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Ubuntu 10.4?

I just 'finally' put it on my Vista Basic box. And it is a much better computer now. And the rear speaker 'out' plug works now too.

I just had to do a few tweaks to add programs to run video and online music streaming codecs.

The only thing that annoys me is having to log in on boot or resume from standby. Maybe I'll try to tweak it out again. :wink2: I modded the password last time on a older box before I decided to go with Windows 7.

And I did crash it once already. Had to hold the the power button for the standard time, for a hard kill. I think it had to do with a bad software package that didn't want to download and install.



Edited by zalternate
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yep that's right...new computer...got ubuntu...so get ready for lots of questions

icon_biggrin.gif Ubuntu , ? I thoght that was a laguage only spoken by teenage African hill tribesmen , or was that Urdu , ?

only kidding , keep us posted , maybe I could get weaned off of X.p .icon_biggrin.gif ,

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maybe I could get weaned off of X.p .

I lent my 70+ year old mum a Ubuntu computer for 2 weeks, while I reconditioned her XP box.... The complaints started lightly after about two days. Well since things are not where they are supposed to be.

But the praise from her for XP running so much better with a new harddrive and new graphics card.

Now if only I could get her to upgrade to a 20" LCD monitor, from the old 16" CRT.

But the new version of Ubuntu seems to be better than a couple of years ago. Haven't played with the new version too much yet.

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Thought you were going to use Windows 7?

yeh i was...but decided to save that money for now and put i towards some new hardware...like a new modem and router...and some hardware for my grdaughters computer...now it appears that i may be needing a new printer as well...not much in the way of drivers for lexmark...jury is still out on that tho...

k...now my first question...

how do you pronounce ubuntu??

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yeh i was...but decided to save that money for now and put i towards some new hardware...like a new modem and router...and some hardware for my grdaughters computer...now it appears that i may be needing a new printer as well...not much in the way of drivers for lexmark...jury is still out on that tho...

k...now my first question...

how do you pronounce ubuntu??

Ubuntu (pronounced /uːˈbʊntuː/ oo-BOON-too)

Plug and play the printer and hopefully Ubuntu will pop up a notice for you to get the drivers online if there are no local drivers all ready loaded in the computer. I do it with Windows all the time. Too much crap on some driver discs.

And if you don't need color in a printer, get a low priced laser printer with the toner cartridge. It will last for ages and no ink to dry up. Just make sure you have enough power for it, since they like to use a bit more juice to get fired up.

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  • 3 weeks later...

that you for the pronunciation...

so far i'm loving it...

You should try linux mint


Its Ubuntu done right on steroids

What lexmark printer you got?

I haven't found a lexmark or Hp printer that wont load automatically in linux and is ready to print 20 secs after i plug it in

The true plug and play capabilities of Linux are amazing

Way better than WIn 7 could possibly offer

Oh and the compiz and KDE windows manager blow anything that Win7 Aero effects could ever dream of doing

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I agree w/ you Dark, mint is tight. But hey, she's got ubuntu and were gonna have to hold her hand for a while, but you know what happens to those that stick with linux, they do not go back to anything with a registry, and soon she'll be holding our hands !!!!! Or many anyhow.

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need suggestions for an all in one printer/copier/fax/scanner my lexmark doesn't jibe...and canon doesn't make drivers for linux for their all in ones...any experience?? i'm NOT looking to spend 200 bucks either... :smitten:

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this any help?

http://www.openprinting.org/printers , Or, http://www.openprinting.org/printers/manufacturer/Lexmark

Drivers for Lexmark printers.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest jeffwalker9999

I too have an new pc loaded with an ubuntu remix

called Linux Mint

it is Ubuntu on speed / drugs

very fast

and so far like it

no major problems

Cox cable 12 megs a sec service here in Sin City (Las Vegas)

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 12409 Kbps about 12.4 Mbps (tested with 25598 kB)

Download Speed is:: 1515 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main)

Test Time:: 2010-07-01 10:40:45 GMT

Bottom Line:: 216X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.68 sec

Tested from a 25598 kB file and took 16.899 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 45.02 % faster than the average for host (cox.net)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-TCMFY5Z3W

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100423 Linux Mint/9 (Isadora) Firefox/3.6.3 [!]

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ive always liked Mandriva and OpenSuse. ubuntu never worked with my old computer's display drivers, so i never got a chance to really use it.

Tdawnaz, has there been any problems besides the printer issue? if not, i may end up doing a dual boot on my laptop.

it sounds as thought it has quite a few improvements from when i used it, now im very interested in trying it again. Thanks for your posts everyone.

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as far as i can recall, most (if not all) HP all in one printers work. and i've also heard of Canon and Epson printers will also work. but ive also heard that Epson printers use quite a large amount of ink.

from an "ubuntu linux hardware compatibility list" here are a few of the results i've found that should work.


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  • 2 weeks later...

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