coknuck Posted April 28, 2008 CID Share Posted April 28, 2008 See that proves your more than just another pretty face! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted April 28, 2008 CID Share Posted April 28, 2008 Oh quit kissin, im getting jelous dammit! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roco Posted April 28, 2008 CID Share Posted April 28, 2008 Your taking what I said out of context and you know it. Yes, it is an accusation, so what! read what I wrote, don't pull what you want and put into your own words. And don't tell me to calm down, I'm not getting drawn into a pissin match on a childs level. Topic locked until an admin gets here. check the hormones at the door pleeeease... thanks for the derailment I was tired of listening to the whiners! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOL, it took 20 mod posts to shut down a (to my mind) a legitimate question and poll , it was worth debating , as I sure SST was asking a sensible question , and voicing his concern to the forums direction , as my posting was , normally I would have repied with all guns blazing but frankly I lost the intrest , this old whiner feels like he has just been mauled by a dead sheep , ( you got to try harder guys ) but please leave the cussing out Like SST , I thought TMN forum was a family orientated INTERNATION site , remember the eyes of the world are looking in , you ain't just playing in your own back yard , BTW , I still love love you ALL P.s. Tdawnaz , it is a well know fact that guys keep their hormones in the same sack as they keep their crown jewels and no way will they be parted from them , :shocked: and for my Bro Tommie , ease up on the cussing , Father Patrick , tells me you owe 2 Million Hail Mary's already Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roco Posted April 28, 2008 CID Share Posted April 28, 2008 :2funny:my last post should have read P.s. Tdawnaz , it is a well know fact that guys keep their hormones in the same sack as they keep their crown jewels and brains and no way will they be parted from them , crown jewels that is , brains are often redundent Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starship_troopers Posted April 28, 2008 Author CID Share Posted April 28, 2008 Thanks for the derailment I was tired of listening to the whiners! Think your big now huh? A mod who instead of restoring order, helps derail a topic then posting something about it like this. This place is no where near what it used to be Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starship_troopers Posted April 28, 2008 Author CID Share Posted April 28, 2008 I Am sided with the posts made by a Sir Roco. At least i know someone else is wanting to voice their opinions. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tdawnaz Posted April 28, 2008 CID Share Posted April 28, 2008 P.s. Tdawnaz , it is a well know fact that guys keep their hormones in the same sack as they keep their crown jewels and no way will they be parted from them , :shocked: hey now he said i could keep they're mine now but please leave the cussing out Like SST , I thought TMN forum was a family orientated INTERNATION site , remember the eyes of the world are looking in , you ain't just playing in your own back yard , like was already said...if there is a post that someone has an issue with...they need to click that "report to moderator" button in the righthand corner of every post... u know this is all well and good...the fact that people of all ages come here for info and to relax and enjoy...but really...the same folks that complain about cussing and explicit content will be the same people that will do it too...does that make it but those same people will be the ones that go screaming "free speech free speech" when it gets edited out and go running off to other forums bitching and moaning about how they've been done wrong cuz the mean ol momma t and the mods over at tmn won't let them do and say as they please...and then throw pissy fit after pissy fit til they get banned and still come back and re-register a half a dozen times and still behave badly...soooooo what?? i'm just saying no matter how we do it someone isn't gonna be happy...sooo if u see something that makes u cringe...let me know...let another mod know...let all of us know at once by clicking that button i keep telling u about...we want to hear about it and for the record u can't fathom the editing we do to protect our there neener neener *raspberries* Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted April 28, 2008 CID Share Posted April 28, 2008 i may be in trouble for asking this, but .... Wasnt this forum supposed to be family oriented? IT still has all the great help any forum would want, in terms of technical advice and problem solving. But think about it, Recently this forum has gotten to where all it is is sexual/perveted jokes with a bunch of swearing. Noone can even keep a thread on topic. it always gets derailed. Dont you think its time for the whole forum to be looked over and fixed? This used to be a place where i could refer people to for good clean humor and technical help. Now its more of a place where you go for help and scroll into the off topics and some other threads and all there is is a bunch of swearing and perverted junk. My question is who all out of the members whom post in this forum....think it should go back to the family oriented type of place it was before? It seems to me there is a GREAT deal of complaints here with no substance to back it up. First off why would there need to be a post like this when you can click "report post" on ANY post on testmy and notify all mods immediately? What is the last post you have reported that did not get delt with? I get an email with EVERY reported post and you know what, I can count on one hand how many posts have been reported in the past SIX MONTHS. Now I am sure someone will say "I hit that all the time and nothing gets done". Well, no you dont hit it all the time because there are very few members who report a post at all. So right off the bat this seems like a drama filled post that is just screaming for attention. This forum since DAY ONE has NOT been set up to be a kiddy forum. Where the hell is the rule that says no cursing or no off colored jokes? You want to point it out to me? Cursing is allowed and so are off colored jokes. We have a language filter so if that bothers you turn it BACK on. I say back on due to the fact it is turned on by default. As far as getting off topic, that has always been the norm too. We could go to enforcing everyone to stay on topic but that would take the whole feel away from this forum and if we turn into that kind of forum CA3LE wont have to worry about me around here. No the forum does not need to be looked over, IMHO, it is still the place it was when I came here years ago. Bottom line, IMO, if you dont like it leave. Just leave. Go elsewhere and find what you want and then stay there. You dont have to pay a fee to be a member here so your not losing a thing by leaving. If you have a valid complaint, please voice it, but have the maturity to PM it to us. Also, like I said earlier, if you think a post breaks the rules click report this post. If you just want to know the truth about it, I am sick of the members here thumbing their nose at CA3LE and what he provides for free. Im sick of the whining and bitching and moaning. We must be doing something right, most people who get banned here ALWAYS try to come back. Want an example. ISPgeek. He got banned from here and tried for soooo long to come back. When he figured out we didnt want him he made his own little rinky dink place. Well guess what happens there? Him and Cholla (another long banned member) along with a few others sit there and bad mouth TMN on their forums. Talk ALLLL sorts of trash. Guess what else. Cholla likes it so much here he registered under a different name shortly after his ban and is still posting here TO THIS DAY. I am so sick of this crap. I also must point out that you were granted alot of leniency in the "anything goes" thread when you came in and called people in there "dumb fucks" or whatever snide little comment you made. You should have had a warning ban, but you didnt get one. I would think with your past here you would be one of the last ones to grip about how lenient it is as far as the rules and off topic goes. It always seems to be the trouble makers and rule breakers that want to cry about the rules. This post was started for NO OTHER REASON than to create drama bullshit. I know this because if you really felt this way you could have just PMd it to CA3LE directly, you and everyone backing you up. But you didnt, you wanted to make your complaints public. So there you go. Let me remind anyone that wants to respond to my post that arguing with mods on the forum is against the rules so if you do it and get banned dont cry about it. If you want to argue please PM it, Ill be here all night. Roco as far as crying about the language, first off TURN YOUR FILTER ON. If it bothers you too much go find you a family forum and sign up there. I bet you can still use the Screen Name Roco if you hurry. THERE IS NO RULE AT TESTMY THAT SAYS NO CUSSING, EITHER YOU DIDNT READ THE RULES OR DIDNT UNDERSTAND THEM. TAKE YOUR DRAMA BS ELSEWHERE. <--- Link to the rules. [r.1.04] The basic ground rules for discussions on are simple: be polite, use common sense, don't break the law and don't post any message that even hints at advertising. Please tell me what part of this screams "family forum"? Is it the polite part? Being polite and telling dirty jokes are two separate things, especially when you have to click on a link like "DIRTY JOKES" or "ANYTHING GOES" to even get TO the dirty jokes. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted April 28, 2008 CID Share Posted April 28, 2008 In many ways this is very true. I can not count on one hand the many times I'd catch a mod of a late evening about super vulgar porn crap that slipped through. It was always handled very quickly. Of course I might have just handed it off directly to a mod on duty at the time. So honesty I have only maybe hit the report button twice since I first joined here. But also reported many things. And Roco knows there are far worse "family " sites out there. ( vans ) Some families can be quite brutal in fact. And we do not even have a good nudie section here like some do. But hey I go there if thats what I want. Some very sexy members over there. Oh heck, thats enough for now. What a thread. By the way its a lot more fun to have it out with an adm or mod in PM. And they do not get quite as upset in there like they do out here. Hell me and shug had one or two. But in the end it did not mean much, it ended up we both vented and went on. No biggie really. Ok so thats enough then. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starship_troopers Posted April 28, 2008 Author CID Share Posted April 28, 2008 im only touching on one subject right now, ok. Why should i have to hit the report button to send a report to a mod if the fucking mod is the one who posted it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SpAwNgOd Posted April 28, 2008 CID Share Posted April 28, 2008 Im not trying to offend anyone ut i say this thread should be locked permantly, all it is causing is alot of needless drama Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted April 28, 2008 CID Share Posted April 28, 2008 In many ways this is very true. I can not count on one hand the many times I'd catch a mod of a late evening about super vulgar porn crap that slipped through. It was always handled very quickly. Of course I might have just handed it off directly to a mod on duty at the time. So honesty I have only maybe hit the report button twice since I first joined here. But also reported many things. And Roco knows there are far worse "family " sites out there. ( vans ) Some families can be quite brutal in fact. And we do not even have a good nudie section here like some do. But hey I go there if thats what I want. Some very sexy members over there. Oh heck, thats enough for now. What a thread. By the way its a lot more fun to have it out with an adm or mod in PM. And they do not get quite as upset in there like they do out here. Hell me and shug had one or two. But in the end it did not mean much, it ended up we both vented and went on. No biggie really. Ok so thats enough then. And that is the truth, thank you for telling it. I am not saying TMN is perfect, but I love it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starship_troopers Posted April 28, 2008 Author CID Share Posted April 28, 2008 Im not trying to offend anyone ut i say this thread should be locked permantly, all it is causing is alot of needless drama if you dont like it dont come in here and post Ok this crap stops now. You dont need to make snide comments to people who are just pointing out the fact that this whole thread is a fat drama queen wrapped in Drama brand clothes. Thread locked. If you want to continue this or have questions about the rules please PM a mod, VA or CA3LE himself. If you are going to just try to make it miserable for the vast majority of the members here that dont seem to agree with you or dont seem to have a problem with the site you will be dealt with. I hope you dont decide to do that. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted April 28, 2008 CID Share Posted April 28, 2008 im only touching on one subject right now, ok. Why should i have to hit the report button to send a report to a mod if the fucking mod is the one who posted it. I would say if a Mod broke a rule and you want to report it, the common sense answer would be to PM another mod or just go straight to CA3LE. It would get much more done than making a post like this. I would also say most of the mods are reasonable enough (and I think you would admit this) that you could PM them directly about what you think they did wrong. I know you could have told me. For anyone that wants to know, mods HAVE been reported in the past with the report button. It goes to all mods and CA3LE himself so dont think it is pointless to report a mod. The people who can reprimand the mod get the report as well as all other mods. Feel free to do so and I say that with sincerity. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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