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Could Obama be the antichrist ?  

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  1. 1. Could Obama be the antichrist ?

    • No
    • Yes
    • Could be

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I personally think life begins at the point of conception. It was a living sperm cell that fertilized a living egg so how can it not be alive? But I still don't think the government has any responsibility for the baby. I mean, when we say "Uncle Sam screwed me again", that's just a figure of speech.  :evil6:

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I personally think life begins at the point of conception. It was a living sperm cell that fertilized a living egg so how can it not be alive? But I still don't think the government has any responsibility for the baby. I mean, when we say "Uncle Sam screwed me again", that's just a figure of speech.  :evil6:


  • 2 weeks later...
Senator Graham " I Dread the day obama becomes president "

Tasked with defending Sarah Palin's foreign policy credentials as a vice presidential nominee, Sen. Lindsey Graham instead launched a vicious attack at Barack Obama's capacity to serve as president.

"I would dread the day that Senator Obama took the oath to become commander in chief," the South Carolina Republican and ardent McCain supporter said today on ABC's This Week.

The remark - one of the more blunt claims leveled during this campaign - comes amidst increased scrutiny over McCain's appointment of Palin to be his running mate. The Alaska Governor, who has served less than two years in office and has limited foreign policy credentials at best, has created troubles for a Republican Party hoping to cast the Obama ticket as the one of inexperience.

Graham spent much of his interview Sunday defending Palin's capacity to serve on moment's notice as commander in chief. But as ABC's George Stephanopoulos noted immediately following the "dread" remark, much of that defense came in the form of turning the attack lights on to Obama.

"Barack Obama, who got it incredibly wrong in Iraq, ... would sit down with Ahmadinejad and change the whole dynamic of the Mideast by empowering a nut and sending every wrong signal to extremists and moderates," Graham said. "His judgment in these areas has been terrible, proven to be terrible. I would be proud to call her my president. I think she could step in and fulfill the agenda domestically and internationally that John McCain wants to set for the country. Compared to Barack Obama, I think she'd make one hell of a commander in chief."

huffington post

So here we begin the "ping pong  " style of political wars between conservatives, and liberals. The Christians, and the not so Christians.   From opra, to Graham, to clooney. Who cares what hollywood thinks, there not living the same life as the rest of us.

EDIT:  I edited the name " Billy " to senator , typo.

Neither does Billy Graham...

But then again, Billy Graham isn't  mentioned in the article.  It is about Senator Lindsey Graham.... :cheesy:

the very first quote is quoting billy graham...

Billy Graham " I Dread the day obama becomes president "

This mistake was on mypart, ( the Graham name ) I apologize for the typo, I was reading so many articles that I did confuse the two. Senator Graham should have been in the quote, and has been changed.

  This is the article I was reading when I should have paid more attention to, as I wrote this pst. Please accept my apologies for the incorrect name. 

  • 1 month later...

btw...i still say yes...still think the man is pure evil...with a smile to melt a granma...actually i think that he's an alien...and we are about to be taken over by aliens the likes of which we've never seen...wait til he removes his disguise...from the depths of hell he's risen...

btw...i still say yes...still think the man is pure evil...with a smile to melt a granma...actually i think that he's an alien...and we are about to be taken over by aliens the likes of which we've never seen...wait til he removes his disguise...from the depths of hell he's risen...

I love you. again.

don't ya love it...AAAAAANNNDDD...saygoodie loves me :smitten::smiley: and shugar and me are having a baby...now how far along are u again huny? i want twins one that looks like shugar and one that looks like ca3le

No no, we broke up when you put coks name in your title. That is an illegitimate child.. Im not even sure its mine. If it comes out with a beard Im kicking coks ass.  What is all this with you loving everyone.. Back tracking bullshit..  :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: Im outta here.

*walks off ranting about the government, economy, The Simpsons and Hole in the wall.Stops and shouts back.*

"Hole in the wall is the stupidest show ever.. MINDLESS drivel... "

God I love Hole in the Wall

We can not let him in because he has no clue how to run a country. He can't even get a bill passed now. He doesn't even listen to the people that employee him. He is so out of touch with the real issues.

The biggest problem is people are F#@&ing dumb, if they would just listen to what he actually is saying, they would go "yo, thats socialism". If you are in Obama supporter, Don't vote for him just because you like the guy, actually go sit down poke around online and read what he is going to do for each issue, and don't go to a major news outlet they won't tell you the truth.

If you want to vote for obama and have $8 a gallon gas go for it. 

If you want to vote for obama and have 40% capital gains tax go for it.

If you want to vote for obama and make over $250K a year and want to pay even more tax go for it.   

If you own a small business, and you want obama, god help you.

Sorry, but you should do some poking around online yourself.

1. If you want to vote for obama and have $8 a gallon gas go for it.  - MCcain is a Republican, Republicans love big buisness. It's called trickle down economics. Republicans don't want cheap gas, cheap gas doesn't make big buisness billions. They can drill to their hearts content, your never getting cheap gas again. Your screwed either way.

2 If you want to vote for obama and have 40% capital gains tax go for it. - The average american doesn't does not pay capital gains tax. The average american does not have a 20 million stock portfolio. If your rich, your screwed. If your middle class, you win. Average american wins.

3. If you want to vote for obama and make over $250K a year and want to pay even more tax go for it.   - 90% does not of america does not make over 250K per year. Once again the average american wins. How does this make him the anti christ.

4. If you own a small business, and you want obama, god help you.  - If you own a small buisness, nothing will change unless your bring home is over 250k. If you do, your not hurting anyway. Democrats have always given more money to small buisness, look at the Clinton era. Big buisness got taxed, small buisness got breaks so they could get bigger and be taxed later. Either way small buisness will not gain or lose.

In the end, nothing changes. You vote Republican, you get trickle down tax breaks for the rich. You vote Democrat, little guy gets the tax breaks. No one has proven either is better. The question is, which one will survive a global economy when most our money is flowing over seas. Cheers.  [nerd]

Imagine how the US is going to be in the next 20 years. I feel bad that I brought a child into this mess. I will not go into religion, but this series is an interesting read, if you have not read the left behind series, please do.There are 12 books in the series, and they are very informative.


    Yahaim wrote:

    Obama is the Anti-Christ. This is the evidence:

    1.- He will come as a man of Peace (Obama promises peace in Iraq, defeat for the US)

    2.- He will come mounted on a white Female horse(Obama mother is white who had 6 African husbands)

    3.- He will come to deceive( Obama says he's a Christian but in fact he was born a Muslim, practices the Islamic religion, prays Friday

That would be all fine and good Sql, but the problem is you keep talking about money, which we do not have. Our government borrows money from the Federal Reserve (private bank) and then pays them interest on that money. Every dime we have is literally borrowed. Im not even talking about deficit or debt,I am not talking about selling T Bills to China so our books are not upside down,  I am talking our whole monetary policy. The government has no money, period. It has borrowed "notes" from the Fed, but something borrowed is not yours is it?

That would be all fine and good Sql, but the problem is you keep talking about money, which we do not have. Our government borrows money from the Federal Reserve (private bank) and then pays them interest on that money. Every dime we have is literally borrowed. Im not even talking about deficit or debt,I am not talking about selling T Bills to China so our books are not upside down,  I am talking our whole monetary policy. The government has no money, period. It has borrowed "notes" from the Fed, but something borrowed is not yours is it?

    Nicely put !  :grin2:

Ah, Thank You. What makes me happy is that this debacle seems to have shown ALOT of people how corrupt the Gov is. It opened my eyes even wider and my mother (A DIEEEEE HAAAARD Repub)  has realized she is getting fucked from both sides. Makes me happy.  :grin2:

Ah, Thank You. What makes me happy is that this debacle seems to have shown ALOT of people how corrupt the Gov is. It opened my eyes even wider and my mother (A DIEEEEE HAAAARD Repub)  has realized she is getting fucked from both sides. Makes me happy.  :grin2:

It's been going on for so long people learned to accept it as natural.  But slavery isn't natural.

No no, we broke up when you put coks name in your title. That is an illegitimate child.. Im not even sure its mine. If it comes out with a beard Im kicking coks ass.  What is all this with you loving everyone.. Back tracking bullS#!t.. 

whatever...fine...I'M OUTTA HERE!!

Bingo , This thread was looked at almost 15,000 times, and posted in 270 times before someone said it !

Thats because everyone but peep had the good sense not to say it.. mainly because there was a ban on religious chatter back when Cholla had a big piss fit years ago. Peep knows that but doesn't understand the concept of respecting CA3LE's wishs. Thats why.... well never mind.  And if anyone wants to push the religious chatter rule they will be banned right away and I will let CA3LE deal with them. Its been about 6 months since someone tried to start a bunch of shit here (it happens EVERY 6 fricking months) and this time Im banning fast and BANNING hard.  :azn: :azn:

Thats because everyone but peep had the good sense not to say it.. mainly because there was a ban on religious chatter back when Cholla had a big piss fit years ago. Peep knows that but doesn't understand the concept of respecting CA3LE's wishs. Thats why.... well never mind.  And if anyone wants to push the religious chatter rule they will be banned right away and I will let CA3LE deal with them. Its been about 6 months since someone tried to start a bunch of shit here (it happens EVERY 6 fricking months) and this time Im banning fast and BANNING hard.  :azn: :azn:

Spank me harder baby  :haha: :haha: :haha:
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