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DAMN IT!  I recoreded the finale tonight, I've been following it since the first episode (i've been watching since last season, I was so pissed that the stupid ass won.. ehhhhh).  I've been cheering Jordan Sparks on since the auditions (I knew that she was going to win.. but then again I knew last year that Katharine McPhee was going to win but she came in second... GOD I was pissed off, I was seriously in love with that chick from the first moment I saw/heard her.. and she lost to that pepper haired cerebral palsy mofo..... I'm still mad about those results  ... okay, I'm sorry about the cerebral palsy crack, but seriously WTF is wrong with him, and don't say "he has soul." because soul may make you 'get down' but it doesn't make you act like a retard)...

SO, I'm pissed because I recorded it on DVR, I go to play it back and the video gets to a part when a bunch of people are singing 'Beatles Sargent Pepper's Lonely Heart Club Band' or something and the friggen video stops!!!  I'm assuming right before the final results.  GRRRRR, I go to the American Idol website and they aren't showing the results yet... it just says "WATCH THE FINALE!" --- I go to Fox's website and the same shit... I try to Google it and nothing.  I guess it's just too soon.  .. now maybe they showed the results in the middle of the show or something (I played the show in the background while I was doing some work) I fast forwarded and didn't see anything that looked like a results thing and plus it's Americal Idol style to hold out till the last second.


So anyway, can someone clue me in on the winner?  Did my girl win or what?!?  She better have won because she totally deserved to win, Blake is cool and all but between the two Jordan is a much better singer (though I totally think that Blake is a much better artist and I know that we're going to see some dope ass shit from him in the future... I actually think it would be better for his future career if he didn't win.)

WHO WON!?!?!  AHHH, damn DVR bug!


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Has anyone beside Kelly Clarkson really done anything much after idol? While I am not a fan of the show. I just don't watch that much t.v., I do gotta wonder what became the winners of the past idol's.

Not to change the subject but american inventor. That was one show I kinda watched. Never did see who won and what they invented.

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Has anyone beside Kelly Clarkson really done anything much after idol? While I am not a fan of the show. I just don't watch that much t.v., I do gotta wonder what became the winners of the past idol's.

Not to change the subject but american inventor. That was one show I kinda watched. Never did see who won and what they invented.

:lol: the program was known as UK Idle over here  :lol:

I think real raw talent  comes up the hard way , it can't be manufactured ,

most of the past made artists  end up as cruise ship entertainers  :evil6:,

but I like the sound of Inventors series , wish we had that , I might even buy a TV.  :evil6:

along with the $250 fee for a licence to watch it  :evil2:,

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Well with the tax does that include anything? You can forsure say most americans pay a yearly tax for there t.v. Its called a cable or satalite dish bill. Our tax dollars put the satilites up there. Now we have to pay a monthly fee to use them. 

No it includes nothing , just the right to own a TV, all other costs are on top of that

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DAMN IT!  I recoreded the finale tonight, I've been following it since the first episode (i've been watching since last season, I was so pissed that the stupid ass won.. ehhhhh).  I've been cheering Jordan Sparks on since the auditions (I knew that she was going to win.. but then again I knew last year that Katharine McPhee was going to win but she came in second... GOD I was pissed off, I was seriously in love with that chick from the first moment I saw/heard her.. and she lost to that pepper haired cerebral palsy mofo..... I'm still mad about those results ... okay, I'm sorry about the cerebral palsy crack, but seriously WTF is wrong with him, and don't say "he has soul." because soul may make you 'get down' but it doesn't make you act like a retard)...

SO, I'm pissed because I recorded it on DVR, I go to play it back and the video gets to a part when a bunch of people are singing 'Beatles Sargent Pepper's Lonely Heart Club Band' or something and the friggen video stops!!!  I'm assuming right before the final results.  GRRRRR, I go to the American Idol website and they aren't showing the results yet... it just says "WATCH THE FINALE!" --- I go to Fox's website and the same S#!t... I try to Google it and nothing.  I guess it's just too soon. .. now maybe they showed the results in the middle of the show or something (I played the show in the background while I was doing some work) I fast forwarded and didn't see anything that looked like a results thing and plus it's Americal Idol style to hold out till the last second.


So anyway, can someone clue me in on the winner?  Did my girl win or what?!?  She better have won because she totally deserved to win, Blake is cool and all but between the two Jordan is a much better singer (though I totally think that Blake is a much better artist and I know that we're going to see some dope ass S#!t from him in the future... I actually think it would be better for his future career if he didn't win.)

WHO WON!?!?!  AHHH, damn DVR bug!


mmkay sexy hot young thing, I am restraining from moving this to off topic only because you're such a stud (and you own the site)...

watching American Idol is GAY (but you own the site so I'll forgive you)

the only thing gayer is shaving your cats ass... I hope you don't do that....

so, I will leave your post here and not move it, and I promise that I will futher teach you about the intracacies of "gay" and "GAY", because I wouldn't ever want you to embarrass yourself like this in public with real people...

again, American Idol is gay

Baseball is not gay

Liking cats is not gay

Sex with cats is gay

i-net pron is not gay

buying it when its same sex...... gay!


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It is a well known fact that American Idol is for freaks, geeks, weirdos, people with dementia, dead-heads, twirps, twinks, special needs children, snoops, cracks, dupes, dorks, ding-dongs, people with webbed toes, nail-biters, truants, flakes, fallout boys, pinkies-inkies-blinkies-and-Clydes, pork chops, officious politicians, land lubbers, and sissies.

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:lol: the program was known as UK Idle over here  :lol:

I think real raw talent  comes up the hard way , it can't be manufactured ,

most of the past made artists  end up as cruise ship entertainers  :evil6:,

but I like the sound of Inventors series , wish we had that , I might even buy a TV.  :evil6:

along with the $250 fee for a licence to watch it  :evil2:,

oh come on. at least your TV license goes to finance such programs as BBC. you have to admit that is some high quality programming right there.

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No it includes nothing , just the right to own a TV, all other costs are on top of that

roco i have been debating in getting it on my pc

i doubt they will be able to know i am watching tv from my laptop as long as i hide and antenna stuff

i also dont have a tv cause the license is not worth it

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oh come on. at least your TV license goes to finance such programs as BBC. you have to admit that is some high quality programming right there.

Reso , I cant comment on the quality of the BBC programs , well not for the past 15 years or so , but I sure get some good entertainment every year when the 2 men in black storm my house looking for the TV, I just got my annual threatening letter ,

Quote of part of the letter =

"Our standard practice ensures that a visit will be made to confirm that no type of television receiver is at your address "

last year they offered me an amnesty If I paid for a license ( for a TV that I don't have  :shocked: ) they would overlook my past use of an unlicensed TV  :knuppel2:  all this after I signed a statement 10 years ago saying that I did not own a TV.

BTW, I cannot refuse them entry to my house , I usually offer them a cup of tea and I supply the ladder to check the roof space , :evil6: I was also informed that to have a TV on the premises  but not in use, would make me guilty of "having a TV with intent to use " a criminal offense , liable of a penalty of $2000 USD and gaining a criminal record ,  :shocked:

OK, so I am viewed as an odd ball, and are part of the 5% of UK citizens that don't have a TV,

so my feelings on BBC TV  :lol:

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:lol: sorry for the double post but I guess I missed the best bit on TV licensing in the UK ,  If I was registered as blind I could get a 30% reduction on my license fee ,

is that sick or what  ? ,   :evil2: :evil2:

and you guys worry about your 2nd amendment ? ,

no disrespect intended , but life I feel has bigger issues of injustice , IMHO

Yeah, my Government has me on a list , and I am proud to be there ,

the UK may appear to glide serenely  like a swan , but believe me the feet are doing 100 mph.

BTW, more people vote on reality TV shows than in the political elections over here in the UK ,  :2funny: and gives credence to the old Anarchist maxim  :icon_thumright:

" If voting could achieve anything, they'd make it illegal, "

:2funny: I seem to be on a mission today ,  :lol:

Yeah it's raining again in the UK  :cry2: and yeah it's a public holiday weekend :evil6:

I blame the government etc ,  :2funny:

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Arg...Don't even say that name around me. Makes me want to throw something.

I agree that Jordin Sparks was an awesome singer. Also the person asking if anyone besides Kelly Clarkson has done anything, Chris Daughtry has done quite a bit already. He has had an album at the top of the charts for quite some time now.

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