mudmanc4 Posted December 10, 2012 CID Share Posted December 10, 2012 I swear to mother earth, If there be some sort of zombie attack, where people in offices around the world start chewing the skin from one anothers skulls, it will be due to windows non-operating if you can call it a 'system'!!!! How in the hell do you windows people make it through the day without hiding in the corner white haired and pure red eye balls , chewing your arm flossing with your tendons? Huh ? Tell me please, because I'd like to know how it is you can mass even the most remote existence with this POS hunk of old technology warmed over and regurgitated into your mouth. After years of playing with people lives, I swear , the 'programmers' that sit high and mighty, yea I mean stoned off their asses on alien crack -- ass crack that is, at micro talent , oops, I meant microsoft dick !!! How the raging fuk can a system not acknowledge THERE IS A GD PROGRAM RUNNING --DON'T DECIDE TO 'AUTO RESTART' !!!!!!!! simply to install the Wednesday 'fix' , which fixes nothing at all, geezus H pissant cok knock sonova goat herding bastages !!!!!! And don't try and tell me 'it's a setting' , IT SHOULD NOT BE A SETTING - EVERY OTHER OS KNOWS BETTER THAN TO SIMPLY SHUT ITSELF OFF !!!!!!!!!!!! An hour and a half into a huge install and mere minutes away from completion , windows simply fkng restarts demanding I 'do not shut off my machine' -- hey , sludge of ditch cat afterbirth --LEAVE ME DO AS I CHOOSE WHILE LOGGED IN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For the love of sphagnum postmortem petemoss get your squishy head out of your shaved carcass and THINK for a change !!! Stop caressing your testicles in the mirror while boasting your the most widely used system on the planet, when you cannot even bring one system together functionally !!!! Sure , people use it because it's cheap, kinda like that dude that smokes 10/1/4 shit, because hey, it's cheap right ? I despise everything about you micro-rot !!!!!! Yes, this is the beloved '7' , you disgrace the number 7 I'm telling you. Last known functioning operating system microshit sent out was 2k-server, after this it's been chasing it's ass around looking for a dollar to make another stoopid translucent placeholder to feed the people more bull tripe through a tube! CA3LE 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CA3LE Posted December 10, 2012 CID Share Posted December 10, 2012 Damn... MS pisses you off pretty bad. mudmanc4 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ybnrmalatall Posted December 10, 2012 CID Share Posted December 10, 2012 Lol ms doesn't make me that mad I am very adaptable Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pgoodwin1 Posted December 10, 2012 CID Share Posted December 10, 2012 HAHAHAHA mudmanc4. There are no real zombies. But there is MS. It eats a little bit of your brain every time you use it. CA3LE 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ninjageek Posted December 10, 2012 CID Share Posted December 10, 2012 I blame Windows 7. For many years Microsoft was about the only game in town. We fought with Xp, Cried with Vista, and needed a smoke after Playing with Windows 7. Sure Windows 7 May be the Fat Chick of the Computing World now, But darn it, She does a Fine Job of taking care of our needs without lots of hassle. We waited so Long for Windows 7, We are afraid to try something new, I mean really, Look at what we had to go through just to get TO windows 7. Now we are ready for a Smoke, and A Nice Nap, We will think about switching later. Oh we did hear Of windows 8, but when No one is even stealing it, We just find it better to stay with Windows 7. CA3LE 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tdawnaz Posted December 10, 2012 CID Share Posted December 10, 2012 so worked up...take a deep breath...and's just all virtual CA3LE 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted December 10, 2012 Author CID Share Posted December 10, 2012 Lol ms doesn't make me that mad I am very adaptable So am I adaptable, I adapted to OSX Damn... MS pisses you off pretty bad. Hey, we all need to open the steam vent here and again , I superbexpeciallectally enjoy waiting for an opportunity to spread the vapor in the correct direction , see the logic What a turd though, seriously, tell me what , if anything you can do with ANY windows operating system past the invent of NT ? Leaving out linking to all the social sites that pull your personal data out like a ingrown hair on the inner thigh - MS is making people less intelligent , look , I remember my sister made some strange claim about Apple years ago when she found out I switched, she says ' apple sucks, I say why ? She say's ' because it does everything for you' -- I was so speechless at the time I was stunned thinking WTF is she talking about ? I came to understand this is the windows mentality, some people believe that windows is the end all be all nike commercial just do it, when we see the layout over the last 20 years, MS has actually made it SO easy , to follow what the operating system wants you to do , that people using it for any length of time , don't see it , at all ! Strange Ever notice how so many people in reality, cannot even use windows without a desktop full of icons ? We really have to look at why this is. Most times when I get in someones house and clean out the crap they've downloaded to the point the registry is bloated out sucking memory like a vampire in a backwater vegas ally, endlessly looping around the HOSTS file while clogging up the already weak and open sockets that windows is still shipped with by default, in the attempt to send that binary clump of personal information grabbed up by key loggers , worming through the registry leaving turds, taking control over your address book and giving birth to baby slugs into your contact lists -- for starters ! The system cannot move past the splash screen after POST -- cleaning up some of this inevitably destroys many icons leading to useless tripe filled scripting, even if these icons are moved, the people freak out ' oh my gosh I have to re learn windows' geezus hahaha ERM , you never knew it to begin with pal -- if you did you would not be seeing me then would you ? You love it and you know it -- my bitching about MS hahaha HAHAHAHA mudmanc4. There are no real zombies. But there is MS. It eats a little bit of your brain every time you use it. Ever see the 'halloween' movie , where the kids all wore masks that turned them into brain pus sploogin' morons before exploding like a watermelon under the watchful eye of Gallagher ? haha Micro-crud built that mask! I blame Windows 7. For many years Microsoft was about the only game in town. We fought with Xp, Cried with Vista, and needed a smoke after Playing with Windows 7. Sure Windows 7 May be the Fat Chick of the Computing World now, But darn it, She does a Fine Job of taking care of our needs without lots of hassle. We waited so Long for Windows 7, We are afraid to try something new, I mean really, Look at what we had to go through just to get TO windows 7. Now we are ready for a Smoke, and A Nice Nap, We will think about switching later. Oh we did hear Of windows 8, but when No one is even stealing it, We just find it better to stay with Windows 7. You know bro this recent 'episode' started when I decided to go scrounging for the doom3 disks, hey, I should take a few minutes and have a jump out of my skin here and again -- yes ? sokay so install right ? Three disks , last one almost finished, cool NOT! Apparently, you must tell windows not to restart itself when it feels like installing an update. Wait right there, when the screen is full and you are actually working IE: clicking and shit -- seems you cannot 'defer' the auto restart unless you happen to see this. Dumb! so worked up...take a deep breath...and's just all virtual Bah , just wanted to play with something other then my increasingly thickening nose hairs -- I buy this 'won't catch / pinch or tug ' Guaranteed ' , tell me how this works while my eyes tear up from the device yanking a few fuzzies out of one of the bodies most sensitive areas ! Hahahaa Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pgoodwin1 Posted December 10, 2012 CID Share Posted December 10, 2012 Virtually anything (no how bad the design) can be gotten used to. I have only Macs at home but at GE before I retired, I had to use a PC. One thing that drove me nuts was that it seemed like no matter what I was trying to do, it took twice as many mouse clicks as it did on the Mac. And the thing that drove me the most nuts was that whenever I was finally able to find something command related, that I needed to use often, was always buried deep down in some ill-organized hierarchy of menus or buried deep down in some control panel that only had the loosest connection with the function you wanted to command. The MS organizational brain is not like mine. Maybe it's me. But the Mac OS and menu structures are more intuitive - to me anyway. Like I said, if you use something enough, you learn it and it isn't as painful. But when using the PC, after finally finding what I was looking for, my comment to myself was always "why in the hell would ANYBODY ever put it there?", and "what design review committee decided THAT was where it should go?" MS ruined Office with their whole menu redesign. It's an atrocity. I will never get used to that piece of crap. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ninjageek Posted December 12, 2012 CID Share Posted December 12, 2012 Well Mud, About your issue with the 3 disk Doom Install. I never install from multiple disks. One of my Fav games is Man Hunt, Yea, its old and graphics are pretty bad, Still enjoy playing it. I simply took each disk, Loaded it, Opened it, Took all the files and Put into the same folder, Then I put that folder on a external drive. Now if I wanna install ManHunt, Take that folder, Put on my desktop, Hit the install button. Works like a charm. Yea, with updates, you for sure have to check your settings, I have mine set to never check, then check updates once every two or three weeks, Or set it to Notify but do not install updates. Microsoft LOVES the reboot. I HOPE you did not take this post as a flame, or insult. Not my intention Sir. Just saying with Windows, Yea, can be a pain, but there are easy ways around most hassles. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted December 12, 2012 Author CID Share Posted December 12, 2012 Flame -- shit, I've got thicker skin than that lol, besides , anyone who takes advice gets all butt hurt on info on how someone else accomplished something is a little too insecure. I never though of that, since you only have to install once. Although adding the play disk in this way [or another] is done for several reasons. Hell, doom3 is what 07' ? haha, that game never really gets old imo. Manhunt, I'll have to look that up Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ninjageek Posted December 12, 2012 CID Share Posted December 12, 2012 I am sure you know, there are ways to play a game without the "play" disk. May be considered by some as "iffy". IMHO, if you payed for the game, you should be able to play without the "play disk". OMG, manhunt is soooooooo much fun. Its a sick and twisted game of hide and go seek. You hide lots, and sneak up on the bad guys, and kill them from behind. You gotta do it quiet. Its all about stealth. Sure you check out youtube for game play, lol. Now if if you like "adult" games. I mean the kind you DON'T wanna play with kids around, or even let the kids have access to that computer, to keep them from finding it, I will shoot you a P.M with a LOL kind game. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted December 13, 2012 Author CID Share Posted December 13, 2012 No , not sure what you mean by 'iffy' /b/ I remember hearing about a game like that 'adult' one , around the atari 2600 time, something about a cowboy and a farm girl, anyone know what I'm referring to ? Or am I showing my age -- well thats a given in any event lol Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
roaddogg Posted December 15, 2012 CID Share Posted December 15, 2012 I do not know if how many people know this about Microsoft / windows 8. I live alone and I am the only person that uses my computer so I wanted to remove the password from my admin account so I do not have to keep typing one in. I went into the user accounts to remove the password and I get a prompt telling me that I can change over to a local account or I can change the password but that Microsoft / windows 8 will not let me, Not have a password on Windows 8 for the Microsoft account that come with it. So I called Microsoft and talked to a support tech and they would not tell me if it could be removed, and I was told that it was their for my security , Now I think being 49 years old that I could decide if I want security or not. mudmanc4 this is another reason for you to hate MICROSOFT.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted December 16, 2012 Author CID Share Posted December 16, 2012 So do tell -- what is this account that windows8 comes with , where the user cannot change the password ? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted December 16, 2012 Author CID Share Posted December 16, 2012 Truly I despise you microsoft With such a passion I have to take a sh*t just thinking about using your products You put out complete garbage! The longer you are in business , the more the world sinks collectively in I.Q. not to mention the chances of people getting divorced, dogs dying , nationa at war, spontaneous combustion of forrests and rivers turning toxic from the bile spewed from fuzzy creatures that hear you are still peddling this tripe to humans. Look, if you were not raping people for their money , the world would be a better place. Why not do humanity a favor, close all microsoft doors for the new year huh ? Your existence is NOT helping. Open all source code, share everything you think you know, and let the people sort it out. Geezus H why can't you see this ? One day it's a driver, next day it's a blue tooth issue ,next day it's a 'virus' or a system failure that forces the user to restart the entire machine , NO other operating stystem has these abundant and flowing issues. None hello ? Maybe you could stick to servers, that seems to be your niche, so run with it. Let it go man , just let it go, it's ok , we all know it. goodwin , you are spot on like a lazer beam Let us explain this as I did to a client about their previous 'webmaster' -- take a look at your office, see all those files in places you know where they are, this is called organisation. Now take all the files, every one from those cabinets, and toss them in a pile on the floor in the middle of the room, now -- GO , get me the file rom client {XXXXXXXX} from project {whatever on march of 2009} ----- go , what are you waiting for ? Pick it quick we need it now ok there is an issue .......... That, is windows, and exacly the way the wanna beez webzmazterz left his site. (The sickening part is it's actually on linux and they did this -- uhhg makes me shudder) Now, as you get more clients and more paperwork, toss them in the middle of the room, but spread the outward all over, each time ytou access a file , just toss it anywhere. Outward. So each time you need to access that file, the pile is larger, so it takes longer to find, oh you'll find it, but what will you misplace or ruin in doing things this way, lots, hellow messy massive gigabyte windows registry -- 90% or windows issues stem from this childs room dump they have at the core of their system. N Not to mention how vulnerable {it} the mental {if{$bastard child} of a soft young boy with a dream -- that garage must have been a damn disatser} $registry={{it}}}} is, if people had a clue , no one in their right mind would even type their real name in anything on a windows machine ever! Let alone access anything on an external network from where they live. Look, take any other OS, it's called a heirarchy, main files and reasons for lower 'files' or directories placement. Where is this huge room to be filled from the center out ina disorderly mess ? Thats right , it does not exist, because reason takes over, the files grow as anything else in nature, take a hand written not, or a word document for example, you start at the top , and you work your way down, sop the file grows lenghtwise. Take a tree or a bush , it grows the same basic way (clause for obvious reason -- sorry to abuse you nature by trying to use you as an example ) Now go, and enjoy your day. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted December 17, 2012 CID Share Posted December 17, 2012 I do not know if how many people know this about Microsoft / windows 8. I live alone and I am the only person that uses my computer so I wanted to remove the password from my admin account so I do not have to keep typing one in. I went into the user accounts to remove the password and I get a prompt telling me that I can change over to a local account or I can change the password but that Microsoft / windows 8 will not let me, Not have a password on Windows 8 for the Microsoft account that come with it. So I called Microsoft and talked to a support tech and they would not tell me if it could be removed, and I was told that it was their for my security , Now I think being 49 years old that I could decide if I want security or not. mudmanc4 this is another reason for you to hate MICROSOFT.... Did you try this one? Sometimes .... google actually works. I don't have windows 8 yet, so I hope it works. Let me know. K? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted December 17, 2012 Author CID Share Posted December 17, 2012 Are you talking about a local account login, or a microsoft account , which logs you into thier services when you log into the machine roaddogg ? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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