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Whats sad now is what is happening. New Orleans is a total Anarchy.

People stealing wallets from dead bodies.

People raping and beating people.

People Shooting at evacuations people.

People Shooting at a Hospital.

People stealing TV and such items.

This is really turning into a hell hole..  Sort of like that movie Escape From L.A. or what ever it was called.

Im really sad. That was a very very nice city until now. :shock:

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Truly it is. This goes to show the true nature of people when they think no one is looking. Check out the post about on DSLR here: http://www.broadbandreports.com/shownews/67006

damn looks ghetto. imagine if it was a bigger city like Los Angeles, Chicago, or New York, more gangs more trouble, fights,. it would be a HELL

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The President needs to send the military in with any equipment they have that can help,Portable generators,Portable water purifiers,Helicopters with military food rations,medical supplies & military doctors ,etc.If the USA was invaded by a foreign nation I sure hope the President respond quicker than he has to Katrina.btw the hell with the looters help the victims.

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Terrible tragedy.........

Help the victims.....Prority one.

Shoot the looters....

And stop using this thread to voice left wing hate for our president. :(

Damn i wonder what would you be doing if you were in the same situation? looters that steal food to survive in a place where theres no help yet seems reasonable to me. But looters that are taking electronics and things that are not needed to survive in a disaster zone need to be punished..........

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I can understand the taking of food that would have just rotted on the shelves...I have no problem with that, it's the ones that were stealing elctronic equipment, tennis shoes, clothing, If louisiana had martial law that is exactly what the rules would be be, shoot them, that has a tendency to be a great detourant, it may be harsh but that's the way I feel when i see people like that taking advantage of the worst disaster in our history.

As far as the the president sitting on his ass, someone has been listening too much to the liberal side of the news, hell he declared a state of emergency along with the governors of those states before the hurricane even hit, and yes he was on vacation at his home in Texas when this hit, but it has been said over and over that there is nothing more he could do there than he could in DC.

And he imediately issued orders to what he wanted done , and he also voiced his disappointment on how things were not happening as fast as they should per his orders, and I guarantee someone got kicked in the ass for that and they are now moving at light speed to meet the needs of these people.

The reason I made the comment earlier is because I'm so tired of people blaming the president because they woke up with a hemorrhoid that morning...

Sorry if I stomped on anybodies feet earlier, it was not meant to be pesonal.

Just getting tired of this countries way of doing things, instead of just doing what needs to be done or is told to be done like by the president, they feel like they have to spend 90% of their time talking and 10% doing, especially when lives are at stake.

I saw a clip on Fox News and believe me Bush was pissed that what he wanted done was taking so long.

Again sorry for taking this thread so far away from where it should be.

It's all a very frustrating situation, when all I can do is give food items to a local org.

Where I wish I could do more and can't.

I'll shutup now...........

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MYRIAGON They just opened the civic center in my town to victims but I think we are about 900 miles from New Orleans so I don't know how they will get here.I don't I listen too much to the liberal media.It seems things are in gear now we will see.But there should have been military going in as soon as the weather permitted .Like the next day.& certainly some medical supplies & military doctors.If Bush did order it then there should be some court marshals over not following orders.We will see if we hear about those.I will admit I don't like Bush.

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The President needs to send the military in with any equipment they have that can help,Portable generators,Portable water purifiers,Helicopters with military food rations,medical supplies & military doctors ,etc.If the USA was invaded by a foreign nation I sure hope the President respond quicker than he has to Katrina.btw the hell with the looters help the victims.

i hear ya cholla...help the victime...and as far as the Portable generators,Portable water purifiers,Helicopters with military food rations,medical supplies & military doctors...goes...that all happened today...bit late...but better late than never...but way late...

The Katrina victims need help NOW! The American military is the way to get it there.I think they should suspend schools in as large an area as they need to house victims in these schools.They have many rooms & cafeterias to cook this way every community could take care of a certain amount of victims until they were able to return  home.Just one of my ideas .I think kids would like it too.

this cholla is a fantastic idea...seriously...send an email to the president or the red cross...or something

It's all a very frustrating situation, when all I can do is give food items to a local org.

Where I wish I could do more and can't.

I'll shutup now...........

there is one more thing that everyone can do...go to your local red cross or united blood services or what ever donation service you have in your area...and donate blood...especially plasma...but whatever, just go and donate...it doesn't take long...it doesn't hurt...and you could personally save a life...the blood stores will be greatly impacted by this disaster...could be your loved one in your area that needs blood and maybe it won't be there because it all went to the disaster victims and not enough people donated to replenish the supply...

okay that's my bandwagon...nuff said...well almost enough...


k...now nuff said

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Terrible tragedy.........

Help the victims.....Prority one.

Shoot the looters....

And stop using this thread to voice left wing hate for our president. :(

Could you quote "the left wing hate for our president".  Couldn't find it..........

EDIT:  BTW, When did you become a mod?  I guess I missed that memo....... :haha:

Tdawnaz has it.  Right now all they need is cash donations and blood. 

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cak46 : In my town they are opening the civic center here to the victims .What my city is asking for is bedding so there are different needs for different areas so people need to listen & donate in their area what is needed to help .Not to say that some cash elsewhere wouldn't do some good.

tdawnaz & cak46: The need for the blood is not so much for the victims they haven't been getting medical supplies or medical help ( at least yesterday it may have improved by today).The blood shortage will be caused by the blood collection

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Please keep this thead on topic..

As of right now I am not really sure who to blame.. All that is important is to help the people who are down there..  I am sure that there will be an investigation into the promptness of the response by some senate board..

Just makes you wonder.. if we are ready for a terrorist attack.. then why cant we put that plan into action??  or are we really ready?

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You would think a natural disaster would put petty political bickering on the back burner but unfortunately that is not the case. This is a time for Americans to unite, not divide. If people would spend the same energy to help people as they do to complain and point fingers, we could get a lot accomplished.

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Hyperspace Over all even though there is some complaining & finger pointing .I think we are united in general on the need to help the victims.I have done some finger pointing through some e-mails to some of the news agencies & other sites.Maybe millions more have done the same.Things seem to be moving now to help I'm not so sure if this could have been accomplished without some finger pointing.Nothing like putting politicians in the bad spotlight to get some positive reaction.But I do plan to see if there is something I can do as victims arrive in my city.

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You would think a natural disaster would put petty political bickering on the back burner but unfortunately that is not the case. This is a time for Americans to unite, not divide. If people would spend the same energy to help people as they do to complain and point fingers, we could get a lot accomplished.

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Hyperspace Over all even though there is some complaining & finger pointing .I think we are united in general on the need to help the victims.I have done some finger pointing through some e-mails to some of the news agencies & other sites.Maybe millions more have done the same.Things seem to be moving now to help I'm not so sure if this could have been accomplished without some finger pointing.Nothing like putting politicians in the bad spotlight to get some positive reaction.But I do plan to see if there is something I can do as victims arrive in my city.

I may be in the minority in my thinking but taking into account the massive scale of devastation and the logistics involved to help, I don't think the government has failed in it's effort to help (I don't think it's done a great job either but not failed). I'm sure when we look back on this we can point out things that could have been or should have been done better, but we must realize this is one of the biggest natural disasters of modern time in the U.S. and you can not help everyone in just a few days...it may take weeks or more...sad to say.

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