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  • 3 weeks later...

i haven't made any changes. just the default settings. i don't wanna do anything coz i might mess it up. but if there's someone willing to share what's appropriate, i might... :grin2:

i tried doing this: from

How to Speed up your Torrent downloads

by Felix Ker

Untick Enable DHT Network. Unless the torrent task you


wow! what version of bitcomet is that?

it's also ver0.96. well, the screenie was taken at 4% progress and somehow decreased to 50-70kB/s when seeders lessen at around 11% progress :-P. i didn't finish it though coz it'll take more than a day to complete  :grin2:

  • 2 months later...

I tried every setting I could find with uTorrent, and could never get it to work with smartbroken. I studied dozens of sites an blogs until my eyes fell out. Out of desperation I tried several other torrent programs, among them- BITLORD. Bitlord somehow is able to conduct activities through the smartbro NAT without any frustrating tweaking. I have been getting awesome speeds both up and down with it for 2 months now.

And the number of peers I can connect to is phenomenal compared to uTorrent. I could NEVER get anything but a red or yellow connection status with any other torrent program. You don't even have to set any port range, it finds the ports by itself! I get 20x the peers and seeds I used to get. i LOVE Bitlord- and it's FREE

The biggest single change for me was changing number connected peer limit from 10 (Utorrent) to 150 peers.  On the Upload side of things I found uploading to 4 people at 10KB/s uses less bandwidth then 10 people at 4KB/s.  Sorry you can't get SmartBro working.

Increasing "max half-open TCP connections" to somewhere between 60 and 100 worked wonders for me no matter which Torrent program I used. Windows generally sets this at only 10 default. Experiment with the number. I found 90 works best on one computer but 100 works best on another. Most torrent progs have a setting under the connections options, and there is also a way to tweak your registry to make the change global on your computer. See the thread in testmy.net called something like "20 steps for tweaking smartbro" for details about doing that and more.. Read ALL of it and read it again until you understand. Ask questions if you don't understand.

I increased my smartbro speed from 200kbs to 400kbs just by following the 20 steps. I would recommend that everybody read it, smartbro or DSL or cable users can gain useful info for making your computer optimal for internet usage. Cablenut (a program) is recommended in that article, I use it myself, and as long as you are careful it will really help your internet speed and stability.

Google is great for searching for help, thats how I found testmy.net

... i am really having a hard time setting up my utorrent (smart bro sub here) and followed all those steps but unfortunately nothing happened. either my utorrent stops downloading in which i have to reboot or i end up having the same DL speed.

i am thinking of switching to bit commet seeing those nice DL speeds  :cheesy: do i have to configure anything in bit commet? and is it advisable for us smart bro subscribers?

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

aaahhh im also grinding in torrents, i just leave everything in "DEFAULT" values, since the principle of file sharing is 1:1 so dont expect to download in 5000% speed and upload to 1% or your trackers will give you the worst seeder, DEFAULT values is still the best. DONT BE TOO GREEDY OR TOO SELFISH, uTorrents

, Bittorrent, or any file sharing program can monitor if you are an A-hole, which the trackers will detect and kik ur a55 from their best seeders. Unless u use fake upload parameters/values (^_^). But i think they always got it patched.

Get used to ur download site, know their regular seeders/uploaders (^_^), ALWAYS check how many seeders LMAO if u dnt check how bad or how many seeders are there. 

Try this:

Global Max:                              as many as the seeders

Max number of conected peers:  as many as the seeders

max upload:                              average upload% - 5

incoming port:                          must be above 15000

Note: Do Not Change Anything, or else you will invite viruses easily even if u r firewalled. Use PeerGuardian 2.0(fully updated) if u want to. and finally make ur PC clean from trojan, spywares, viruses, bacterias, lot of nice free AVs out there, google it.

  • 3 weeks later...

I WAS ABLE TO MAKE MY NETWORK CONNECTION GO GREEN ALTHOUGH THE SPEED NEVER WENT ABOVE 55KB/S. first you need to put static ip in your pc. first go to command prompt and type "ipconfig/ all" without the quotes. take note of all the info like ip preferred, default gateway, dns, subnet mask.

after that you need to set up a static ip in your pc espacially if you are using router. if you are using vista right click the network icon in the system tray. click network and sharing center. clickl status. then properties. cligk ipv4. then properties. now you need to choose ip outside of the ip range your router is assigning to your pc.  in my case wrt54g v5 roueter says that ip range starts from so i chose your ip depends on your router. if you are using linksys then the only difference between the default gateway is the last number. choose a number from 2-99 and 150-249. put the subnet mask and then the default gateway. then the dns. in case your dns doesn't work because sometimes smartbro's dns server fails put and

after that YOU NEED to set up port forwarding in your router. i use linksys so this is how it goes. access your router's set up page by typing the default gateway in the address bar. enter your router username and password. click applications and gaming. then port forwarding. type utorrent in the application and then the port you are using. utor uses only one for tcp/udp. so put the port you are using in the start and end. choose BOTH for the protocol. then put the static ip you set up in the ip in your pc. check enable then save changes. int the security section uncheck all except FILTER IDENT(PORT 113). save changes and exit.

you can try to leave tour pc overnight or from 48 to 72 hours until your network configures your settings.  my network connection is green.

  • 2 weeks later...

as for me, i only edited the max half open to 150, my torrent download speed ranges from 50+ Kbps to 70. i think thats ok for a smart bro P999 right? but my surfing speed sucks and i only get 100+ Kbps DL score when testing in TMN.  and my direct download really sucks, 4-8kbps. damn... i've done all the tweaks here already.

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