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You guys do realize that this is like voting for Nader and demanding a recount, right? I mean come on. There's no way in hell you guys are this stupid.... Seriously. :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: amazing response

You gotta keep reading man there is literally some shit that made me hurt I laughed so hard.

642. Dixie Normus I bought a Blu-Ray player and it stabbed me in the face and burned my house down. Also, it ate my pet dog Scruffy, then wrecked my car and blamed it on me. I then decided to try HD DVD, and it did none of those things, so I am sad that WB is abandoning that format

571. Johnny Schmegma, Licensed Sexual Predator BLU RAY FOR THE WIN!! (Go fist yourself, Microsoft.)    not only the fist yourself microsoft part..but look at his name  :shocked:  :evil6:

551. DEADMEATGA My friend's neighbor has a secret source that says this is all a ruse and Warner, along with Disney and Fox will be going HDDVD exclusive in a few weeks. PSX3 is going under. God I am so gay! Who wants buttsex?!?!

571. Johnny Schmegma, Licensed Sexual Predator BLU RAY FOR THE WIN!! (Go fist yourself, Microsoft.)    not only the fist yourself microsoft part..but look at his name  :shocked:  :evil6:

551. DEADMEATGA My friend's neighbor has a secret source that says this is all a ruse and Warner, along with Disney and Fox will be going HDDVD exclusive in a few weeks. PSX3 is going under. God I am so gay! Who wants buttsex?!?!

I am surprised you caught the name. Smart man. I didnt think anyone else would know what it meant.  :haha: :haha: :haha:

If there was no other reason to hold on to HD-DVD, this is it:

832. Steve Lubedass    I love HD-DVD, it makes me go hard and my bunghole oozes brown goo. I fantasise about getting DP from Bill Gates, Amir, Ken Graffeo and the alcoholic Robert Zohn! When im lonely in bed at night, I just lube up my Toshy A35 and slip it in my bunghole, I keep it running! I then shoot white goo all over my HD-DVD collection! ... ooh yeah HD-DVD makes me so hot, I love it long time! 

If there was no other reason to hold on to HD-DVD, this is it:

832. Steve Lubedass    I love HD-DVD, it makes me go hard and my bunghole oozes brown goo. I fantasise about getting DP from Bill Gates, Amir, Ken Graffeo and the alcoholic Robert Zohn! When im lonely in bed at night, I just lube up my Toshy A35 and slip it in my bunghole, I keep it running! I then shoot white goo all over my HD-DVD collection! ... ooh yeah HD-DVD makes me so hot, I love it long time! 

:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: Damn philip...  :evil6:

You just have to chuckle here, w/ so many  acting so concerned about natural resourses an the throw away society we live in, why is it that many of us get so tied up in following the latest fad in media? Knowing that the most simple solution is right there at your fingertips, digital media on your HDD or flash drive. Movies, music, data of any kind.  The quality is a bit better,on the disks,  (I think) lol, but look at the cost! All those BR machines , and media now will be just another pile in the landfill, next to vinyl, cassette tapes, and eight track, to name a few.

To me, it sure seems as if we should think more on the lines of what we place in our dumps, rather than where we get our oil.   How does this fit in? Plastic, that takes oil! and all the chemicals it must take to manufacture millions of dvd's, there cases, the print on them, and that insane wrapper that takes a frickin razor blade to access it.

Nice rant eh?  :roll:

You just have to chuckle here, w/ so many  acting so concerned about natural resourses an the throw away society we live in, why is it that many of us get so tied up in following the latest fad in media? Knowing that the most simple solution is right there at your fingertips, digital media on your HDD or flash drive. Movies, music, data of any kind.  The quality is a bit better,on the disks,  (I think) lol, but look at the cost! All those BR machines , and media now will be just another pile in the landfill, next to vinyl, cassette tapes, and eight track, to name a few.

To me, it sure seems as if we should think more on the lines of what we place in our dumps, rather than where we get our oil.   How does this fit in? Plastic, that takes oil! and all the chemicals it must take to manufacture millions of dvd's, there cases, the print on them, and that insane wrapper that takes a frickin razor blade to access it.

Nice rant eh?  :roll:

:2funny: :2funny: I liked it. Its got truth and humor mixed in. Nice touch.  :azn:

I remember the Beta Max/VHS battle. Sony lost, which I loved, especially with that RootKit Scandal and all years later of course. BluRay HD, who cares, well some do sorry, it'll all be dirt cheap in a few years, after of course the "want it now" peeps get done spending a fortune on it all. I didn't care who won or lost just get the decision over with. Similar to get the lies and crap off the air waves and fiber optics and cable from the US elections. Speaking of crap:


:newbie: :newbie: :newbie::tongue:

It will be dirt cheap in a few years because the next QuadHD (2160p)  stuff will be coming out. We are already getting close on the PC side with the 30in 4MP displays. Sony is going to now release a $200 blu-ray drive for PC's so by the end of this year it will all probably be around a $100 bucks if not less.

Pretty much like drippytongue said, it all gets cheap real fast. Thank goodness the race is almost over. So the price will head down.

I still miss my damn 8 tracks.   :evil: Bastages.

And now they are trying to replace my cassettes.  :knuppel2: Whats wrong with these people.

Blue Ray VS  HD DVD.

Smucks. Bring back the good old 8mm.

im fine with normal dvd quality myself..but hell if i have to get one or the other i'd say bluray...but still...im not going to buy a new player thats expensive...(over 50 bucks) just for a new dvd movie....

im fine with normal dvd quality myself..but hell if i have to get one or the other i'd say bluray...but still...im not going to buy a new player thats expensive...(over 50 bucks) just for a new dvd movie....

  :2funny: :2funny: Yes you will eventually.

I said the same over 8 tracks.  :evil6:

  :2funny: :2funny: Yes you will eventually.

I said the same over 8 tracks.  :evil6:

lol yeh eventually...like when i cant get them on dvd anymore...but untill then ...or if the prices go waayyy down...i'll stick to good ole dvd...and even vhs every now and then  :evil6:

Hell yes, and you can burn them at home. By the way I was told since I am in the market for a new comp, I should make sure it is blue ray compatable. Is this true?  [nerdly]

You need one hell of a system to play blu-ray right. You need a fast CPU, a good amount of ram (like 2GB) the drive it self, and a dedicated video card a onboard one just doesn't cut it, 2400xt is the minimum for ATI, 8500GT is for nvidia you need a card with HDCP, on and you need vista.

Also don't waste your time unless you have a monitor that is 1080p (24" or higher) If you have like a 19" at 1440x900 stick with DVD's.

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