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Imagine that , a "power outage " kills 50% of the entire DB including backups on a raid 10 setup ?

I have to say that sounds strange as hell .

Its really not that strange. It happens.

Remember raid is not a backup. This is why you do daily backups of the database and all site data. At any moment this can happen.

Sure things happen , always. At the same token , all the backups are toast as well ? So I am to assume that a site as large as they , have no off site backup , ready to go. As stated on there site , even the database backups are corrupt.

Makes no sense, and I'm talking about the entirety of the situation. They should have been back up within one day , even with a complete torch of the physical host machine.

What I'm saying is if there was a catastrophic ( severe and violent destructive ) power issue , how the hell did it make it's way to the individual servers. Any decent host has a very long line of protective physical devices inline to prevent this. Again ,makes no sense to be less than devious or malicious in some way. Just sayin my thoughts.

Sounds to me like a backup isn't an issue. When power's restored, so will everything on that server. That's lame that happened to them but I'm sure that they lost nothing. Even if it were more catastrophic I'm sure that they have multiple back up plans.

I personally have server imaging, local backups and network backups that my servers do automatically... and I also pull my own manual backups of key areas every day... then those backups are stored on two computers at my home, both of which have Time Machine enabled.


They're probably either being told that power will be restored quickly... or they're in the process of setting up another temporary server (that's what I would do if the host said it would take longer than an hour). --- Doesn't their host have backup generators? ...but maybe the redundancy was knocked out as well. I wish them luck, I'm sure they'll be back up soon. :-D

WHos Liable for the loss of info, revenue, downtime, etc.? Sounds like a Lawsuit in the works against the network/data/service provider.

Trust me, when you sign up for server... you release them from liability in your contract. Unless the provider has been contractually obligated you can't sue for that.

He's doing a good job of updating everything in the distress https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kll86bDn_MgWoo6Ja7oHo_yvI0SCqggEvNWwPWIcrHY/preview?sle=true

I particularly hope I do not have to at any time deal with the gentleman that assumed the disks were hot pluggable , and yanked them with the power on ( I'm assuming by the text , there not ) Then again , I have the luxury of assumption.

  • 2 weeks later...

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