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I live 25% if not more informing myself, and the rest living it, and a vice president for one doesn't make the laws like that, the supreme court does. And i would hope that she would be pro life.

Of course she is pro life, but there are always exceptions and she refuses to accept all of them unless the mother would DIE!.

How extreme is that?

I am pro life too, but I would never force MY religious beliefs on anyone, and I know you wouldn't either.

"Opposes explicit sex-education programs

Q: Will you support funding for abstinence-until-marriage education instead of for explicit sex-education programs, school-based clinics, and the distribution of contraceptives in schools?

A: Yes, the explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support. "

OK, don't teach kids about how to prevent sex, don't allow them the resource, and them make them have the babies??? HOW IS THAT FREE CHOICE?

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Well honestly I think the religion should be put back to where it was before it was stripped out of our places of legal, and put it back in schools anyway. So you are not scaring me, you are promising me the good times are back.

[move]*DANCES*   Thank GOD[/move]

Well honestly I think the religion should be put back to where it was before it was stripped out of our places of legal, and put it back in schools anyway. So you are not scaring me, you are promising me the good times are back.

[move]*DANCES*   Thank GOD[/move]

Great, glad you're happy. I hope your happy when she is elected and then changes the entire constitution aftet hey elect 3 supreme court justices'

Good lord, this country is going to truly be big brother

I hate  to say it again. But we need back what we have lost to being so damned PC to make everybody else happy. And that really does make me happy. For that I will never be sad. to think that morals might be headed back into a stripped system. I hope she runs after McCain wins then. As far as what you said and I hope its all true. It would be a good shot in the arms for us. An honestly, I do not care if she is cute. I love morals.  :smitten:

And want to see a rise of them again.

Great, glad you're happy. I hope your happy when she is elected and then changes the entire constitution aftet hey elect 3 supreme court justices'

Good lord, this country is going to truly be big brother

Look , I understand what your saying, but whoa, back up, don't assume that John will die, and make her president, then she will even have the remote possibility of electing three or four justices that are that extreme, and bam, no one can abort a baby for no reason, now doesn't that sound far fetched ?

Big brother ?  Please calm down, for one thing the people of this nation want big brother,  for instance, how many happen to have pushed the camera market so far as to make it mandatory for a cam in every, if not every laptop, and IM client is capable. But thats another subject. The left continually vote in officials that place cameras on the damn light posts, phones,ATM's and everywhere else that we can't see. The left want you to believe that you can't take care of yourself, that you need to be under there control, and all businesses need to be controlled by an organization controlled by tax revenue.

Shit!!!!!!...............I'm goin back to my movie  " the lost boys " .

Supreme court doesn't make the laws, congress does.  Supreme court interprets laws, and assures that they are constitutional.  Water wasn't talking about McCain dying and Palin becoming president, she was replying to Tommie's hoping she runs for president.

Sarah Palin is a politician.  I like her pit bull personality, but I disagree with her on every fundamental issue.

And if you want to live in a country where religion is involved in every aspect of government and education, try Iran...

Maybe i don't have the full understanding of the way our enormous government works. So try and see past my ignorance.

But to dwell on something that is so irrelevant right now is propaganda, besides that, just so were all clear, I consider water to be a close , personal friend, and I'm not attacking her, I love her, and she knows it. And i would do anything for her, and those close to her. But something i wont do is let something go that I see a good conversation sprouting from.  :smile2:

It isn't irrelevant, but it is unlikely.  McCain is 72 years old, and has had cancer.  Palin is NOT the maverick that McCain is, and I can't in good conscience vote for her, knowing that she is "literally" one heart beat from the white house.

Even if she did somehow find her way into the white house, congress must approve the justices.  So unless evangelical conservatives take control of congresss, she wouldh have a hard time appointing judges.  Although, Bush didn't have a lot of troube getting his 2 tool bags in there.

The republican party needs a shake up.  I don't think she is different enough to be the person to do it....

Supreme court doesn't make the laws, congress does.  Supreme court interprets laws, and assures that they are constitutional.  Water wasn't talking about McCain dying and Palin becoming president, she was replying to Tommie's hoping she runs for president.

Actually water did not respond after I said for Palin to run next.

And if you want to live in a country where religion is involved in every aspect of government and education, try Iran...

Actually the same about live in another country could be said for those that believe in the present stripped nation that we now live in and have.

Whoa Tommie!  You got me on one there...she didn't....but my other points stand...

Actually the same about live in another country could be said for those that believe in the present stripped nation that we now live in and have.

How so?  If you lived in a country where religion dictated the government, then the opposite would be one where goverment did everything its power to snuff out religion.  Our goverment doesn't.  Our constitution was designed to ensure religious freedom in this country, and the only way to do that, is to seperate it from goverment.  Public education is part of the goverment, therefore religion should not be part of it.  That way, we aren't trying to teach Christianity to Jewish kids against their parents will.

What people do at home is their business.  If you want your kids to have a christian upbringing, then take them to church, or enroll them in a private christian school.

Which brings me to another topic.  Why do some republicans, and democrats, think its a good idea for my tax dollars to pay for some other kid to attend a private school?  You would think the schools would be against it, since they'd be taking goverment money, and possibly accepting some goverment regulation in the process.

Ghostmaster: I think you were reading my mind. It is part of what I meant to say. I'm with you on the religion in government thing too.

Mudman: I love you too, and you know it :)

A major point with Palin and McCain and the conservative base IS the fact that they want government by their religious beliefs. That is a very scary thing. I don't disrespect anyone's religion, I believe that everyone has a fundamental right to choose their religion. I also believe that government has a fundamental right to treat every person regardless race, color, gender etc as equal and afford them equal opportunities in every way.

The couple have five children--Track, 19; Bristol, 17; Willow, 14; Piper, 7; & Trig, 4 months. Track joined the Army last year. Trig, who was born in April, has Down syndrome. Ms. Palin and her husband knew during her pregnancy that there were complications, though the boy's condition was not revealed publicly until after he was born. Anti-abortion groups have praised Ms. Palin: "It speaks volumes about her personally and about how she walked her talk," said the president of a [pro-life] group
This is a CHOICE that she made, and I do not want to see it pushed down the throats of the American people. If she could, and she has stated this: she would remove federal funding for family planning and reduce the ability for students to learn how to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

That is not something I want to see. I can educate my daughter about sex: sure. But many people won't.

Q: Your stand on abortion?

A: I'm pro-life. I'll do all I can to see every baby is created with a future and potential. The legislature should do all it can to protect human life.

Let me repeat: The LEGISLATURE should do all it CAN to protect human life.

If the legislature passed a death penalty law, I would sign it. We have a right to know that someone who rapes and murders a child or kills an innocent person in a drive by shooting will never be able to do that again.
So much for protecting human life.

Sorry, but I don't think that's a fair comparison. One person who intentionally takes another's life during the act of a crime does not deserve to live out the rest of his/her's being supported, educated, housed and fed by my tax dollar. Nurturing a person like that does not have a direct correlation to being pro-life.

Sorry, but I don't think that's a fair comparison. One person who intentionally takes another's life during the act of a crime does not deserve to live out the rest of his/her's being supported, educated, housed and fed by my tax dollar. Nurturing a person like that does not have a direct correlation to being pro-life.

and that is the perfect example of individual thinking! That's why I do not believe that the government has the final say. We all are different. "NO-ONE" can be all of us!

I don't disagree with you - i am merely pointing out the differences and contrasting views of a potential VP - President.

it sure did huny...that kid said it all...

i came in cuz i decided that i wanted to throw my 2 cents in on this preggers young woman...

young woman...key words...so she's 17...unmarried...so what...she's a young woman and i respect her for deciding to continue the pregnancy...tough decision...life long decision...either way...doesn't make this young woman some sort of horrible rebellious gang banger...she had sex and got nailed...simple facts of life come and bite us on the ass sometimes. i was having sex at that age and plenty of it...and got married at 17 (not preggers btw) and i was the best a parent could ask for in terms of behavior...hormones...boys have em (oooo what a stud my son is) girls have em (ohhhhhh wow my daughter's a slut??) geeze...this will all fade away...cuz it means nothing...

so what i say to that is...i'm sick of seeing it at the checkout counter...on the news...who cares...geeze...did palin get her pregnant??...did palin somehow "make" her get pregnant??...does it make palin a bad parent?? NO NO NO...so what does it have to do with her ability to stand beside the president?? nothing at all...has nothing to do with how she ran her family or parented or her leadership abilities...

smear tactics...that's all

Passing this one on.....it's worth recalling who wanted all this and supported it..........



The next time you hear the expression 'Bush's  war' remember this  video!

And note that there is no 'opinion,' just direct video. 



When you click it and  get a 404 click it again.

On Palin's daughter:

We all know, that if Obama had a daughter, at 17, that was pregnant, the other side would be doing the exact same thing, except it wouldn't be bloggers, it would actually be them.  Second of all, if she didn't want her kids in the limelight, then she shouldn't parade them around the way she did at the convention, especially Bristol's "boyfriend".

This is a double standard.  If she doesn't want liberal nuts exploiting her 17(adult in my opinion) year old daughter, then she shouldn't be exploiting her son, Trak, or her son Trig, for political gain.  And please spare me the crap about her not exploiting the baby, because she is.  She doesn't yet know about raising a special needs child, because she just had him, he's still a baby.

I also don't see how saying the war was a mistake disrespects the soldiers.  Voting against veteran's benefits disrepects the soldiers. 

Here's something for ya to chew on...


On the second video, I agree whole heartedly.  They are all politicians, but what I don't see, is a video of Obama supporting the war, and Im sure if they could go back in time, a lot of republican's would vote against the war also.  The fact is, we can't just leave.  If we just pull out suddenly, that will cause chaos.  But we have been there far too long.  Its time for Iraq's goverment to get off there ass and take over.

If you watch the first portion of the Bill O'riely interview with Obama, he AGREES that the war was a mistake.  I guess Bill isn't very patriotic is he....

Rush Limbaugh, and real facts, in the same sentence?  I hope that was sarcasm....

And in this case, those are facts, whether or not you want to accept them.  Why do you think they are keeping her from talking to the media?  If she can't handle the press, how will she handle her job?  She was chosen to rally the evangelical conservative vote, and that is exactly what she'll do. 

All I know is, until she starts talking issues, instead of rhetoric, and cracks on Obama, I will continue to through support elsewhere, even if it is towards Ron Paul.  Rovian politics needs to die....

Not even the slightest bit of sarcasm intended.

Come on, there's no one  " keeping " Palin from the media, give me a break ! It's only been a week for cryin out loud  :haha: obama has been playin his game for nearly two years  :haha: And he stil has trouble with the TelePrompTer , not to mention no one knows who the hell he really is.

What are you stating are  " the facts " ?  Your opinion, or NPR's opinion , air america, Colms, who's your favorite ?

Cracks on obama? thats what it's all about, they sit up there and do there best to discredit there opponent.

Look, I consider myself leaning much more to the right then obama, MUCH MUCH more, I believe in God, and country, I believe that life is not a persons choice to take, the choice is made when the fun goes on, not out of convenience. I believe that the US government should be half the size that it is, and the bureaucrats do not belong interfering in our national affairs, lobbyists should be stricken from Washington. I believe that we should all have the right to be successful in our on business, without being " punished " for our financial achievements, or forced to pay a certain amount to entrance grade employees. I do not believe that the government has any rights what so ever in my personal life, and I believe that the " right " to bear arms , is not a right, but a standard that we should all live by.

Just for starters.

So you can see how I would be attracted to the conservative movement. And like minded people. So I don't much care to entertain those that spew anti American, anti life, anti freedom bullshit out to the sheeple of the welfare state they would like to see this country assume the position as.

Who was Gore before his famous recount? Thats what happens with VP's. They do nto count for much until needed usually. So are there many VP's remembered that did not get recognition other wise?

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