even though sample A has high 700 RSSI, low Jitter (3).., which is a GOOD thing.. when you look at the SectorUserCount, it says 100.. meaning that there are 100 subscribers present in YOUR base station.. thats why you experience slow connection even though you have already tweaked it.

SAME falls for sample B..

but when you look at sample C, even though it has LOWER RSSI (650) and Higher Jitter (4) which is LESS EFFICIENT than samples A and B.. it has a VERY LOW sector user count of 12.. meaning that 12 subscribers including you that SHARES the total bandwidth transmitted by the base station...

a difference of 50 in RSSI and a difference of 1 in Jitter is not actually a BIG DEAL... but a difference of 80+ in sector user count is a BIG one.. coz it is the BANDWIDTH itself is being shared....


running at 1mbps aggregate..

Thank you for explaining these in layman's terms. I'm not a techi person but somehow I could get a good grasp of what you are saying. Anyhow, i have some questions though. For example, I have come up with a good basestation considering RSSI, Jitters and all that...how would I apply that in my configuration? Do I have to uncheck again the other boxes and leave the ones with better stats? But you have mentioned once that it is not advisable...And when choosing the best basestation, do I also have to consider the color codes? Is there also a way to choose the best color code?

Sorry blackshadow if I ask too much, I'm sure lots of readers also have these kinds of questions floating in there head, and we're looking forward for your answer. Thanks

Oh by the way, when I followed coolbuster's 20 and 10 steps I didn't mix it with his FOURmula tweak. After following those steps, it didn't work out for me so I followed his advice to reset my TCP/IP, release and renew my IP then flush my dns in order for me to proceed to his Fourmula tweak. Along with the procedure, I downloaded TCP/IP resseter and DrTCP.

Part of coolbuster's recommendation is to "reformat hard drive and install a fresh Windows XP operating before applying this procedure" which I didn't followed  :cheesy: sorry coolbuster if i'm being too hardheaded.

Now here is the best part  [nerdly]

this is my speed upon doing coolbuster's 20 steps, 10 steps and canopy tweaking

:::.. testmy.net test results ..:::

Download Connection is:: 45 Kbps about 0.05 Mbps (tested with 97 kB)

Download Speed is:: 5 kB/s

Upload Connection is:: 181 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 386 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 22 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Main)

Test Time:: 2009/05/04 - 11:52pm

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-X4TQEAGOB

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-ELC9N1T2O

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.10 [!]

Now this is my speed being persistent not to give up and trusting all these awesome people who shared a piece of there greatness.

:::.. testmy.net test results ..:::

Download Connection is:: 368 Kbps about 0.37 Mbps (tested with 512 kB)

Download Speed is:: 45 kB/s

Upload Connection is:: 94 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 256 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 11 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Main)

Test Time:: 2009/05/05 - 7:03pm

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-GDP1WS4MA

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-KE4R8TLFP

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.10 [!]

My smartbro just fired up to this speed following Coolbuster FOURmula procedure and Blackshadow canopy configuration's advice

Special thanks to Coolbuster for all his straight to the point and easy to understand tutorials

and to Blackshadow who's always there ready to offer help to better understand technical stuffs

***so much I would like to attach coolbuster's site where I got his procedures but I'm afraid it would be mark as spam.

just google it instead, type "cablenut settings for smartbro" and you will see his blog site in the first search result (I bet he is also good in terms of SEO)

Anyways, I hope my smartbro speed will stay that way or could get even better

Thanks guys and more power  :grin:

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