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I have been a lurker on here for several years and now I am able to be rid of this nightmare! I just got EVDO and love it and I want to or I am canceling HN I am not in a contract so what is a good way to do it and be done with HN ? I have seen on here where some had canceled and HN  continued on billing them. For the ones that is tired of hughenet I would check to see if you can get EVDO or some kind of wireless I live in the rural part of WV and I figured we would be the last to see any thing. I played online games last night that I only dreamed of playing with HN! Thanks for any helpe.

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I myself just called HN and stopped it that way. NOt that hard if not under contract anymore. And the reason I never got the new modem, I knew better service had to be around the corner also. Yeah EVDO is great in comparison. So did you get Sprint or Verizon?  :grin2:

I got alltel and man what  a big improvement over HN ! Where I am I am getting 2 bars and it is 10 times faster than Hughes. I just ordered a external antena I should get the full signal now  :cheesy:  I played halo, crysis,Call of Duty, last night no lag at all! I love it  :smitten: And best of all a [glow=red,2,300](DOWNLOAD BUFFET!)[/glow]

Be aware that when you get ready to play games on line you need to disconnect and then reconnect because Alltel will disconnect you every 12 hours. If you get disconnected in the middle of a game it will probably piss you off, it does me. Just some advice.

  • 1 month later...

Where abouts in WV are you? I am just outside of Morgantown with 27,000 students and I am unable to get anything at this time, EV-DO is coming in July I have been told, by Ntelos so I am looking forward to that!

I am between charleston and huntington right off I 64. Stay away from hughesnet wait for the evdo you will be much happier.

Yeah, I have been with Hughes for about 3 years, still waiting to put it out of the window!

I have been arguing with Verizon, apparently I can get DSL but the slow package which is still faster then Hughesnet, my turn on date is the 29th, this will be the fifth attempt and according to the English speaking American woman I spoke with yesterday they have already been out and put a bridge on my line!

Thats something new :)

Fingers crossed on this on, I still may go EV-DO as I think it will still be faster then Verizon, I will see what speeds I get as I am a long way from my exchange hence the bridge.

The bridge as explained to me will extend the line to allow DSL over such a long distance, sounds like a crook to me. LMAO.

Yea I know I have been trying to get verizon DSL for a long time to I even sent the Gov and  Senators Bird and Rockefeller and Shelly More they all answered me but Shelly Moore Capito! I am about 2 miles from where DSL ends. I realy like thre evdo I am getting  pretty good speeds and it is soooooooooo much better than hughesnet. I was stuck with hughes for about 5 years.Here is some speed test I done with the evdo.



My uploads run around 125 th 200 kbps and the downloads not always this good but to much difference! good luck with verizon is the BBB going to help you out?I will tell you what after I have used the evdo I think I like it better than DSL because I can take my internet with me where ever I go.

WTF is hughsnet service?

Hughesnet is the Premier PILE OF CRAP that we in the USA use to get Broadband HA HA HA in rural areas.

It is over priced, slow, always off, Indian support, Satellite 2 way junk.

Sorry if that seems a little nasty, but it is the truth!

WTF is hughsnet service?

Welcome to the forum emanseru. Its satelite based slow as snails service provided by hughes.net.  :wink: ONly other slow service around these parts besides dial up would be the alter ego wild blue.  :cool:

I myself just called HN and stopped it that way. NOt that hard if not under contract anymore. And the reason I never got the new modem, I knew better service had to be around the corner also. Yeah EVDO is great in comparison. So did you get Sprint or Verizon?  :grin2:

I think the best way for all would be just go to NOC and bust the dishes   :knuppel2:

Or we could pool our resources and build an amateur missle to shoot down the sats.........We can say we were testing the anti-satellite missle system for our local militia.  Its our 2nd amendment right lol....

I find it interesting to say the least that some providers do not want competition to service users that no one serves!

The cable industry says it supports the nine-digit ZIP code idea, but there's considerable resistance from Internet service providers like AT&T and Verizon, who suggested the requirement would be burdensome, costly, and potentially "competitively sensitive"--that is, allowing rivals to target their operations based on where they see more or fewer customers.

Its no wonder most of us are stuck with DirecWay when you have companies like this around!!!! that makes me mad!  :knuppel2:  :tickedoff:

  • 4 months later...

Not to dig up and old topic, but EV-DO Rev A is in my area, Ntelos have it but I can't get answers from there knowledge less sales people, the same sales people telling me it will go at 24Mbits a second!!!!

I tested it on there laptop with an unloaded system, I.E. no users on the system (NEW), and I got 0.5Mbit down and 0.6Mbit up! for an unloaded system boasting speeds of 1.5Mbit a second on an unladen network I would expect to see more then that, load it up and your back to dial up again!

So what is this all about, is it worth the move from Hughesnet? for $10 less a month? is latency still an issue? ANYONE!

Buy one of those plastic vagina sex toys and attach it to the equipment in the best place possible. Then photo yourself giving it the business and send it in to em. If they dont get the message the next one may have to be more blunt.  :evil6: :evil6:

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