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Okay so most of you will find this a little weird but I'm worrying about it so I figure I'll post it and see what you all think. So I've been downloading music on limewire for quite some time now and have never had any problems with virus' or worms.. nothing. I've developed a comfort level and gotten sloppy with scanning all the files I download. Yesterday morning I downloaded a song and a minute after downloading it things started downloading automatically in my limewire downloads section. A wholeee bunch of stuff. Two of the files were named in such a way that it led me to believe it was illegal pornography. I'm sure you all know what I mean by illegal pornography so no need to go into further detail. I panicked and deleted all of the files, scanned my computer and removed the virus. I googled illegal pornography on limewire and I actually found a few posts where users said the same thing happened to them. To my shock I also found news stories where people were getting busted for illegal pornography on Limewire. So this is my question, what are the chances that my ip will be on one of those files and I'll get into legal trouble? Knowing authorities they wont be very understanding when I tell them it was a virus that downloaded the stuff.

thanks in advance.

Edit: I also changed my IP Address immediately after this incident, will that help me at all?

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It all depends on who is monitoring the downloads/source(if at all)... And who set up the virus to cause the download....As long as the files did not come from a Government HoneyPot..

It could just be a really bad joke to screw with people. A form of RickRolling for the Filesharers.

But there was this old Grandma who had a wireless Internet connection in her small apartment(grandkid could of put a wired connection). Feds came knocking on the door one day and were easily convinced she was not the Downloader. But there were many units in the building that could of  done the downloading via her wireless connection, without getting caught.

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That's the thing If I explain to them that a virus downloaded this stuff what are the chances of them believing some kid?

I mean I deleted every trace I could find of all the stuff but still. They might just be out to make a conviction and I'll find my ass with a ton of fines and possibly jail time?

ughh people who invented virus' are pathetic.

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ughh people who invented virus' are pathetic.

Kinda....... you have to see the security benefits that have risen due to all the bad junk out there, i has fueled an entire industry, and has set standards as well.

If I were concerned and i would be, it might be advisable to discontinue use of limewire, if not indefinitely.  Considering the fact that to D/L copy written data is not legal, you have to take all that in consideration as well.

They already have your IP logged , so it would be to no avail to try anything to change it.

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They have my IP logged if it was in fact a government file put in place to catch predators, yes. But I'm more concerned of the chances that's really what it is.

and I mean would I really get in big trouble if i posses none of the files and its all deleted?

yes, I understand where you're coming from with the legality of downloading copyrighted music. I'm hardly as afraid of getting caught doing that than I am with something as serious as illegal pornography. Though both are serious, illegal pornography is something I strongly do not believe in.

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Dude I believe you will be fine.... They tend to go after repeat offenders online.... They mostly monitor Chatrooms and Im services than filesharing networks... There are sometimes where they do look at peer 2 peer services but only when "UPLOADING:" of illicit content,,,,

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Yeah I feel a bit better today, but for the past few days I've just been devastated. Its something I strongly disbelieve in and if I, god forbid, got in trouble for it I don't know what I'd do with myself.

I have a seven and five year old daughter, I know exactly what you mean. Remember dads sometimes get fasley accused also so the kid can get the upper hand? It happened to my neighbor. His daughter of 12 one day finaly straightened up and paid for that one. But that is not always the case to win. We have known you pretty well.

*pats on the back*

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To say their not watching is a blind statement. Their is always someone watching. 1 time isn't enough of a flag to get anyones attention.

Now your 3.2tb of upload would put up a bigger flag then his 1 illegal file that is downloaded.

maybe so, but their not always watching -_-;
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