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Most of the time, when you see a man with a scraggly foot-long beard muttering about humans' potential to live to the age of 1,000, you'd toss him a dollar or two and back slowly away. But when that man is Cambridge-educated biomedical gerontologist Aubrey de Gray, you might just want to listen to what he has to say.


The Invincible Man

Aubrey de Grey, 44 Going on 1,000, Wants Out of Old Age

By Joel Garreau

Washington Post Staff Writer

Wednesday, October 31, 2007; Page C01

Aubrey de Grey may be wrong but, evidence suggests, he's not nuts. This is a no small assertion. De Grey argues that some people alive today will live in a robust and youthful fashion for 1,000 years.

In 2005, an authoritative publication offered $20,000 to any molecular biologist who could demonstrate that de Grey's plan for treating aging as a disease -- and curing it -- was "so wrong that it was unworthy of learned debate."

Now mere mortals -- who may wish to be significantly less mortal -- can judge whether de Grey's proposals are "science or fantasy," as the magazine put it. De Grey's much-awaited "Ending Aging: The Rejuvenation Breakthroughs That Could Reverse Human Aging in Our Lifetime" has just been published.

The judges were formidable for that MIT Technology Review challenge prize. They included Rodney Brooks, then director of MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory; Nathan Myhrvold, former chief technology officer of Microsoft; and J. Craig Venter, who shares credit for first sequencing the human genome.

In the end, they decided no scientist had succeeded in blowing de Grey out of the water. "At issue is the conflict between the scientific process and the ambiguous status of ideas that have not yet been subjected to that process," Myhrvold wrote for the judges.

Well yes, that. Plus the question that has tantalized humans forever. What if the only certainty is taxes?

* * *

Dodging death has long been a dream.

Our earliest recorded legend is that of Gilgamesh, who finds and loses the secret of immortality.

The Greek goddess Eos prevails on Zeus to allow her human lover Tithonus to live eternally, forgetting, unfortunately, to ask that he also not become aged and frail. He winds up such a dried husk she turns him into a grasshopper.

In "It Ain't Necessarily So," Ira Gershwin writes:

Methus'lah lived nine hundred years

But who calls dat livin' when no gal'll give in

To no man what's nine hundred years.

And more....






So who wanted to live forever?  :smiley:

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Yeah, I always heard sex was good for staying young.

But really, what if it were possible. (well of course it is, just in who'd lifetime is it. And what then about the population control?

Gotta wonder about it for real.  :azn:

I'd probably get tired of living after a few short hundred years...  But then again, there are many thrills to be had. As long as I'm not on a walker for the last 920 years of my life....  And think about the savings in seniors discounts!

One thing for sure, sayings would then change.

"Life is short."

"Live for the minute."  :lol:

"Life without parole"  :sad:

"Till death do we part."

"I don't have enough time."

And what about retirement age. Wouldn't the gov't love that one.  :idiot2:

What about poor morticians?  :cheesy:

Life as we know it would be crazy. But there would be lots of folks trying to buy there way in though.  [geek]

What about poor morticians?  :cheesy:

That would really become a dying business. But is there really proof of living that long and what would one do about Global Warming? I guess it would give one time to find a solution. And if you don't think it's coming there is proof that it is.

That would really become a dying business. But is there really proof of living that long and what would one do about Global Warming? I guess it would give one time to find a solution. And if you don't think it's coming there is proof that it is.

HA!  Love the pun, and the pic!

and besides in biblical days...hell the number of years that u chalked up every year depended on how many wives u had...like 2 wives and every year counted as 5...and the number wasn't predictable...cuz god decided on how many years got added according to the wife...or wives...and if you had none...then it was a flat 15 years per year...they left that part out of the bible on purpose :)

  What bible do you read dear?  just curious, I know , one of those topics, but you make some intriguing claims there on time.

BTW, keep it up, and the lease on the eyes is gonna be goin up!  :evil6:

what a bunch of horse hooey...geeze i don't wanna live to be 1000...lordy i need a butt sling now...i'd have to hire someone to carry it for me once i got to 458

I guess it already happened to her butt, seems she lost her lease on that. :haha:

and besides in biblical days...hell the number of years that u chalked up every year depended on how many wives u had...like 2 wives and every year counted as 5...and the number wasn't predictable...cuz god decided on how many years got added according to the wife...or wives...and if you had none...then it was a flat 15 years per year...they left that part out of the bible on purpose :)

:lol: Where did you read or hear that momma T? I'll hold your butt for free.  :cool:

funny story about the but sling...'bout 10 yrs ago my foster granddaughter asked me what i wanted for my bday...i told her a butt sling (with a straight face) so i guess for weeks she went around looking for something called a butt sling...but got me perfume instead...seems everyone laughed at her especially when she described what it was for...


truth be known...i didn't need one then...and guess what i still don't need one...

mudmanc4/tommie...i told u... it's a little known fact...because they left it out of the written version of the bible on purpose so those in modern times with plural wives would be surprised...i got it straight from a VERY reliable source (which i cannot reveal) just trust me it's true...or ask HIM for urself...u KNOW He'll tell the truth...He won't mind

i don't get it...i don't know of a perfume called juicy coutre...does that have a special meaning  :undecided: ...

unless u  actually mean couture...that's a neiman marcus line "juicy"

Sorry tdawnaz - I was just making fun of a foreign product name that could imply something else in America.

It reminds me of a Chinese restaurant I once saw named Fu King Restaurant (or something very close to that).

edit: I just found a review for the Fu King Chinese Restaurant  :haha:


This is a whole new thread needing started here...................jk, lets hope no one is that dense.

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